

Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
there are many stark similarities b/t bundy and, say, illegal immigrants, but i'm not so sure he's able to accept those inconvenient & relevant parallels.


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The Bill of Rights doesn't "allow" the citizenry anything
Sure it does. It ALLOWS a tenet of free speech without reprimand. It ALLOWS for the use of arms in the consolidation of a well regulated militia.

The original document ALLOWS the citizenry that make up the government to collect taxes.

Don't get all 'god made it so, the constitution just spelled it out'. You're too young and not nearly fat enough to pull that one yet.
Sure it does. It ALLOWS a tenet of free speech without reprimand. It ALLOWS for the use of arms in the consolidation of a well regulated militia.

The original document ALLOWS the citizenry that make up the government to collect taxes.
Nonsense. The most cursory reading of the Constitution plainly shows that the People granted the Federal government only specific, limited powers and retained all others, including but not limited to those rights specifically enumerated in the BOR (which were added shortly thereafter for the purpose of reinforcing those limitations).

They didn't grant the government all the power and then ask for permission to get some of their rights back.

Don't get all 'god made it so, the constitution just spelled it out'.

You're too young and not nearly fat enough to pull that one yet.
ad hominem


Sep 28, 2004
I love how every gun nut is a constitutional scholar, but somehow is not familiar with the concepts of "living constitution" and "precedent".

BTW, 2nd amendment talks about ARMS. not FIREARMS, arms, i.e. ALL weapons of war, which at the time included bayonets, muskets, cannon, and battleships. Please remember what inspired the Revolutionary War and the 2nd amendment in the first place: the British raid on the "well-regulated" militia armory at Concord.
"living constitution"
Oddly, I couldn't find that term in my pocket edition of Black's Law.

Don't you mean stare decisis? Didn't the acknowledgement of an individual right, independent of service in a militia, described in Heller create that?

BTW, 2nd amendment talks about ARMS. not FIREARMS, arms, i.e. ALL weapons of war, which at the time included bayonets, muskets, cannon, and battleships.
Damn straight! See United States v. Miller, 307 U. S. 174. :rofl: