
Guess What!?

As of last saturday, and as soon as I finish my YMCA cpr lessons, i will be a certified Spin class trainer. I took my class last saturday, couldnt spin though...but I am able to teach. I may actually get in better shape some day... :) It sucked though, i couldnt ride with everyone, cuase my injury...But anyone want to come take spin class let me know and I will get you in. And I will be taking more trainer class, to help get in better shape....

AND..today they pulled all 25 staples out..It hurts all over again! :dead:


p.s. Im on percocett and all loopy....:)


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
oh crap!
bibs in good shape means he will get faster!....must work out...must not let bibs beat me next year...ahhhhhh

more than anything i'm just jelouse that you get to stare at hotties in spandex :eviltongu


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
What do they say, "Those who can, do. Those who can't teach."

I remember getting my staples out. There is a right way and a wrong way. It hurts like hell if you do it wrong. I got so tired of incompetent interns doing it, that I started doing it myself. If done right, you don't even feel it.

Oh, Yeah. I'm in for spinning. Keep me updated with times, locs, etc.


Mar 17, 2002
Everett, Wa
bibs said:
p.s. Im on percocett and all loopy....:)
Ahh what does the percocett have to do with you being loopy? I thought that was kind of the norm. :D

Getting staples out sucks but still it's nice to have them out. Get better Bibs.


Turbo Monkey
Glad to hear you won't be setting metal-detectors off with your ass, Cory! Odd, ran into AJ @ SST today and was asking about you - your ears must have been ringing.
I don't think I could ever do a spin class - something about pedaling my ass off and not going anywhere. Human-hamster-wheel in a sense.
Besides, I have a nice road bike I take for spins. It's a good recovery tool after some hard seshes, you see a constantly changing landscape and it really does wonders for my cardio-vascular...unlike that smoking thing I do.
:evil: :nope:

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
so bibs, can you not work out cause of the risk of rippage? is it the skin that hurts? still on drugs?

i'd try your spin class. i've only done one once before and that was a frightening experience. my friend and i signed up and thought it'd be real chill, kinda fun, so we were goofing around and getting ready. then i walked over to this lady there and asked if she had done the class before and what was it like and she gave us this evil look and said, "well, be prepared to work, this isn't some high-school cheerleading class, you know..."

so, yeah, let us know the dets. when you get 'em, i need to work through my fear of pedaling


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Two weeks is good.
My dad isn't even allowed to run/drive/lift stuff, and he's into this for l;ike 80 days so far.
Back surgery
Nov 21, 2003
oly said:
Actually older chicks are called chickens........
Hey watch it with the OLDer chicks comments...

Cory, you go BOY!

Spinning is a great workout and if you have a HOT instructor, it can make it interesting. :devil:

Are you going to wear tights? Chaps? Chaps would be great with your injury! :D