
had a great ride today


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
just an hour-ish long ride on my lunch break, but man was it a good one. For the first time in a couple of weeks, my head was where it needed to be and I was really able to get into the ride.

My loop is a very rough figure 8, where I ride the middle section twice (same direction)... that middle section is a good climb on a back country road. There is forrest on each side of hte road, and the trees overhang the road most of the way. It has been raining all morning and is still very overcast - looking into the forest was beautiful. The vegetation had a very soft, almost frosted look to it - not the high saturation/contrast green we usually get around here. There was some spots of thin fog - very very calming. Would be a great place to lose yourself.

I also managed to get in 17.9 miles - my longest lunch time ride of the year... my speeds keep going up, as do my miles... but my times are staying about the same. That feels really good.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
It really works out well, espeically when things are too crazy to fit in a ride after work.

I've got ~250 miles this year just in lunch rides - and I didn't start riding until the end of April when the weather started to improve.