

Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
A few of my friends are performing at a Haiti benefit tonight; after hearing about Haiti for days on end I couldn't keep my mouth shut and said, "I do not give a **** about Haiti, stop asking me to help". Obviously my friends went ape ****, but after explaining to them why I don't care a few of them agreed. I feel that many Americans(especially upper middle class) are so consumed with trying to make America look good that they would rather help a corrupt nation that will never be able to do anything for us then help good Americans. Throwing money at Haiti to help them rebuild will not solve the problems that made it so that they were so devastated by the earthquake. I hate liberal pussies who think they it's their duty to save the world. I'm done being angry for now, carry on.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
To pissed off, sorry. I've gotten about 30 texts in the past hour telling me to go support Haiti. I have better things to do with my time and money. It's gotten to the point where I'm calling each person back and screaming FVCK Haiti at them, this is bad.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I feel that many Americans(especially upper middle class) are so consumed with trying to make America look good that they would rather help a corrupt nation that will never be able to do anything for us then help good Americans. I hate liberal pussies who think they it's their duty to save the world.
This is not about Haiti, it's about the people of Haiti. People without food and homes and jobs. People who have one more hardship to add to a list of hardships. People who need help in a very bad way. People who are no better or worse than Americans who have found themselve in the same situation. And while we are on that topic, what are you doing to help the good people of America? What ideas do you have for the liberal pussies who can't find anything better to do than offer aid to a people in crisis?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
This is not about Haiti, it's about the people of Haiti. People without food and homes and jobs. People who have one more hardship to add to a list of hardships. People who need help in a very bad way. People who are no better or worse than Americans who have found themselve in the same situation. And while we are on that topic, what are you doing to help the good people of America? What ideas do you have for the liberal pussies who can't find anything better to do than offer aid to a people in crisis?
Minus the first sentence, this could just as easily describe any other third world nation.

That being said, I have 2 comments to add to this:

1) The Haitian government knew there was the potential for this kind of catastrophe for years. What did they do? Nothing. Granted, I don't expect a full seismic retro-fitting of all structures in the country, but it costs relatively little to formulate a plan of action in the event of an emergency/natural disaster.

2) In regards to the buildings - they will built VERY poorly. And guess what? They're rebuilding again already, and they're building VERY POORLY, using the same slipshod techniques that contributed to the current situation. If you don't learn from experience, well, natural selection is a bitch.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Minus the first sentence, this could just as easily describe any other third world nation.
It could be anywhere, not just a third world nation. That was kind of the point. It's not about the nation, it's about the people. I hope that you are fortunate enough to live in an area that is totally prepared for a catastrophic event. I would hate for "natural" selection to bitch slap you.


May 20, 2002
This is not about Haiti, it's about the people of Haiti. People without food and homes and jobs. People who have one more hardship to add to a list of hardships. People who need help in a very bad way. People who are no better or worse than Americans who have found themselve in the same situation. And while we are on that topic, what are you doing to help the good people of America? What ideas do you have for the liberal pussies who can't find anything better to do than offer aid to a people in crisis?

It could be anywhere, not just a third world nation. That was kind of the point. It's not about the nation, it's about the people. I hope that you are fortunate enough to live in an area that is totally prepared for a catastrophic event. I would hate for "natural" selection to bitch slap you.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Minus the first sentence, this could just as easily describe New Orleans.

2) In regards to the buildings - they will built VERY poorly. And guess what? They're rebuilding again already, and they're building VERY POORLY, using the same slipshod techniques that contributed to the current situation. If you don't learn from experience, well, natural selection is a bitch.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i think it comes down to this: compassion. you either have it or you don't. regardless of political views, GDP, whether or not the government was worthless......there are still hundreds of thousands of people suffering far worse than you could ever imagine. should they be cast aside and "punished" just because they were born there? not everyone is blessed to live in such a wealthy nation.

....and i'm not even close to being a whiny liberal


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Minus the first sentence, this could just as easily describe Florida

