
Halo 2

Aug 27, 2004
ya theres like a bunch of people at my school that are going to skip because they are getting it tonight...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
golgiaparatus said:
Probably be a couple of years before that happens.
oh well i still cant wait. but its not like im gonna really care that i cant play halo 2. its just a video game. ill probly need a new reallly nice video card to play it anyways if it was as ****tily put together as the first one for computer.


Mar 17, 2002
I gave my roommate money to get it today at 12. The store around my house is selling it a day early. They were advertising 11am. But then Microsoft or whoever called them and gave them the business.

I don't know how 12pm is better than 11am, but I guess the gamestore was gonna get sued or something...

Either way, I'll be playing it tonight!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I've got 15 other dudes coming over saturday for some Halo 2 playage. We had a huge tournament last year.


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Yeah, I was looking for the Halo 2 thread...
I'm of two minds. I have it pre-ordered, and can go get it at midnight tonight, but, I have to work tomorrow, can't get off, so, do I buy it tonight, and then maybe stay up half the night and get just a taste, only to have it sit at home all day, or do I just get it tomorrow after work? Choices choices!
Still mulling it over.
Though I am STOKED that the day is finally here! Been playing Bungie games since Marathon back in the day...



Sep 22, 2004
Craw said:
I gave my roommate money to get it today at 12. The store around my house is selling it a day early. They were advertising 11am. But then Microsoft or whoever called them and gave them the business.

I don't know how 12pm is better than 11am, but I guess the gamestore was gonna get sued or something...

Either way, I'll be playing it tonight!
Breaking street dates on CD, DVD, and video game sales is worth about 5Gs per offense. Not really worth the fine for the store to do that.


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
We've got it pre-ordered at work, so it should be in tomorrow when I get there. I'm a Youth Development worker. You gotta love that kind of youth development. :)


Mar 17, 2002
gschuette said:
Breaking street dates on CD, DVD, and video game sales is worth about 5Gs per offense. Not really worth the fine for the store to do that.
Totally. I think the store had made a prior agreement with the company and distributors beforehand. But I may be wrong, I don't work there.

All I know is that my roommate called me, and he's already playing it! I could hear it in the background.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I'm looking forward to picking up Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault when I get some change lying around.


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
I work with a couple of guys that have been playing H2 since it's Alpha release. They've been talking about it non-stop after Microsoft removed the gag. Should be a lot of fun.


Aug 7, 2004
hahaha, i went with my friend last night to get it. i dont play... BUT I GOT MY PIC TAKEN WITH MASTERCHIEF HIMSELF! IT WAS TIGHT AS HELL! hes famous!


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
damn you guys, i've got to wait till thursday for its UK release, and then there no guarentee that i will even get it, as i havnt pre-ordered.

cant waitto play co-op legendary with my buddy, its so much fun,
i can imagine the in game conversation now.
me - aaarrrghh its the gold guy!!!!! RUN!!!!
me - *throws grenade* "grenade!!!"
him - "where?"
me - "there!!!"
him - "i cant see it!!!!!!!"
him - *BANG!!!!!!* "asshole!!!"
me - "AHAHAHA!!! should have been paying attention"
him - *respawns and punchs me in the back of the head*
it then goes into an endless loop of respawning and punching the back of the head.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
16 multiplayer!
They have a totally new engine, it's incredible. New species, new levels, better vehicles, improved weapons, oh yes.
I like my Boxxer t...oh wait, it's sitting in pieces in my garage, waiting for a new rebound damper. Dammit.


Aug 7, 2004
i dunno man, those boxers are pretty tough... im sure you could make one work.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I will stick with Dungeons&Dragons and my 20 sided dice thank you.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Damn, this game is about 50 times harder than the last Halo. I think we MIGHT be about half way through but it takes like 3 hours to finish 1 stage on legendary.

The game is badass though. I'm diggin the dual SMG's and the new battle rifle. The brutes are super hard to beat... you absolutely cant try to take them on face to face. Also the new levels are massive!


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
xbluethunderx said:
I really don't understand why this game is so popular...

its the hours of endless multiplayer action that does it for me.

one day to go.

please tell me the grunts are still in it, i loved knocking the hell out of them, and they had some funny one-liners.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
steve45 said:
please tell me the grunts are still in it, i loved knocking the hell out of them, and they had some funny one-liners.
Yes, the grunts are still in it, and they still are amusing :) - they're a little smarter in this game.

I played it for an hour or so last night. I didn't like the first Halo, but I like this one much better. Still not a big fan of the slower paced gameplay and the much more realistic physics model (I prefer the super fast, blow everything away type gameplay of Doom, Quake, Unreal and their siblings). This one you actually have to stop, peek around corners, check out the situation, and plan your attacks accordingly. I tried just running through with the dual SMGs and blowing everything away, and met with a couple of the bruisers and subsequently, an unpleasant end.

The sniper-assault-rifle thing is great, though.

Oh, and I was highly impressed with the intelligence of the bruisers. They'll climb up on boxes to shoot at you if you're crouching behind something, and have a good understanding of typical approach tactics - that is, if you knock 'em off a platform or something, they'll walk around to a likely place for you to approach, and hide there waiting for you (rather than most blind "intelligence" which would send them careening after you opening fire).


