

dh girlie said:
Well with that nonsensical post of yours, we are only left to dream up our owndamnselves what in tarnation you might be talking about...
Dear Miss Missy,

We are aware that you have no need of our babblings to engender your hallucinogenatory reveries and your tendency to share them with those of us in your devoted audience.

Wishing you a very merry crisp nose,

Your devoted fan club,

Your humble and obedient servant,

&c., &c., &c.

J :D

dh girlie

johnbryanpeters said:
Dear Miss Missy,

We are aware that you have no need of our babblings to engender your hallucinogenatory reveries and your tendency to share them with those of us in your devoted audience.

Wishing you a very merry crisp nose,

Your devoted fan club,

Your humble and obedient servant,

&c., &c., &c.

J :D
Well...what the hell were you talking about? At least when I babble senslessly, I at least back it up with WHY I'm babbling...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
wow...who are you? My grandma was born in Oklahoma...and my grandfather and mom in Texas...however, I can honestly say I've never heard any of them use the word 'tarnation'.
That's because they rejected their Inner Redneck. You see, you are getting back to your roots.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
dh girlie said:
wow...who are you? My grandma was born in Oklahoma...and my grandfather and mom in Texas...however, I can honestly say I've never heard any of them use the word 'tarnation'.
Because it comes out sounding like "tanathun" when you have no teeth.

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Actually, British *is* English, you know............ ;)


I was cracking up the other day...I went to a concert and Franz Ferdinand was one of the bands and I was telling someone, they were pretty decent, and the person I was talking to said, they're British, right? And I go huh...I didn't know that...they weren't TALKING English! HAHAHAHA!

dh girlie

narlus said:
i like the term arse...you wanker! and just some advice. don't use the word "fanny" in britain.

I guess I don't like the term ARSE or WANKER cuz I worked with this uptight mother f'er from England that looked like a turtle and treated me like crap after I fended off his advances one night in a local bar where I ran into him...he was sooo damn hideous (had a jacked up grill) and he was all pasty, but he thought he was the sh it cuz he was in the British Airforce and went to school with Prince Charles' brother...like THAT impresses me...I have nothing against the British...other than him, all Brits that I've met have been very charming. But I really could care less about the royal family...I mean people think that Americans are obsessed with the stupid movie stars...well that fascination with the Royal Family is just as bad...they need to concentrate more on a dental plan than kissing the arse of the royal family...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
johnbryanpeters said:
And it means?
the C word. which, ironically, they use a lot over there.

dhgirlie, franz ferdinand is from scotland, which would explain the near unintelligible language spilling from their lips. ;)

dh girlie

narlus said:
i like the term arse...you wanker! and just some advice. don't use the word "fanny" in britain.

I do like 'pissed' for being drunk...another dude I used to work with was from Ireland and he would say he got pissed and I'd be like at what...hahaha...his name was Hugh...and one day I asked him if his last name was Jass...he was all...no...it's Corchoran...and I go, it's not JASS? And he was like NOOO...it's COOORRCHOORANNN...finally, after saying it over a few times, he got it...he wasn't even pissed at the time.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
I was cracking up the other day...I went to a concert and Franz Ferdinand was one of the bands and I was telling someone, they were pretty decent, and the person I was talking to said, they're British, right? And I go huh...I didn't know that...they weren't TALKING English! HAHAHAHA!
I saw a show on PBS once where they were interviewing Brits - they friggin' had *subtitles* for some of 'em. :D


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
I saw a show on PBS once where they were interviewing Brits - they friggin' had *subtitles* for some of 'em. :D


yeah some of them are hard to understand...but then again have you ever spoken to someone in Arkansas? Or Louisiana, like deep in the bayou? I was watching Trading Spouses one night and this family ran a gator farm in the bayou...I could not understand the people to save my life...they used some subtitles there...sometimes they do when Flava speaks on Surreal Life...and yeah..I watch reality tv...I LIKE IT!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
dh girlie said:
AHAHAHAHA! oh my goodness...I do indeed use tarnation frequently...even in every day conversation...it's a less abrasive (as if I am worried about being less abrasive) than using WTF or what in the hell...tarnation just seems...well...more light and whimsical, I suppose...
hmmm..lately instead of saying "Oh F**K" I say Aflack!

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Naw - the ones I'm talking about have teeth sticking all over the place. Not dirty, just gnarled.


I've seen em...

But they are all good natured when they have nice teeth and you tease them about english people having f'd up grills...I was talking to some British fellows in a casino bar in tahoe once...and they were so damn funny...but they all had nice teeth and I was like are you SURE you aren't from somewhere other than england? And they were like yeah why? And I go you don't have Austin Powers teeth!

Tenille (fellow rm member) and I were in a bar in SF and we were doing tequila shots and there were a couple of British dudes next to us...and they were like we've never tried TEQUILER! We were cracking up...we were asking them if they wore dentures cuz they didn't have austin powers teeth...and we bought them shots of TEQUILER! oh...and we taught them the lick it, slam it, suck it method of doing TEQUILER shots...and they called me LISAR