
Guess who? (bush vs dean)


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
  • this gun-freak governor earned an "A" rating from the NRA for his support for the 2nd Ammendment, while the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence decried his "backward thinking" & said he was "wrong for the White House"
  • this SUV driving governor - not wanting nuclear waste to vex his affluent white constituents - tried shipping it to the poor Hispanic border town of Sierra Blanca, TX.
  • this budget balancing governor was accused by his state auditor of "cutting programs for the needy, things like wheelchairs & artificial limbs"
  • this porn-fighting governor signed a law used to try to keep the ACLU from publishing information about sexuality on the 'net. ACLU condemned his "attack on the 1st Ammendment"
  • this tough-talking (& non-PC) governor said that if welfare recipents "had any self-esteem, they'd be working". Liberals howled in outrage
  • this crime-hating governor criticized bleeding heart judges, toughened sentencing, jammed prisons & suggested that execution of an innocent was an acceptable risk of capital punishment.
  • this draft dodging governor, whose upper-crust Republican bakground, powerful father, & education at Yale didn't keep him from sliding into alcoholism, acts folksy but is out of touch w/ the average Amercan, critics complain
if you guessed Dr Howard Dean for each, reward yourself with a krusty burger.

This changes everything...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
let's just say he's moved up the short list.

fyi, i wanted Kemp, closely followed by McCain, to win the GOP nomination for the '00 election.


Jul 27, 2003
Lake Elsinore, CA
You sound like you plagarized a DNC ad or something!
All that is, is more soundbite political bashing that gives no context or substance.
I mean come on - taking away wheelchairs and artificial limbs?
HAHAHAHA! Yeah that's what he wanted to do!
Give me a break.
That's as cheeseball a statement as when they kept telling us here in California that if they didn't triple our car registration fees that they would have to layoff police and fire personel. As if there was just absolutely nowhere else to trim or cut!

They also have claimed that Bush cut spending for military housing, and it is actually true. He didn't sign legislation that would have spent $300,000,000 on housing for 5000 single soldiers!!! Not a very economical use of funds I'd say is an understatement, but that's what was sent to him to sign.
Context is everything! To quote a true statement out of context like that is the worst kind of dishonesty.

It's just cheap, suckerpunch politics that shouldn't be given a second thought until someone puts the facts together.

I could put together the same type of list of soundbite praises for the Bush administration (or against any number of liberals for that matter) that you, I'm sure, would find just as rediculous. If you want to debate policy, fine, step right up. But baseless bashing won't stand up when you don't have to worry about the next commercial break coming up and have time to hash it all out.

I am editing this to admit that I hastily responded before reading the followup posts and may be misunderstanding the purpose of your post. If so, I apologize. I just really hate the soundbite tactics!


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by johnbryanpeters
Whatever the purpose, it's presented as sound bite propaganda, without enough information to reasonably present or discuss the issues.

ding! ding! ding!

that's right, boys & girls. This was meant to illustrate that we should do our homework. And, that you can't pigeonhole Dean (as i've been guilty of)

now spread out...