
grind question


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
ive returned from the mtb realm for some legit street. anyways i was trying grinds today and i can feeble pretty well, but i can get a simple 50-50 grind... it seems like i either catch the peg on the ledge on the way up, or i get the wheel up on top on accident. any help would be great....
Jan 18, 2005
Tiverton, RI
ah well the only thing i can tell you about a double peg (or 50-50 as you call it) is that you need a bit more speed and a much more slippery ledge to be able to do it well. youll need to lean back a good bit more also. to help your problem go for the ledge or whatever your grinding straighter then you would if you were doing a feeble and it'll be a lot easier to to aim it or do like my friend and buy the demolition dumbchuck pegs that have a super thick plastic sleeve and slide amazingly well on anything. hope that helps.

off topic, i know, but what bike do you ride?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
i have a redline single x... its not a great bmx, but i dont have enough money to have a good mtb and bmx. its a pretty solid little bike, and im not a pro bmxer by any meens, so it'll do for now
Jan 18, 2005
Tiverton, RI
very true i started out on a 250 dollar haro and it lasted me a year or so before i started breaking things now after about a year and a half im on a siiiiiiiick bright orange fly pantera with all the goodies like a profile rear wheel and whatnot, haha its sick. just keep riding and youll progress pretty easily if you keep with it


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
yeah, all the urban/park riding is really hard on my p.1, so i decided to ride my bmx for street... i still wont dirt jump it though


Jul 9, 2005
The one best thing you can do to learn grinds is commit to it. Commit and fall, maybe get hurt, you'll learn much faster and much better that way. Just stay on your pedals, especially when/if you get to doing rails...if you don't commit, you're basically screwed....yeah....I know how that is. Good luck with it. _nicko_