Vertebrates embryos are not developed, viable separate beings - its a medical fact. They cannot survive outside of the uterus of the mother (or egg depending on species) and their organ systems are not developed and functioning normally - this is indisputable fact. You cannot assign status above an embyro/fetus to some thing by definition is a developing and unviable. An egg is not an chicken, you can never change that fact of reality because it looks like one as it develops to an untrained eye.well, let's take that to its logical conclusion: since - as you & you alone state - authority is necessary to categorize, nor may you arbitrarily call it 'pre-human'.
this statement is absurd. does 'fully developed' mean adult? fully developed lungs in utero? survives an emergency c-section, living in the NICU for 12 wks? natural childbirth only? how can you state i cannot say what it is, yet lacking the same "authority" you feel perfectly at liberty to say what it is not?
And again you posted many times for the Iraq war on Ridemonkey - you are fraud just as I said and was repped for in my original post above by another long-time RM member who doesn't have a 30 second memory. Over 100K civilians killed and you supported it. That's not pro-life - those are actual innocent human beings and you supported their violent unjustified conclusion.
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