
GT85 as chain lube?


Mar 25, 2008
Chicago, USA
Earlier today I wanted to pick up some chain lube since my chain has been sounding a bit dry lately. Unfortunately, there was only one LBS open on a Sunday, so I wound up visiting them for the first time. The staff was incredibly friendly, but from the general atmosphere of the store it was rather apparent they weren't the kind of place I would trust with my bike. The only thing they had in the store as far as lube goes were areosal cans of GT85. Now I'm really not familar with this brand, and the label makes it look like much more of an All-in-one oil or WD-40. I've read mixed reviews online about using this as a chain lube or a general all-around bike lube, so I was hoping to find some more knowledgable information here from you guys :thumb:

I'd really like to know if this GT85 is a good solution for chain and general bike lube, or if I should look into something else. The directions also state that for best coverage of the PFTE additive that it shouldn't be wiped down after applying. Should I stick with this recommedation, or should I still wipe down the chain/lube points after letting it sit for a couple minutes? This is for a mountain bike, and most of my riding is done in northern IL/Southern Wisconsin. The trails are mostly dry and dusty singletrack and occasionally crushed limestone. I may also occasionally encounter muddy or wet trails, but this will not be the norm. So does GT85 sound like a good candidate for this application, or should I look elsewhere and keep the GT85 to sqeaky door duty? I'm very open to suggestions on good lubes to use, so feel free to let me know your thoughts.

Thank you all in advance! :)


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Equivalent to WD-40 - OK in a pinch, but get yourself some real chain lube.

It has some solvents, like WD-40, so don't get it on your bearings or any greased parts.

Also, I wouldn't use it long-term. It's not exactly like WD-40 in that it does actually contain substantial lubricants but it's pretty thin and won't provide any kind of long-wearing lubrication.


Mar 25, 2008
Chicago, USA
Thanks for the advice binary :thumb:

Does anyone have some reccomendations on some quality chain lube and a general bike lube for my riding conditions? Any products that stand out above the rest? I would prefer to find something that is long lasting, too. I don't mind doing whatever maintenance is neccessary, but I'm not fond of the idea of having to relube my bike before every ride.
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binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
May 5, 2010
I use only MUC OFF - have tried lots of lubes but this is the best. There is wet (blue)and dry (white) - do not use blue in dust!!!

White is like wax and blood great!