
Halo SMACK TALK Thread


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
Wow guys. I think i FINALLY figured out how to work my XBOX and wireless router. I shall return tomorrow...


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Ridemonkey said:
You guys are all manageable except for James. I have to admit James is pretty scary. Going back to my hiding spot now......
Naw, I'm not that good, can't seem to get over a 10 for very long. I do have fun though, it's all good.
We still need to figure out when we get our 1x1 going on, remember? Or do I have to quote your earlier post...:)
I might be back tonight if the whole gang is there...



Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Darkreaper said:
Dammit, I can never catch any of you. The only one I see is Curb Hucker, but he's always playing some basketball game
We're on every night, usually about 7pm PST or so, sometimes a little earlier, but we're on about all night...



Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I'll be playing tonight, may try and meet up. Tag is sock nasty, just send me an invite so we can play an RM game! Team Slayer on Ivory Tower, anyone? :sneaky:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I've really been sucking lately. Like, terrible.

Oh well, it's still fun.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I tried to get in your BTB games last night, kept getting booted.

Oh well.

I've been playing custom King games:

3 minutes to win
Hill moves every 30 seconds
All random weapons, first, second and map.
No sheilds.
No radar.
Camo when in the hill.

I call it "insane king". Every game last night was hilarious. Around 150 kills per person before someone gets 3 minutes. Total mayhem.



My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Ha nice h8r. I think drew was trying to keep it at 4 at one point, and then at 8. Otherwsie we were too big for categories. It was himself, his brother, sister and me, and then 4 of their clanmates most of the night. Sorry about that!

I kept getting your invites mid game too. James got drunk and didn't play.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Transcend said:
I kept getting your invites mid game too. James got drunk and didn't play.
You guys have to play the insane king. Or insane ball. (16 people with three skulls on the map) It's totally frustrating, but hella fun.


Oct 20, 2001
Port Orchard/Not WSU
H8R, is that you that just started posting on HBO? Or have you been posting there all along and I just never connected the one internet pseudonym with the other internet pseudonym before?

P.S. We should get on together and stand around staring at walls looking stupid trying to hear music in Ivory tower.

P.P.S.As far as crazy frustrating gametypes go, have you ever played Rocketball? That's my preferred frustration. You just need to make sure you have at least 8 people or so. It's great on Midship, and it was great in H1 on Hang 'Em High.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Mudpuppy said:
H8R, is that you that just started posting on HBO? Or have you been posting there all along and I just never connected the one internet pseudonym with the other internet pseudonym before?

P.S. We should get on together and stand around staring at walls looking stupid trying to hear music in Ivory tower.

P.P.S.As far as crazy frustrating gametypes go, have you ever played Rocketball? That's my preferred frustration. You just need to make sure you have at least 8 people or so. It's great on Midship, and it was great in H1 on Hang 'Em High.
I'm busted.

Yeah, that's me. I've only started to post there recently.

Have you heard the knocking...?

And yes, rocket ball. I've done it with 16 people on Midship. It's a "blast".
Aug 21, 2003
Bellingham, WA
H8R said:
I'm busted.

Yeah, that's me. I've only started to post there recently.

Have you heard the knocking...?

And yes, rocket ball. I've done it with 16 people on Midship. It's a "blast".
It's great on Lockout as well. The more people the better. I like using multiple balls if there are more than six people.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Talkingmonkey said:
It's great on Lockout as well. The more people the better. I like using multiple balls if there are more than six people.
Mudpuppy said:
I dunno...more balls means less rockets flying towards the location of the ball at any given moment. :nope:
Please guys, watch what you're saying. This is a family site.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Funny read:



It took some time to set up the Live account
for the multiplayer game. John customized for
himself a set of pink armor with a glowing pink
heart on the shoulder patch.

"They hesitate to kills you when they thinks
you're a girl," reasons John. "So I'll have to
pretend to be girly on the headset. You
know, be all stupid and stuff. Of course, if
they think you're gay, then they kill you more.
Unless they're gay. Which most of them are."

I reach for a controller and suggest I take a
turn at the game. John snatches my wrist in
an iron grip.

"What the **** are you doing? We registered
this under my account. Lettin' you drive
around my pink badass would be like me
lettin' you go in with the lights out and c
ockslap my wife for me because I've had
a hard day at work. No, you try to touch
my X-Box again and I'll shoot you with
my real 'battle rifle.' By which I mean my
'neckpunch fist.'"

He released me and focused on the
television. "Now. Let's kick some ass,
Slapass." John found an open game
and joined in, browsing the other user
profiles and finding that all were ranked
somewhere between level 18 and 22.
John was a "1."

"Like taking candy from a baby," said
John. "And then shooting it with two
huge guns."
Aug 21, 2003
Bellingham, WA
So, the other day, I play some team slayer.
The game was on Midship, and right off the bat two people on my team quit. The other guy stuck around long enough to cap one person, then he quit. I'm not a quitter, so I had some work to do.
In the end, tie game, 30 to 30.
It was one of the most intense games I had ever played.
Check it out I'm KreepNSlayer.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Talkingmonkey said:
I'm not a quitter, so I had some work to do.
Damn. They were all 10's too.


We need someone like you in the Monkey Crew clan.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Well I always wondered how I'd do at live... especially since I've been playing Halo just about every day since the Xbox came out. Weve been doing Lan parties for quite some time to. Anyway, Recently got to play live at a friends house. He let me sit there for about 3 hours just watching me up his rank. Took him from 2-6 in nearly all his catagories in just that time (he just got live last week).

My greatest feat was beating someone that was level 10 in head to head 10-0. Booya... what level are you guys?
Aug 21, 2003
Bellingham, WA
golgiaparatus said:
My greatest feat was beating someone that was level 10 in head to head 10-0. Booya... what level are you guys?
My highest level was 13 in team slayer. It think it's down to 11 right now. I seem to do better on team slayer with i don't take a party of friends in with me, which I've been doing a lot of recently. hasn't been good for the stats, but paying with your buddies is always fun.