2) In regards to the buildings - they will built VERY poorly. And guess what? They're rebuilding again already, and they're building VERY POORLY, using the same slipshod techniques that contributed to the current situation. If you don't learn from experience, well, natural selection is a bitch.
Fixed again. Yep, Hurricane Andrew did a good number on them...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
I'm all for helping the people of Haiti to a certain extent, but many of these people who support Haiti are clueless, they have no idea where there money goes to. They're supporting Haiti for the same reason that they buy a new Mercedes. At the drop of a hat they'll donate for Haiti yet the concept of working at a soup kitchen or donating money to help Americans appalls them. Helping Haiti recover from the earthquake will not solve their problems. I would support helping the Haitian people gain control of their country and rebuild without corruption but that isn't what's happening. Say what you want about me but I'm not the run of the mill teenager. I donated $500 that I made myself to help the people or New Orleans, try to work at the local food stamp depot at least twice a month, work with habitat for humanity and put together/wrap gifts/care packages for the troops and people less fortunate then me. The whole notion that I should help rebuild an extremely corrupt nation before helping my own country offends me. Plus 43 text messages about Haiti since 4pm has kind of pushed me over the edge.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2009
I'm waving. Can you see me now?
Mericans want to feel good from a safe distance. i.e. donating money through a church in their white neighborhood. The church then sends the black janitor to give the money to give it to a black church who will give it the people of the Ghetto.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It could be anywhere, not just a third world nation. That was kind of the point. It's not about the nation, it's about the people.
Then what about the people in Zimbabwe? Where's Jay-Z's single raising money for them? Where's the telethon to raise money for all the children who work in sweatshops in southeast asia - so they can quit their jobs and go to school?

Haiti was fvcked before the earthquake. It was (and still is) the poorest country in the western hemisphere. As of 2003 more than three quarters of the population lived below the poverty line. Many people were so destitute they were literally eating mud to survive. Where was all the sympathy then?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
There are more people in our country that need help than in Haiti. How about we help internally before helping externally...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
The whole notion that I should help rebuild an extremely corrupt nation before helping my own country offends me.

if anything i feel less compassion for those living in the US who need help because theyre in freedomland, which means they have access to things we consider basic such as food and water. haitians, on the other hand, were eating mud cakes before this even happened.

choosing to support those who are in a substantially better situation while hating dem black folk based on nothing but spite for what appears to be an issue with the government that you have applied to an entire nation of people is just ****ed up, man.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I'd support bringing in what remains of the AIDS free, alive, 18 - 22 year old Haitian girls without kids.

Wait, there weren't any of those before the earth quake. Carry on.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
A few of my friends are performing at a Haiti benefit tonight; after hearing about Haiti for days on end I couldn't keep my mouth shut and said, "I do not give a **** about Haiti, stop asking me to help". Obviously my friends went ape ****, but after explaining to them why I don't care a few of them agreed. I feel that many Americans(especially upper middle class) are so consumed with trying to make America look good that they would rather help a corrupt nation that will never be able to do anything for us then help good Americans. Throwing money at Haiti to help them rebuild will not solve the problems that made it so that they were so devastated by the earthquake. I hate liberal pussies who think they it's their duty to save the world. I'm done being angry for now, carry on.
you need to die ...slowly...in an earthquake in california.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
im sorry fortenndu. i understand you arent the run of the mill teenager and i understand that you are helping your community. but goddammit man you still have alot to learn. going off on people trying to help isnt going to do anything but make you look like a douchebag. and like laura said. this isnt about helping a government. its about helping people in need. are there other problems in the world? yes. but unfortunately we all cant throw every penny we make at making the worlds problems go away. so alot of people choose to donate when there is a major disaster. i dont see a problem with it


Turbo Monkey
Bummer you feel that way.

I agree, the media is giving Haiti alot of attention, but it's the media, what do you expect? I commend you on your actions in the past, you are right, not the typical teenager.
Of course there's going to be organizations pleading for money and whatnot. I also agree that there are plenty of people here that need the help, for sure. But I cannot understand how you can compare the two countries.

My dad just returned home from Haiti. He didn't get paid, he used his own vacation time...for what? To help the PEOPLE of Haiti. Unfortunately, most people here in the US cannot understand or even begin to grasp the situation in Haiti, it is extremely grim. Having grown up in the 3d world as we westerners label it, my dad felt the need to help, instead of just sitting at home listening to all the reports and media hype. He, along with others hopped in cargo planes and Dominican helicopters to deliver medical supplies and manpower to Port-Au-Prince. His team consisted of highly skilled electrical workers, and they restored power to many areas as well as help repair a power plant and set up lights at many of the tent cities. But despite all that, the most pressing and hardest part of the mission was seeing all the suffering; kids without limbs, without parents, and without hope. Tell me, if you were in this desperate situation, what would you do? These people literally had nothing before the quake and now? There are thousands of people from all over the world doing the right thing, I know that I am signed up to travel with my dad for the next disaster relief.

I think we here at home can only have a (very) limited understanding of what the situation actually is down there. I think it is extremely arrogant, selfish and hypocritical to sit here comfortably in our nation, where we live as kings, by Haitian standards...and complain.

As far as the corruption, read the history of Haiti. It's history is amazing, and it is a miracle that the nation exists.

Anyway, TGIF.

