
GWB - a great one-term president?


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Bear with me for a minute. It's late... and I'm still trying to think.

For all my distaste for Bush and most of what he stands for, I won't deny that he has been successful by his own standards (and that of many conservatives). I have a feeling history books may be kinder to him than I have been, IF he only serves one term. Let me explain...

Much of my criticism of him is that hje lacks foresight and the ability to make long-term decisions... his successes are IMO short-term only, but successes nonetheless. Much of the long-term damage he has done (diplomatic, environmental, individual rights, edit: deficit, etc.), can be reversed with and by a change of admin. In the meantime, he has done a great "bad-cop" demonstration of power to the world, that could really aid a "good-cop" next president for diplomacy.

He has proven his point, and has actually left an interesting forein policy doctrine in place for someone else to pick up (and adapt to reality). I start the worry that the long-term damage will really start to outweight the benefits however, if he's allowed ANY more time in office. In addition, he has burned so many bridges at this point I think it may take a "good-cop" to carry the doctrine through... things such as UN reform come immediately to mind.

Anyway... ramblin. Discuss if you wish.

And N8, this is not an endorsement... more of a rare glimpse into my ever-hopeful and forgiving side.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by fasterTHANyou
i think that no matter how you feel about him, he's looking like a two term president...
I wish it weren't so, but right now I agree.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by ohio

I agree that he would be better off gone after one term, Ohio, if there were a suitable replacement.....but i do not see one.

All i can say is....John McCain 2008.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by BurlySurly
I agree that he would be better off gone after one term, Ohio, if there were a suitable replacement.....but i do not see one.

All i can say is....John McCain 2008.
Good luck getting McCain through a primary. The last thing the RNC wants is someone who thinks for themselves.

Although I have said in the past the two people currently in government I would be proud to have a president are McCain and Russ Feingold.


Oct 17, 2002
history doesn't care about the little things, like his speech impediment or his smug annoying friggin' expressions.

He'll go down as one of the most successful presidents ever (to date). History doesn't care about moderate recessions, health care or domestic security.

When Iraq is a growing, successful state in 10 years, people will say it was GWB that did it. And now, Libya is coming around? Fvck, if Libya proves serious about their claims before November, the Admin will say, "Look, see what our no BS stance with the world is accomplishing?"

The US would be better off saving the money on the 2004 election and just give it to him by default.

I mean, Libya?

Good lord, I can see NK or Pakistan/India or someone else coming to their senses -- perhaps coincidentally -- in GWB's second term. Hell, they'll put GWB on the $20 bill in his lifetime.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by Silver
Good luck getting McCain through a primary. The last thing the RNC wants is someone who thinks for themselves.

Although I have said in the past the two people currently in government I would be proud to have a president are McCain and Russ Feingold.
Zell Miller thought for himself but never got as much publicity as McCain the Pious. But then again he isn't the attention whore that McCain is.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by stevew
Zell Miller thought for himself but never got as much publicity as McCain the Pious. But then again he isn't the attention whore that McCain is.
BS. Zell Miller doesn't think for himself by any stretch of the imagination. He just does and says exactly what it takes to get elected in Georgia. He stays a Democrat to try and keep the black vote and acts like Bush's Georgia lackey to keep the conservatives behind him. Talk about a guy talking out of two sides of his mouth.