
Grilled Veggie Tacos


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I used one red pepper, two jalapenos, one poblano pepper, half of a sweet onion and some very firm tofu.

for the marinade I used white wine vinegar, tamari, cumin, coriander, chipolte chilli powder, crushed garlic and half of a jalapeno diced fine.

I let the veggies and the tofu marinate in seperate containers for about an hour then placed them on the grilll. I wrapped corn tortillas in foil and place them on the grill while the veggies cooked.

The poblano and jalapeno pepper I grilled whole so I could easily remove the skin.

once I grilled everything to my liking, I put the veggies back into the remaining marinade, cut the tofu into biteable sized pieces and removed the skins from the two peppers.

squeeze fresh lime on the tofu, assymble and eat.

so tastey!
all that is missing is the bacon.:brows:


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
If you don't like it, your probably cooking it wrong or using a suck brand.
You can see from the picture the tofu is nice and crispy from the grill. it had great texture and because of the marinade, tasted awsome.