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A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I suppose following the same logic, then the people of New Orleans really got what they deserved. It's a crap-hole town filled with crime and dirtbags....that by all rights SHOULD be under water anyway. And they have the ability to just start walking and go somewhere decent. At the least the Haitians have an excuse that they are trapped on a tiny island. It's too bad Katrina didn't finish the job.......


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Then what about the people in Zimbabwe? Where's Jay-Z's single raising money for them? Where's the telethon to raise money for all the children who work in sweatshops in southeast asia - so they can quit their jobs and go to school?

Haiti was fvcked before the earthquake. It was (and still is) the poorest country in the western hemisphere. As of 2003 more than three quarters of the population lived below the poverty line. Many people were so destitute they were literally eating mud to survive. Where was all the sympathy then?
I think that you and Fortenndu bring up good points.

What about everybody else? And what about the **** going on right here that needs fixing in a bad way?

Here is my 2 cents. People (to clarify: middle class Americans who wish to support international disasters) are too far removed from their own "communities". They live in seclusion in suburban areas. They only sleep in their houses and neighborhoods. They work elsewhere; spend more times in their cars than in their homes and neighborhoods and shop at generic big box and sterilized chains that they could find in anywhere US. They are so removed from a personal voice, and individualized community and a personal history that holds any kind of meaning. But here is the kicker, they are still human and they want to help, they want to feel like they make a difference. And they CAN empathize with the thought of losing everything in a natural disaster. So they want to help. And Haiti is big right now and it's easy to help. You just give money. And you can feel better about the situation.

So what we are really talking about is people who want to help in some way being bashed for trying to help out. Or maybe we’re talking about there not being enough relevant ways for people to give back to their communities. If you are concerned with Zimbabwe and south east Asia then you start a fund raiser. It takes a ****ing village for real. All of these places need someone to champion for their causes. And the last thing that any of us should be doing is bashing the people trying to help. All that "If you aren't a part of the solution you are a part of the problem", it's for real. But it takes come real work to make a difference, not just a check book.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
The people of Haiti don't give a fukk about me, my wife or any of you. I'm sure when the twin towers fell they didn't give a $hit, when people on the Gulf Coast lost everything the people of haiti didn't give a crap, when people were fukkin crushed to death in the San fran earthquake the people of Haiti didn't give a fukk. Why should I care about them? I don't care, sucks to be born in Haiti.

I think fortundu is a fag but I agree with him for the most part. I have my own problems. I have a mortage, student loans, insurance, utility bills, taxes and I have to eat. Guess what? I make $200 a freaking week!?!?! The economy has gone to $hit here and I'm broke because of it! I can't get a new job because there are none!

The people of Haiti can suck on my poor nuts! I'm gonna help my own people before I help those azzholes.

Don't pull the poverty ticket either. Maybe they should fukkin use thier little brains and change something. The USA and all other wealthy nations didn't magically appear one day.

Blah blah blah I could hate all day on this BS of poverty and lack of opportunity.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
if anything i feel less compassion for those living in the US who need help because theyre in freedomland, which means they have access to things we consider basic such as food and water. haitians, on the other hand, were eating mud cakes before this even happened.

choosing to support those who are in a substantially better situation while hating dem black folk based on nothing but spite for what appears to be an issue with the government that you have applied to an entire nation of people is just ****ed up, man.
when did anyone say anything about "hating dem black folk" or even bring the color of these peoples skin into the discussion? you are not a jeenyus, you're an ignoranus

Haiti sent how much money to the people of 9-11? Or Katrina? Or hurrican Andrew? Or charlie, or the sanfransico earthquake, or the forest fires each summer, or the flooding in the midwest......
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Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
As a nation we have disposable resources to send. They haven't and don't.
OK, I don't disagree, but how many people of Haiti who are above the poverty line offered to help?

Funny, the whole world hates us, but we're the first to send aid to the whole world, think sooner or later we'd be smart enough to say hey, you hate us, so **** you.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
OK, I don't disagree, but how many people of Haiti who are above the poverty line offered to help?
What, both of them? :twitch:

Funny, the whole world hates us, but we're the first to send aid to the whole world, think sooner or later we'd be smart enough to say hey, you hate us, so **** you.
I do not totally disagree with this. However I do not think anyone in Haiti was or is burning flags and protesting the US. :think:
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Haiti sent how much money to the people of 9-11? Or Katrina? Or hurrican Andrew? Or charlie, or the sanfransico earthquake, or the forest fires each summer, or the flooding in the midwest......
If you are asking this you obviously don't know anything about the country of Haiti.

People saying the Haitians are the same thing as their corrupt leaders have never met someone from Haiti.

Their government and country has been broken for a long time and this earthquake has completely destroyed their entire society which was third world to begin with.

The people in this thread whining about US troubles in the recession in the context of the condition of Haiti make themselves look like jackasses.
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