
Guess Who's Being Treated for Rabies ?


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Is it illegal to FedEx a possibly rabid cat to the good folks at Peta ?
PETA isn't as crazy as the SPCA or the Humane Society in this regard. They do not support TNR (which has little scientific support), they support euthanizing unwanted feral animals:

APP said:
In reference to the Jan. 25 letter, "Killing of feral cats inhumane solution," the writer is right that something needs to be done to help feral cats in Monmouth County.

But while trap-neuter-release programs help prevent the births of more feral cats; they do nothing to save animals that are already struggling to survive.

Many feral cats have contagious diseases such as feline herpes virus, conjunctivitis, feline AIDS and even rabies. Homeless cats often suffer puncture wounds, broken bones and other injuries after being attacked by other animals, hit by cars or abused by cruel people.

Municipalities often have to spend time and money investigating citizen cruelty complaints when frustrated property owners resort to poison, guns and other cruel means to get rid of feral cats. More money must be spent on rabies vaccines when people are bitten or scratched by feral cats that cannot be contained and tested.

Birds and other wild animals also suffer when they're batted around, punctured and torn apart by homeless cats. Feeding cats does not kill their natural instincts to hunt.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) supports animal-control officers who rescue homeless cats and bring them to shelters, even if a painless and dignified death is the best that can be provided there.

Monmouth County residents can help cats by having their animal companions spayed or neutered: Every unsocialized, homeless cat originated from an unaltered animal that was abandoned or allowed to roam outdoors.

For more information, visit www.PETA.org.

Teresa Chagrin
PETA animal care and control specialist
Norfolk, Va.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
So I got the 10th shot today, and surprise, didn't feel up to riding. I'm tired and my arms feel like they're full of lead. Took a nap and slept till 7:30pm then went to dinner which was followed by a 3hr nap. No wonder house cats get so fat.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
How long does it take before they realize the injections have failed, and you begin biting people?
Not sure, but I have always believed I would survive the zombie apocolypse. Just never thought it would begin with me though.

A little while ago I got really frustrated with a spool of twine. Is this the start of the End of Times ?