
~~~GTM Thursday Thread~~~


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
I'm up studying for a chemistry test at 9:35 AM. Hope everyone's day goes well. Here's a video I saw recently. Good way to start your day. Just when you think things are bad for you, you realize what you have to be thankful for.

My Friend Jason. on Vimeo
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Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Got to be on the right of way today. Had my guy out in the rain yesterday. They wanted to start another hole, but they called everything off because of the rain.

I can see the end of this project for me, and it is bitter-sweet.

Be safe out there.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hey. Tired and cranky this morning. I do believe I have a case of the Thursdays.

Windy day today with lots of debris on the roads. Speaking of which, I was freezing my tuches off while pumping gas this morning, and it wasn't even that cold out. I am screwed this winter. 200 pound Baboon = no problem with the cold. 150 pound Baboon = cold all the time and it isn't even cold yet.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Hopped on teh :monkey: early this morning before coming in to work. On the way in I started thinking I had made a grammar error and was sweating it big time. :twitch: I now officially live in fear of the RM grammar Nazis.

Today begins the great annual "lost and found" auction. The sort of stuff people leave behind on the airplanes and then never claim is astonishing. Hoping to pick up a tablet confuser and maybe upgrade my headphones.
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Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Happy Thursday. Waiting for winter to come back still. Until then, I ride! I'm getting out for a spin at lunch and then who knows what shennanigans I'll find tonight.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Damn. The economy really is in teh pooper. Worst lost and found auction evar. There were an alarming amount of lighters and butane torches available. Great job TSA! :rolleyes:
Bastards took my multi tool AND my Craftsman key chain last time I flew.

happy Thursday monkeys!

So not only am I the "new guy" by nearly a decade, but at 40 I am also the "punk kid" around these parts. :rofl:

i think I am going to like it here.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
wtf is wrong with the site today? Anyone else have a scrambled screen?

Other than that, feeling good today! Just peachy keen! IL9, you make me miss life as a teenager :) Please enjoy and continue to share so we can all live vicariously through your nubulous life :)


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My dad was nice to me today. Considering he had an excellent chance to be an azzhole. He was cool. I am hoping that this is a trend....


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
It's RAGE DAY! I'm pissed as hell. Finally my mate finished the presentation he specifically didn't want me to do for our client which he had 30% done on monday and finished it at 11pm today! Also I had to cut through a cracked bolt, have to pay extra 500$ for my college because of some stupid old hag who can't be contacted by email, phone or my foxmail so I have to pay for an extra exam because she decided to play dead for 3 months and now I have problems with the network card in my pc and some morons sent me only 1 ss wheel tensioner. I'm close to going on a killing spree but I'm to lazy to go to the basement for my axe and shovel.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
It's RAGE DAY! I'm pissed as hell. Finally my mate finished the presentation he specifically didn't want me to do for our client which he had 30% done on monday and finished it at 11pm today! Also I had to cut through a cracked bolt, have to pay extra 500$ for my college because of some stupid old hag who can't be contacted by email, phone or my foxmail so I have to pay for an extra exam because she decided to play dead for 3 months and now I have problems with the network card in my pc and some morons sent me only 1 ss wheel tensioner. I'm close to going on a killing spree but I'm to lazy to go to the basement for my axe and shovel.

Call your Dad/Mom/Gramdma and talk to them. Say something nice if you can. You will feel better and so will they. Then you will have made 2 people happy today.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Actually the spirit of quarell runs deep in my family so I doubt i will feel better but I went for a short bike ride. I feel better now.