
Guided by Voices! - Thanks Narlus!!


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Narlus, being the super cool Monkey that he is, made me a couple of CDs of music by Guided By Voices and I gotta tell you I'm really digging these CDs!!

I've been playing them more and more and there is just something about this group that draws me in. I can't put my finger on it yet, but I'm diggin it. :dancing: :thumb:

Thanks Narlus!!

What are some other bands like GBV that I should keep an eye or ear out for?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
damn, i missed that ACL viewing but i'm imagining that it'll show up on bittorrent at some point. they also rocked out on the conan o'brien show a couple months ago.

sadly this version is over (leader bob pollard disbanded GBV at the end of '04), but he'll still put out music (i've got an advance copy of his next release, and it's good to great) as he was always the prime creative force behind the band.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
well i guess "indie rock" is a broad brush stroke but they have so many influences which aren't typical indie rock fare (prog stuff like genesis, soft machine, etc). they did the lo-fi / studio f*ckery bit and then also made the big sounding rock anthem records. hard to say. check out www.gbvdb.com for a very extensive database.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
narlus said:
well i guess "indie rock" is a broad brush stroke but they have so many influences which aren't typical indie rock fare (prog stuff like genesis, soft machine, etc). they did the lo-fi / studio f*ckery bit and then also made the big sounding rock anthem records. hard to say. check out www.gbvdb.com for a very extensive database.

Yeah I hear touches of indie, garage rock, prog rock, even some alternative sounds,.........it all blends together so well in my opinion.

Man why had I never heard of GBV before? Another plus for surfin the Monkey I guess!