My grandfather smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and he lived to be 96!from personal experience syadasti....the two people i have known who have committed suicide and had access to a gun did not choose the gun....
black on black violence means nothing on here.And back to zero days the counter goes.....
NIMBY.I won't claim it backfired on him but.........
I saw a blurb somewhere that Trump had basically the same responseJeb! says, sorry shit happens. See Onion Article
fear sells....Was at the grocery store getting lunch today. I walked by a magazine rack and I was a bit shocked when I realized the sheer quantity of gun magazines. With all the different varieties of magazines out there, a full 1/8 of the rack was pure gun magazines. The largest topic by a significant margin. By pure gun magazines I am not talking about hunting magazines, but solely dedicated to guns. Pretty much every one had cover with a tactical weapon, guns solely designed to kill people, quickly.
fear sells.... don't.Admit it, you people just like yer fuckin gunz..
plz proceed on over to the "is america headed" thread and continue the discourse w/the dtm gui. okthxbye.Just copying Steves reply...
Im still to drunk to type anything coherent... Carry on.
Why do you think he hates black people?
that's not the kind of gun violence he's worried about.Why do you think he hates black people?
i think this mass shooting fell by the wayside.....Really? Dead kids at sandy hook seemed like a thing for him.
Given all the singular deaths that occur from guns that he doesn't address, I bet I can find pretty much any example you want. So is it a safe assumption they're all not the kinds of deaths he cares about? Or is it that he focuses on the most horrific because they're well........the most horrific, as a means to get something to change. He did bring up charleston when it happened.
I mean really a press conference for every single gun death in this country would be its own full time job.
I think you try too hard sometimes.