
***Halloween GMT***


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. Going to a Halloween kids' concert that the Colorado Symphony Orchestra is putting on. Also have one or two rounds of local trick or treating and an exciting stop at the credit union to get paperwork notarized on the agenda.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I had me a 12 mile run this morning for my Halloween cheer. Hopefully no kids will come tonight so I can eat the entire 20 pound bag of chocolate bars myself. First though, lamb gyro with waffle fries is calling...


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Morning! Was woken up by work for property issues this morning. Something always seems to get messed up in ownership transitions, this time we lost all phones. Been working on it for a couple hours now and have peeps on site, should blow over soon! Then it will be time to run run run my sweet little ass off!! Holy hell the work has been non-stop for weeks, and I haven't gotten my exercise in in a week now! Time to burn off all the stress!

First day with new company yesterday went fine. The awesome pro was that all my tenants went up to my new boss to tell them how pleased they were and how lucky the company is to have retained me. As you guys know, I've been doing all the work there for months now. It will be nice to take some of the burden off of my mind and share with others. However, I'm still apprehensive about the structure they put in place. The con was when I reached out to the new girl who will be my equal in the office, and she wrote back about how excited she is to start training me. Uhm, look girl, you've got another think coming.

We'll see how it pans out! Gotta start some eggs and toast. Made myself an eggnog latte to start off the day. Nom nom nom.

Happy Halloween! Anyone dressing up? Dumping rain and windy here with wind and flood advisories through tomorrow. Should be a good one for the kiddos! ;)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Notarization fail. Apparently the only credit union around that has Saturday hours is not some secret. Line was easily 10 deep and not moving.

We left immediately with empty hands, went by the house site (exterior garage outlet still not in place, indicative of the problems not being fixed yet), and then headed home.

CSO is still on, though.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Mickey O'Neil costume is a go. Getting drunk and running around being incomprehensible should be a good time.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Notarization fail. Apparently the only credit union around that has Saturday hours is not some secret. Line was easily 10 deep and not moving.

We left immediately with empty hands, went by the house site (exterior garage outlet still not in place, indicative of the problems not being fixed yet), and then headed home.

CSO is still on, though.
Where are the pictures of the build?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I have a bunch of boring framing type shots in my ride pics thread. It's pinned in the NE forum.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I haven't rode the bicycle since Monday, so I made up for it (or tried to..) by riding two local spots. The wind storm the other day really fubar'd some sections of trail. We're talking either ankle deep in leaves or tons of branches down. I did what I could to drag a few of the bigger trees off the trail, but there needs to be some cleanup.

At the one trail spot, the town has been putting in some gravel paths throughout the forest over the last year. I guess today is one of the towns work days and they are smoothing out the trails with some equipment. I also discovered that they put in a new culvert drain thing to allow water under the trail. I must mention that this culvert is now where a big trail used to be; AND its at the bottom of this awesome sandy hill. I get that they needed to put the culvert there, but damn they should at least put up a sign or some sort of warning that you can't ride down that trail anymore, without risk of loosing a leg on the drain pipe.


Now its time to relax and hope that its a little sunnier tomorrow. More riding must be done!

Oh, I almost forgot. I got the "pug eye" from someone walking two pugs today. I am courteous and say hi to everyone on the trail. This witch of a lady just gave the evil eyes like I was the devil and didn't reply to my hello. Lol'd straight into the forest after that.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Get some studded tires. Seriously.
As cool as that'd be, I think I'd be better off going to a gym or taking up hiking over the winter. The single track here gets covered in snow and ice is more of a rarity.

I guess I could get a fatbike.... :ban:


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
As cool as that'd be, I think I'd be better off going to a gym or taking up hiking over the winter. The single track here gets covered in snow and ice is more of a rarity.

I guess I could get a fatbike.... :ban:
Every place is different. Our snow is usually fluffy for one day, then it gets coarse / melts / refreezes - skinny tires + studs ftw.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Poached a Turkey today using the tried and true lasso snare. Big old Tom. He had grapes in his belly. Treated him like a infidel and got out of there plenty quick. His Harem stalked me on the way out. I will get them in time.... Arrow!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Get a dirt jumper and head to joyride!
That's $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Plus that place sketches me out. I hate jumps and wooden jumps transitioning to hard concrete sketches me the hell out.

It pretty awesome to go and watch some of the stuff being thrown down by the kids there, though.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
That's $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Plus that place sketches me out. I hate jumps and wooden jumps transitioning to hard concrete sketches me the hell out.

It pretty awesome to go and watch some of the stuff being thrown down by the kids there, though.
A dirt jumper costs practically nothing in the grand scheme of things... You can get a decent used one on pinkbike for $500 or less... I haven't been to joyride, but I've heard there's plenty of beginner/intermediate lines there... More than my local spot (Epic) in Ottawa. Still, it's good fun, and great for skillz. Plus it makes you feel less old!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My Ex Rachel had a Halloween Party for the neighborhood kids. Her Son is Eleven and kind of Nerdy. He designed all these Scare effects in her house. Well one of the effects involved my black cat. So I lent him my cat. At first I was worried 11 kids high on sugar and cider. I thought my kitty would be shy. Well her shyness worked out awesome she just hid behind things and would spring up and run away. Freaked the kids totally out. It was awesome. I like the slutty wine drunk Mom costume thing also.

So while I was at the party the cat was wolfing down shrimp. Got right up on the table and everything. I brought some home with me. Put 2 in her bowl. Didn't even touch them? She was growling as she ate them there. Very weird. I am thinking she wants cocktail sauce on them. I don't have any however....
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Had neighbors and their kids over for pizza before trick or treating. They took off for candy while we fed out little guy and got him ready. Handed out some candy before we were out the door with kid in stroller and beers in pocket. Caught up with out neighbors for a beer and candy lap around suburbia. Some of the houses giving out candy were handing out beer for the parents. Good times.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Beat, Spent 5 hours on the water, caught one small blugill. Breezy conditions but my new fly combo was awesome, very balanced, it made for accurate and effortless casting. We got buzzed by a flock of Mute Swans, another of Canada Geese, couple of snowy egrets, a great blue heron and two red shouldered hawks.

Cory was using my wifes Hobie kayak and a bushing on the pedal drive broke. It would have sucked paddling into the wind chop but I carry a tow rope and pulled him through the worst of it and into a quiet finger of the lake for more fishing. Hit Bass Pro Shops in Manteca on the way home then the Kayak shop in Livermore where they installed a new 4 dollar part and fixed the drive. Finished the day at Dimitris having Lamb Giros

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