Sep 26, 2004
Away in the head
Grunts, Jackals, Elites, Hunters - all the old crew. Plus brutes, prophets, and some other flying dudes.

Golgiaparatus, there are 15 separate levels in all, to give you an idea of the size. I'm betting it'll take me about 2hrs per level on legendary, but I'm gonna start on heroic. From what I heard of brutes, they are like this:

elite - shield - plasma weapons + ****loads of health + explosive-firing gun = brute


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
binary visions said:
Oh, and I was highly impressed with the intelligence of the bruisers. They'll climb up on boxes to shoot at you if you're crouching behind something, and have a good understanding of typical approach tactics - that is, if you knock 'em off a platform or something, they'll walk around to a likely place for you to approach, and hide there waiting for you (rather than most blind "intelligence" which would send them careening after you opening fire).
Oh yeah they are way smart compared to the last Halo.

Especially the new brutes. When you get to them about half way through the game it doubles the difficulty. We were playing co-op, and we had a bunch of dudes cornered and we watched them split into 2 teams... one stayed where it was and kept us busy while the others flanked the crap out of us and snuck up to the side and behind us. Basically the new brutes are more than a match for the master chief... even 2 full clips of SMG's to the head doesnt kill them, its best so far to have a sword and just cut them up but those things arent just lying around everywhere.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Darkreaper said:
Grunts, Jackals, Elites, Hunters - all the old crew. Plus brutes, prophets, and some other flying dudes.

Golgiaparatus, there are 15 separate levels in all, to give you an idea of the size. I'm betting it'll take me about 2hrs per level on legendary, but I'm gonna start on heroic. From what I heard of brutes, they are like this:

elite - shield - plasma weapons + ****loads of health + explosive-firing gun = brute
Its going to take you longer than 2 hours per level on Legendary. Its not like Halo 1... I could beat a level like Assault on the Control Room in about 45 min on legendary by myself. With this one The longest level so far took me and my buddy over 3 hours on co-op.

Really its the Brutes that make the game REALLY hard, those mofos are tough, they can take almost an entire full plasma rifle worth of damage, and they are hard to hit because they take cover and shoot back with great accuracy. Not to mention they can throw a grenade REALLY far and stick it right to your face almost every time. They are either equiped with a plasma rifle with a faster rate of fire (2 of those babies is a really nice combo) and the other is a grenade launcher with a blade on 1 end. The worst part though is when they decide to charge you... they'll be on you in like 1 second, charging like a pissed off gorilla, and when they hit you its really bad, like when a hunter hits you.

The damn elites are smart and have a very good command of the jackals and grunts in this time around. You can hear them talking to them (in english) "Its safe, the demon has retreated, hold your positions". You can still go head to head with an Elite though and win, its just harder to keep them in your sights. Best way to kill an Elite in this one... douple Plasma rifles (if you can control them).

Other changes:

- The hunters are much larger And harder to play matador with, they have improved weapons... this time around the only way to hurt them is in the orange areas... every other place just reflects your shots.
- Heavily armored Elites with rocketpacks and dual plasma rifles.
- Jackals with sniper rifles way up in hard to see places.
- Needles are much harder to avoid, they move much faster.

Anyway, this game is absolutely insane.


Mar 17, 2002
golgiaparatus said:
Its going to take you longer than 2 hours per level on Legendary. Its not like Halo 1... I could beat a level like Assault on the Control Room in about 45 min on legendary by myself. With this one The longest level so far took me and my buddy over 3 hours on co-op.

Really its the Brutes that make the game REALLY hard, those mofos are tough, they can take almost an entire full plasma rifle worth of damage, and they are hard to hit because they take cover and shoot back with great accuracy. Not to mention they can throw a grenade REALLY far and stick it right to your face almost every time. They are either equiped with a plasma rifle with a faster rate of fire (2 of those babies is a really nice combo) and the other is a grenade launcher with a blade on 1 end. The worst part though is when they decide to charge you... they'll be on you in like 1 second, charging like a pissed off gorilla, and when they hit you its really bad, like when a hunter hits you.

The damn elites are smart and have a very good command of the jackals and grunts in this time around. You can hear them talking to them (in english) "Its safe, the demon has retreated, hold your positions". You can still go head to head with an Elite though and win, its just harder to keep them in your sights. Best way to kill an Elite in this one... douple Plasma rifles (if you can control them).

Other changes:

- The hunters are much larger And harder to play matador with, they have improved weapons... this time around the only way to hurt them is in the orange areas... every other place just reflects your shots.
- Heavily armored Elites with rocketpacks and dual plasma rifles.
- Jackals with sniper rifles way up in hard to see places.
- Needles are much harder to avoid, they move much faster.

Anyway, this game is absolutely insane.
Damn, I couldn't beat the game by myself if I tried. I only used co op. Halo 2 is no different. I figure, I'd get wasted in two seconds. When it comes to video games...I'm just terrible...but Halo 2 is a lot of fun.