
guys and girls....

Im done with Ridemonkey, today has pissed me off..Hopfully I will see you all around, but Im through..bye all! :angry: getting bashed by people that dont know me and dont hear me out is bull****....

look in the downhill forum if you dont know why..Im a crook now thanks to Dfinn..its under"special brake adaptor for DHR" or somthing...

Bye all!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
I thought Bibs was done with this site months ago after the D, uh woods thread about building b4 riding....?

No winners here.... Let it die.


Turbo Monkey
Why the hell didn't somebody tell me that the first 6 1/2 pages of that f*cking thread were the same thing over and over and over and over and over and......*catching breath*.....over and over and over and over????
I want a refund for the hour or so I spent milling thru that!!!:mad:
That is the main reason I would neither sell OR buy anything other than IN PERSON.
I am by no means pointing fingers, etc. - I just feel like I lost a large portion of my life reading that.
I AM sorry that everybody had to go thru what they went thru in there all the same...what a freaking mess, man.:(

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
bibs don't leave!

did you see the post he made on mtbr?? ahahaahahahahah!! everyone made him look like a complete arse-hat!

i'm sooo staying out of the blame game, but as far as dfinn getting completely out of hand with the whining....GUILTY!

still laughing at westcoasthucker's response, "wait, you hear that?....i think i hear a whambulance coming"

stick around...pretty please??


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
yeah man we know you are good for it and you tried to make ammends on the situation. dont let that guy get to ya cause nobody was paying much attention to him or siding with him anyway. i'd still buy stuff from ya.


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
sorry cory. ahahaa... I wish I still had that 1 800 GOT JUNK pic of you kicking people...that would have made a nice ending to that thread
bibs said:
Im done with Ridemonkey, today has pissed me off..Hopfully I will see you all around, but Im through..bye all! :angry: getting bashed by people that dont know me and dont hear me out is bull****....

look in the downhill forum if you dont know why..Im a crook now thanks to Dfinn..its under"special brake adaptor for DHR" or somthing...

Bye all!
Cory I didn't read the thread, don't have the time right now but if you were in an argument with Westcoasthucker as MB pointed out then take it with a grain of salt. That little boy and his childish friends always talk mad sh!t and stir up the bee's nest on here, as well as on MTBR. I got into an argument with his punk @ss before and was furious. There's some real doozies on this site that just like to pick fights for fun. Just brush em off, they are nothing but a bunch of internet geeks that have nothing better to do. Stick around man, we need people who build and ride on here to chit chat with.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
NineFingers said:
Cory I didn't read the thread, don't have the time right now but if you were in an argument with Westcoasthucker as MB pointed out then take it with a grain of salt. That little boy and his childish friends always talk mad sh!t and stir up the bee's nest on here, as well as on MTBR. I got into an argument with his punk @ss before and was furious. There's some real doozies on this site that just like to pick fights for fun. Just brush em off, they are nothing but a bunch of internet geeks that have nothing better to do. Stick around man, we need people who build and ride on here to chit chat with.
no no no. i didn't point out that WCH was arguing with bibs. he was sticking up for him actually! dfinn has decided it's not enough to go on and on about this here on RM and so he started crying on mtbr about it. go check it out, it's funny cause he (dfinn) posts this stupid post and no one takes his side and peeps just start calling him a whiney beotch basically.


Apr 17, 2004
That was the lamest thread ever! Selling online sucks. Consider it lessons learned. Sell to people you know so they and you understand the stakes.

On another note:

Biggins, you need to get Megan a better butt shot! :)


Mar 8, 2003
Hey bro, brush it off and get back here ,I didnt even read the thread to know that your a stand up guy. If you need any help with the situation give me a ring bro. :thumb:
Megan Black said:
no no no. i didn't point out that WCH was arguing with bibs. he was sticking up for him actually! dfinn has decided it's not enough to go on and on about this here on RM and so he started crying on mtbr about it. go check it out, it's funny cause he (dfinn) posts this stupid post and no one takes his side and peeps just start calling him a whiney beotch basically.
Oh... :nuts:

Well I still think that WCH guy is a punk :love:


Jan 24, 2003
Hey Bibs I'm with Kai, I'll still buy stuff from you. Internet geeks that spend more time on line than really getting out and riding are prone to wwwwwhine.Send the boy a copy of Itty Bitty Bang Bang and wish him well.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Hmm i read some stuff in there but then had to stop when i heard a mod on here tout off about how he makes sure he sells stuff pristine on here when i know for a fact he sold another person on here some new rims that were all scratched and basically told him "oh well". Hypocrisy haha.
And no i won't mention any names, but y'all know i don't lie. :sneaky: :p

What a bummer, there should be a Ridemonkey video conference People's Court or Judge Judy haha.