
$$$ Grindstone day 1 $$$


free wieners
Local hospital chain, of course they are “not for profit”. Is building a new location in my town. Had a press release today that they want local photographers and artist to submit artwork so they can display it in the new hospital. Of course for free, but wait, they will give them credit below the piece of art. For fucks sake. They paid their CEO north of $3m last year, but want photos for free. :rant: :twitch::disgust1:

Thanks for tuning in, this has been a therapy rant session brought to you by Mr Ringle.
bUt iTs eXpOSUre bRo


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
worked in the morning; then had first "annual" physical since 2016. nopenopenope still do not like ye olde prostate check. late lunch, take kiddo to gym to lift later.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
worked in the morning; then had first "annual" physical since 2016. nopenopenope still do not like ye olde prostate check. late lunch, take kiddo to gym to lift later.
"We have state-of-the-art technology to 3-D map your neurological system, and nano robots that can swim in your bloodstream to detect and eliminate illness. Oh wait today is your prostate? let me get Dr. Jellyfinger in here."


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
"We have state-of-the-art technology to 3-D map your neurological system, and nano robots that can swim in your bloodstream to detect and eliminate illness. Oh wait today is your prostate? let me get Dr. Jellyfinger in here."
The finger is a remarkably advanced instrument

It's just that most of the body is inaccessible with it, unless you're a sadist


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
we use workday. i hate it. the format and workflow changes every year, so each time we have to use it, we have to relearn it all over again.
We use that as well and I just go through and click yepyepyepyep yaddayadda whatever makes it complete my self assessments.

Because why invest any time into it, when absolutely no one looks at it other than those two times a year when HR asks everyone.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
12 speed requires a new freehub unless you are already using SRAM xD.

edit: and 11speed might have clearance issues. i had to take a dremel to an xt 11sped cassette to get it to clear the spokes and actually spin on a first gen i9 hub
12 speed Sram NX is still on the old HG standard. I believe there are a few other brands like Sunrace that might have one as well.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Trust me, it's a thing. I once ate 19 tacos at a company event where tacos were free, didn't eat again for 36 hours, so I missed out on other tacos due to my snake-like digestion situation. In college I did the same kind of thing with shitty beer, but you can just puke in a bush and keep rocking, however I'm not about to waste tacos in such a frivolous manner.

At any rate, had tacos for lunch


free wieners
Trust me, it's a thing. I once ate 19 tacos at a company event where tacos were free, didn't eat again for 36 hours, so I missed out on other tacos due to my snake-like digestion situation. In college I did the same kind of thing with shitty beer, but you can just puke in a bush and keep rocking, however I'm not about to waste tacos in such a frivolous manner.

At any rate, had tacos for lunch
I used to be able to inhale a 24-pack from taco bell back in the day, now I shit my pants just driving within 5 miles of one.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
First snowflakes of the season flying down here at sea level...


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I used to be able to inhale a 24-pack from taco bell back in the day, now I shit my pants just driving within 5 miles of one.
I respect the fine folks at the sewage treatment plant far to much to attempt Taco Bell these days. Much less my teenage TB order, 2 chalupas, 3 taco supremes and about 9 refills of Mountain Dew. I was clearly an idiot in my youth, and should have diabetes by now, probably still an idiot but hopefully less obvious about it these days.