
Guerrilla Gravity, badass frame manufacturer in Colorado


¡Mira, una ardilla!
trail pistol now completely missing.
It might have to do with the Smash V2's launch?



My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
hey @mtg what's the challenge with Revved seatstays? Are you keeping aluminum stays for a structural reason? Too expensive to stock due to the modular nature of your stuff?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
It might have to do with the Smash V2's launch?

Now I feel the need to sell my Trail Pistol. Anyone need or want one? :brows:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
New Smash looks good to me! I'd hit that!

BTW @mtg you know that the Colorado Racing Green is Colorado State University colors? Green and Gold yo! Go state! :)

Montana rider

Tom Sawyer
Mar 14, 2005
I've been looking to replace my 10 year old (as of TODAY strangely enough) Yeti ASR-5 for the last 3 years (shakes fist at Covid supply chain management related fubar) and was thinking about finally joining the 21st century and making the jump to 27.5 wheels which I think points me towards Shred Dogg.

Too I'm light and fairly easy on my gear so looking for something probably more on the XC side of the spectrum re: weight and uphill pedaling, but from what I can tell most of their built bikes come in around 32lbs so no real weight penalty for more downhill stoke.

More so, I have a deathly anaphylactic allergic reaction to paying MSRP for anything, so I've been perusing the "outlet" bikes on Ridegg, and they have this build of the Megatrail @ 35% off:

All Sizes, Stealth/Metallic Silver, Blue Steel/Black

The Megatrail in size 2 seems to also fit the bill re: 27.5 wheels, since I don't think I'd want to fool with mixed wheel sizing.

I'm wondering if I should wait for a Shred Dogg size 2, as I'm in no rush per se just looking for a good deal.

Question for the GG tribe: what bike would you "steer" me towards?

Most of my rides involve an hour or two of climbing (I'm slow uphill and downhill) so I assume less is more as any of these bikes would presumably perform better downhill than my Yeti.


Montana Rider


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I've been looking to replace my 10 year old (as of TODAY strangely enough) Yeti ASR-5 for the last 3 years (shakes fist at Covid supply chain management related fubar) and was thinking about finally joining the 21st century and making the jump to 27.5 wheels which I think points me towards Shred Dogg.

Too I'm light and fairly easy on my gear so looking for something probably more on the XC side of the spectrum re: weight and uphill pedaling, but from what I can tell most of their built bikes come in around 32lbs so no real weight penalty for more downhill stoke.

More so, I have a deathly anaphylactic allergic reaction to paying MSRP for anything, so I've been perusing the "outlet" bikes on Ridegg, and they have this build of the Megatrail @ 35% off:

All Sizes, Stealth/Metallic Silver, Blue Steel/Black

The Megatrail in size 2 seems to also fit the bill re: 27.5 wheels, since I don't think I'd want to fool with mixed wheel sizing.

I'm wondering if I should wait for a Shred Dogg size 2, as I'm in no rush per se just looking for a good deal.

Question for the GG tribe: what bike would you "steer" me towards?

Most of my rides involve an hour or two of climbing (I'm slow uphill and downhill) so I assume less is more as any of these bikes would presumably perform better downhill than my Yeti.


Montana Rider
Shred Dogg sounds more appropriate given your described riding style, the Megatrail is a lot of bike if you don't need that much travel - which is normally built with heavier fork, wheels and tyres than a trail bike like the Shred.

Perhaps this might be desirable if it's still available, still has the OEM tyres it came with, so clearly hasn't had a hard life.
edit2: It's a bargain at that price, even if you have to pay a few dollars for a suspension service.
Last edited:


Customer Title
Mar 3, 2020
I've been looking to replace my 10 year old (as of TODAY strangely enough) Yeti ASR-5 for the last 3 years (shakes fist at Covid supply chain management related fubar) and was thinking about finally joining the 21st century and making the jump to 27.5 wheels which I think points me towards Shred Dogg.

Too I'm light and fairly easy on my gear so looking for something probably more on the XC side of the spectrum re: weight and uphill pedaling, but from what I can tell most of their built bikes come in around 32lbs so no real weight penalty for more downhill stoke.

More so, I have a deathly anaphylactic allergic reaction to paying MSRP for anything, so I've been perusing the "outlet" bikes on Ridegg, and they have this build of the Megatrail @ 35% off:

All Sizes, Stealth/Metallic Silver, Blue Steel/Black

The Megatrail in size 2 seems to also fit the bill re: 27.5 wheels, since I don't think I'd want to fool with mixed wheel sizing.

I'm wondering if I should wait for a Shred Dogg size 2, as I'm in no rush per se just looking for a good deal.

Question for the GG tribe: what bike would you "steer" me towards?

Most of my rides involve an hour or two of climbing (I'm slow uphill and downhill) so I assume less is more as any of these bikes would presumably perform better downhill than my Yeti.


Montana Rider
I had (for sale: https://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/3558366/ and willing to haggle a bit on price) a Megatrail that I mostly ran in 155mm travel mode and mullet. This is definitely an efficient climber, and could be built up lighter if that's all your trails need. I could see running it with a tall lower headset cup, 160mm fork (like a Lyrik or 36), and 155mm rear mode with like 28% sag and an air shock. That would get you a really efficient climber that still has enough travel to soak up poor line choices descending. Like the old Bronson. That 32 lbs number is probably without pedals and rounding down. My builds slowly grew from like 33.5 lbs to around 35 lbs as I made it more and more burly.

Shred Dogg would have lower BB and shorter rear end. I'd think both of those would make it a worse climber, especially on steep or ledgy climbs, but no personal experience.


Sep 13, 2019
If your climbing is mostly all at once there probably isn’t a disadvantage to the mega trail. But if it’s like here in New England where it’s all rolling trail I wouldn’t consider anything with more travel than the shredd dogg, probably better on a pistola.

Montana rider

Tom Sawyer
Mar 14, 2005
Shred Dogg sounds more appropriate given your described riding style, the Megatrail is a lot of bike if you don't need that much travel - which is normally built with heavier fork, wheels and tyres than a trail bike like the Shred.

Perhaps this might be desirable if it's still available, still has the OEM tyres it came with, so clearly hasn't had a hard life.
edit2: It's a bargain at that price, even if you have to pay a few dollars for a suspension service.
Nice call -- a bit iffy on used crabon, but it does seem gently used.

I O U a cold one ;)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 21, 2002
Northern California
@mtg @marshalolson - question on the Smash V2. Marketing says chainstays are 6mm longer and are listed at 440mm. However, when the Rev Smash V1 first came out chainstays were listed at 434mm, then the listed length was changed to 440mm (but it was communicated that it was just a change in measurement due to a different build). So...is the chainstay length on the new version actually different than the previous version?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
On a more positive note….I rode the piss out of my trail pistol today at Sun Valley. I could have used some more travel a few times but it did excellent.
Feb 21, 2020
SoCo Western Slope
Rumors the last few years that Revved/GG was going to start making carbon frames/parts for other bike companies....maybe they did some big infrastructure investing only to have the other companies pull the plug/scale back amid the massive overstock and drop in demand.

Recently got a Haas lathe installed where I work, the Haas tech said they have done lots of business with GG. They have a slew of machine tools. Those things aren't cheap.