
Half-Life 1 & 2

Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
2 is muuuuch better. Im not sure what sort of hardware you need to play it. i think maybe a good GFX card,like over 512 mb RAM, im not sure if the comp OS matters. but when i played it, it was on windows XP.


Aug 3, 2003
Charlottesville, Virginia
#1 was the amazingest thing ever. Ive just started playing 2, the physics properties in the game are stunning, as is the gameplay. Im still waiting for the plot to really get going.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
i have an 1800+ athlon xp, agp 2x video card, 512 mb ddram, blah blah blah 3 year old machine, and HL2 runs ok on my computer. it runs fine for single player, but CS lags a little too much for competitive play.

The graphics are astounding, and the plot really does envelop you, you finish it and want to keep going. I couldn't believe it when the game ended....but i was so addicted to it, it's pretty entertaining. There's one part where you're being chased by a helicopter on an airboat....like you're running for your life. I had to play it again to see if i missed anything. I don't usually buy games, but this one is worth the 50 bucks. It'll probably run ok on your computer, but don't expect perfection if you've got an older machine. I was quite pleased with the way it runs on my PC, but I certainly wouldn't mind a better GFX card.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Mattoid said:
#1 was the amazingest thing ever. Ive just started playing 2, the physics properties in the game are stunning, as is the gameplay. Im still waiting for the plot to really get going.
You will be extremely dissapointed. There is no plot to speak of. They decided to go for big flashy graphics and physics, and no plot/storyline whatsoever.

A complete an dutter letdown for what could have been an awesome game. It offers nothing new except the grav gun, which isn't that exciting after about 10 mins. What made halflife awesome was the storyline, HL2 has none.

Carbon Fetish

May 6, 2002
Irvine, CA
Half Life 2 is awesome. I finally beat it a few months ago on easy. I play Counter Strike Source time to time with the roomie. I'm running a 2.4 Intel Celeron with a 1 gb of ram and Radeon 9800. I think I get about 30 to 50 fps when playing HL2 at 800x600.


Turbo Monkey
Ok, here's my (yet to arrive) rig. It's the Inspiron 9300. Yes it's a lappy, w/ Pentium Mobile 1.86ghz w/ 2mb of L2 cache, 128mb Radeon x300 mobile GFX card, 512mb of DDR2 533mhz ram (thinking of upping this to 1gb - will need for school anyway), and a standard 5400rpm lappy HDD (they don't make a 7200rpm lappy HDD yet do they?). By what everyone is saying , this should be plenty to handle HL2. I know this is an older game, but how about the GFX demand of Unreal II? I've heard it's a demanding pig on GFX cards.

Edit: When I played HL1, I stalled out at the giant spider towards the end. I had like 98% health and unbelievable amounts of weapons and that fokker never died. Hell, I even ended up jumping to the other side of that wall and was shooting the damn thing w/ the RGP and still nothing. It was on the most difficult level. I might have to replay that, just to smoke the queen bitch spider. But, it was a gorgeous game and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up more than a dozen times. :D


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
I really enjoyed HL2. I like the game play in HL better tho. I cant stand all the people you have to drage around with you in 2. always gettting in my way. Over all, Excellent game. Amazing graphics.


Turbo Monkey
Well, loaded HL1 on my lappy and it's soooo smoooth, better than any desktop I've played it on. I did find a 7200rpm HDD for a laptop so I'll be redoing the system when I get that, and HL2 :D
I ran a PCPitStop full test on my Insprion and it scored a 1440, it was tops, but had nothing to compare it to. The only major hit was on the HDD which will be remedied soon. Oh, just for those who are looking for speedier lappy HDDs, the Hitachi/IBM Travelstar E7K60 60gb can be had at Dell Small Business for around $138.00 to the door & w/ tax w/ this coupon code: T$0DQDJ8X4N7M2 [Exp 4/13, 11:59pm CST]. It's a 25% off storage code from Small Buisness. Look in Software & Peripherals/Storage/Hard Drives/Laptop - Universal, and do a search for that model number. Fastest lappy drive there is right now.


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
HL1 rocked, but we all know that. HL2 was incredible, but not as involving as HL1. Still well worth the download. FarCry on the other hand ... best gameplay ever. EVER!!!! :cool: