


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Ridemonkey said:
Alright fools, got me an Xbox last night. My handle is FluxDecapitator.

That means YOU hippy.

I'm alright when I'm not drunk.
Oh you are soooo going down...:)
PooShoot2453 is mine.
Yours it pretty damn clever you, makes me laugh. Laugh at how I'm gonna kick your ass!
You'd better have a headset, otherwise you're OTB. (Off Track Betting).
Prepare for pwn4ge!!!11111


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
stoney98 said:
do you have to pay to be online? Cause I really enjoy the killing. We should get a RM game setup!

If you buy the 40 dollar headset kit you get 3 free months. I think its about 50 bucks for a year after that.


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Transcend said:
you are dead you canadian traitor
You're just jealous that it's 80 degrees here today, and I went for a ride yesterday.
Besides, we should overlook that, and just focus on splattering Aaron across whatever map he's unlucky enough to be playing against us on...
Or I could take you both on...


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Ridemonkey said:
If you buy the 40 dollar headset kit you get 3 free months. I think its about 50 bucks for a year after that.
The stock headset kinda blows, I want to get the Plantronics one, but it's kinda spendy. Maybe after the one I have now breaks...


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Beat the level Cairo (on legendary) in 15 min by myself last night... My goal is to get it in 10, but it'd have to be a perfect run (i.e. no stopping for cover).

I wish I could afford a live setup :( (cant afford a fast enough connection)


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
I'm still trying to:
A. Learn how to sword-fly. I can sometimes make it about 10x the normal sword-lunge, but not always, still learning.
B. Get the Scareb Gun that's hidden in the Metropolis level. Soooo close, but it takes forever...

I'm still working my way through Legendary, kinda lost interest after I got XBL...


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
TheInedibleHulk said:
What rating are you guys in halo2? Im a 10 in team slayer, occasionaly I bounce up to 11 but usually come back down.
I think I'm about there, I had a couple of bad games with some idiots, so I'm down to an 11 or something, I play a mix of games, so I don't have one where I'm really high.
I like the CTF and Assault games the best, something with a result, not just kills. Though 50 kills shotguns, no shields is fuuuuun.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I'm sock nasty, and i've been addicted to Halo for 3 years. I'm a level 10 on Team Slayer, but I sometimes feel inadequate playing with the level 15's and 20's. My clan constantly abuses me, puts me down, and I can't stop it. Will someone help me beat my Xbox Live addiction? :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
I'm on Halo for computer multiplayer every once in a while.... I like the controls much more then the Xbox ones. (The fact that I don't have an Xbox might pad that statement a little :p )


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Transcend said:
ok you homos I am on now an dno one else is!
Sorry, I was "otherwise occupied" last night. I'll be on tonight for sure though...
I hearby challenge all comers.



Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
manziman said:
So, I just signed up after 30 mins of cord tangling. Got hooked in as "manziman". Most probably going to be playing a lot of Top Spin Tennis...who's on!?
I've got top spin but have only played online a few times.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
I've got Halo2 but I got bored with it after the first two weeks of non-stop play.
I'm not all that great either. The guys I mainly play with abuse me too. How can we get a RideMonkey game going.
BTW I'm RotorRocket I've been sober since this morning, and I'm addicted to PG2


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Ridemonkey said:
Bump for the angry hippy
Ok Mr. Monkey Boy...

Please don't call me hippy. It's depressing. It's like calling me "Anthrax-boy" or "Ebola-guy".

I use soap. I pay taxes. I eat animals. Hippies don't do that.


I'm only on XBC (Xbox Connect) for right now, my Xbox Live free trial just ran out.

A friend is giving me a free 12 month kit once he gets it in the mail.

Anyway, XBC is FREE and it works pretty good. I'll post here later tonight if I can get a game going.


You need a router or hub, and you download their client onto your PC. It makes your xbox think that it's playing a local system link game, but you can play people anywhere.

My Xbox Live gamertag is Z1QR20 - Clan "FullMetalHalo"
I'll post up when I'm back on there.

Rockets on Zanzibar perhaps?


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
The smack talking was hilarious but all this abbreviations and game system talk is pretty geeky isn't it.


I have only played Halo (the first one) on an Big screen with 4 guys going at the same time in some private kill fest of our own and I wasn'tvery good but it was pretty fun.

I tried "Doom" in college on a computer system just playing the game, but used cheat codes because I sucked at that too....:D

I need to see some screen shots of all you guys standing there (I assume they put your call signs above you?) to see your hard core Halo selves in action. ;)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
H8R said:
Ok Mr. Monkey Boy...

Please don't call me hippy. It's depressing. It's like calling me "Anthrax-boy" or "Ebola-guy".

I use soap. I pay taxes. I eat animals. Hippies don't do that.


I'm only on XBC (Xbox Connect) for right now, my Xbox Live free trial just ran out.

A friend is giving me a free 12 month kit once he gets it in the mail.

Anyway, XBC is FREE and it works pretty good. I'll post here later tonight if I can get a game going.


You need a router or hub, and you download their client onto your PC. It makes your xbox think that it's playing a local system link game, but you can play people anywhere.

My Xbox Live gamertag is Z1QR20 - Clan "FullMetalHalo"
I'll post up when I'm back on there.

Rockets on Zanzibar perhaps?
Pssccchhh...Swords on lockout! My friend uses XBC, he seems to like it. I may try and hook it up after my subscription drains.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Pssccchhh...Swords on lockout! My friend uses XBC, he seems to like it. I may try and hook it up after my subscription drains.
I love to hear a kid whine on his mic when I take his sword-whoring ass out with the shotgun.


The XBC download is only like 5 megs. Try it out, you may like the random-ness about it.


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
RhinofromWA said:
The smack talking was hilarious but all this abbreviations and game system talk is pretty geeky isn't it.


I have only played Halo (the first one) on an Big screen with 4 guys going at the same time in some private kill fest of our own and I wasn'tvery good but it was pretty fun.

I tried "Doom" in college on a computer system just playing the game, but used cheat codes because I sucked at that too....:D

I need to see some screen shots of all you guys standing there (I assume they put your call signs above you?) to see your hard core Halo selves in action. ;)
Screw names, they have your avatar! Mine is a pink cobra...



boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Transcend said:
go find a real thread to crap on.

I know I'll get bumrushed for this comment, but Halo is the same old recycled FPS genre over and over...It bores me. I've been playing that since I was 4. Give me something new. Woot?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
While I agree Halo is similar to many FPS games, it's not really the gameplay that is addicting...except for maybe the sound of the covenant being owned...anyway, it's the ability to link 16 players on one board using LAN, that's so fun. Xbox live is just iceing on the cake. You no longer need 4 tv's, long ass cable, and 16 people in the same house. A router, ethernet cable, and high speed connection will get thousands of Halo gamers together on one "forum." You play with people from around the world, different skill levels, tactics, and abilites. That's why it's so fun! :thumb: Yes i'm a nerd, beyatches.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
xbluethunderx said:
Online games have been on computers for years...No biggie.
True, anyone played Fable yet? That looks dope. It would take up too much of the time I don't have. Colin McRae 2005 kicks ass on Xbox, just got it a few weeks ago.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Th eissue is that computer games are lame for online play. Update, update update, sorry wrong version. Sorry the connection drops, sorry our net code sucks. I have been playing online games since MUDs. Xbox live is superior in so many ways it is ridiculous.


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Transcend said:
Th eissue is that computer games are lame for online play. Update, update update, sorry wrong version. Sorry the connection drops, sorry our net code sucks. I have been playing online games since MUDs. Xbox live is superior in so many ways it is ridiculous.
Yeah, plus for me, another big thing is cheaters. It's hard to control mods to games on a computer, but with XBL, it's pretty damn easy, and the "Banhammer" smites all offenders. Far be it from me to fawn over MS, I'm a Mac guy from waaaay back, but I really like the setup. Plus they didn't really mess too much with Bungie, just let them do their thang, and I love the results...
