
had my first run in with a car today


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
And when I say run in, I do mean run in.

I was on a busy town road, lots of intersections and traffic lights. I had just been stopped at a red light and was trying to get up near the speed of traffic. I was going about 24mph, had my head down trying to get up closer to 30mph... I looked up and saw the car in front of me turning right. No way did I have enough time to slow down, never mind stop. I got on the brakes HARD, locked up both, the rear end started to come up and I was headed over the bars. My head went into the rear quarter panel and left a good sized dent, then I finished my trip over the bars and ended up on my head in the middle of the road.

I'm a little banged up, but nothing serious, the lady's car has a nice dent in it. She was VERY nice about it all despite the fact that it was my fault. We exchanged numbers just in case and went on our way.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
For cars, rear end collisons are always the fault of the driver from behind.

I have had cars just pass me and turn in front of me, but if I caught up to a car and then it turned...

BTW, when I am going 30mph+, I usually take a lane just for this reason.


That sucks, glad to hear you're alright. I normally take the lane in those situations as well. Hopefully she doesn't send ya a big bill

<edit> any bike damage?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Glad you're ok and hope you're not too shaken up.

So you weren't looking, a car in front of you turned right, and you just ran into it when you should have slowed down or gone around on the left? Without knowing more it sounds like your fault - props for owning up to it.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
oh, how was it your fault?
Legally it probably isn't (though, seems like they can always find some blame to place on both parties). What I meant was that I blame myself for not paying attention. I was looking down at my pedals, probably was lucky if I could see past my own front wheel never mind see what traffic around me was doing.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Glad you're ok and hope you're not too shaken up.

So you weren't looking, a car in front of you turned right, and you just ran into it when you should have slowed down or gone around on the left? Without knowing more it sounds like your fault - props for owning up to it.
Yea, that's pretty much the gist of it. I think legally bikers have the right of way, which I would have in my favor. However, I'm the vulnerable one out there... when it's me against a car I'm going to lose every time. As such, I expect myself to be paying better attention to what's going on around me.

Yea, she wasn't paying attention either, but even so... had I been, it could have been avoided (probably).


Oct 17, 2002
here's what I'm envisioning...

you were at a light, y'all went, you hammered, a car was driving alongside you, it turned, you hit it.

Technically, that's illegal on the driver's part. You're considered a vehicle on the road and a car isn't allowed to do that to another car.

No biggie, just sayin'.

The driver probably didn't expect you to be moving so fast.

You should have the title of "Flash", hey, why don't you have a title?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Don't feel bad, it happens to all fast roadies!!! I remember flipping over the front end of a Honda doing the same thing- turning right as I flew down the lane. The lady and the daughter got out in horror as I scraped myself off the pavement. It early in my road riding and you learn not to do it again.

PA is a defensive state, so drivers in the rear are usually at fault unless you hit past the front door. If the frame/fork are still straight and you're not broken, count yourself lucky!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Whenever I try riding with traffic in busy areas I actually take the left side of the lane. I'm probably reverting to motorcycle instincts but it lets me see better around the cars in front of me, no one can pass and on coming traffic can see me better so it reduces the chance of someone turning left in front of me.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
OK, so now I'm starting to wonder if my hand might be broken. Rather than getting better, it's getting more and more sensitive to pressure, and the tips of 2 of my fingers feel cold, which makes me think my circulation might be screwed up a bit.

We'll see how it feels later in the day, but I may end up going for xrays this afternoon.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
And when I say run in, I do mean run in.

I was on a busy town road, lots of intersections and traffic lights. I had just been stopped at a red light and was trying to get up near the speed of traffic. I was going about 24mph, had my head down trying to get up closer to 30mph... I looked up and saw the car in front of me turning right. No way did I have enough time to slow down, never mind stop. I got on the brakes HARD, locked up both, the rear end started to come up and I was headed over the bars. My head went into the rear quarter panel and left a good sized dent, then I finished my trip over the bars and ended up on my head in the middle of the road.

I'm a little banged up, but nothing serious, the lady's car has a nice dent in it. She was VERY nice about it all despite the fact that it was my fault. We exchanged numbers just in case and went on our way.

There is where it becomes teh fault of the rider, If the driver had her blinker on and turned the driver is at no fault. Unfortunatly thats the way it is when you hit somoene from behind. If one had been looking up, chances are, you would have ben able to stop. Remember three golden rules to riding any two wheeled vehicle on the road

1. You are invisible Period, Never ever think other people see you EVER.

2. If they can they will. IE if they can pull in front of you, they will. Or if they can cut you off they will.

3. Always make sure to have at least two ways out, IE<More for the Motorcycle> Riding in the fast lane when your right next to a wall, only have one way out if you get into trouble, so move to the center lane.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Apologies, i didnt mean to come off as a Dick and such. I am glad to know your ok, Get your hand checked out for sure, small fractures in your hand can do bad things if they dont heal right. Hope your ahnd ends up ok. Keep on riding though, Just be little more carefull in traffic


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
To this day, I have a hatred for 1987 Cadillac Sevilles. Those rear panels are harder than my head. I hit at 18+ and barely made a dent. Bike was totaled, I was concussed.

Glad to hear you're ok. Pushin 30mph into a quarter panel has gotta suck massively! If the bikes busted, that's just an excuse to buy a new one.


OK, so now I'm starting to wonder if my hand might be broken. Rather than getting better, it's getting more and more sensitive to pressure, and the tips of 2 of my fingers feel cold, which makes me think my circulation might be screwed up a bit.

We'll see how it feels later in the day, but I may end up going for xrays this afternoon.
get that checked right away!! If your circulation is bad and you wait too long you may be looking at losing some fingers. This is a serious issue, better safe than sorry. Heal us and keep us posted


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Had my hand and elbow (swollen, filled with fluid) looked at today - elbow is fine, just a bad bruise, hand is fractured. Nothing serious, just can't put any real weight on it.


Had my hand and elbow (swollen, filled with fluid) looked at today - elbow is fine, just a bad bruise, hand is fractured. Nothing serious, just can't put any real weight on it.
Relax, take your time. Make sure you heal before putting in some hard miles. Who knows, rough roads may irritate the injury.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
The timing is actually pretty good. I need a new rear tire before I can ride, then I'm on vacation all next week (no riding), so it'll be at least 2 weeks before I even have the chance to ride.