
HAMPTON ROAD'S MONKIES: I need your help!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
Tonight I got a call from the local IMBA group regarding the fate of dirt jumping, free riding and cross country riding at the Ipswitch Park.

We have been given a chance to save this place, and to make it better. However, to do so I need some help.

If you are, can do, or if you know any of the following:
- A soil engineer
- Able to draw with CAD
- Have expierence doing 501(c) formations in Virginia
- An Insurance Lawyer
- A landscaping company
- A construction contractor
- Have had expierence writing grant proposals for the State
- Can do map drawings
- Mechanical Engineer
- Landscape drainage design

Then please email me at tattooo@cox.net

I need help in the preperation of a long term plan for the dirt jumps, free ride possibilities and the XC route through this park. If you know anyone, or want to help, please email me ASAP. We have a chance to do something really great and rare here, so please lend a hand if you can.



Dec 9, 2004
Arlington, VA
i'm workin on the mechanical engineer thing. and i bet dan can help with the CAD or if you wanna give me acouple weeks i got a technical drawing calss that we're just starting CAD in.

dont forget we're also gunna need a bunch of big guys to help us stay alive once that sh!t goes down with that front line and mr bull dozer, tim told me bout that tonight. i'm gunna be outta town that weekend that goes down i'm tellin ya right now haha i want nothign to do with that at all.

edit:see if they'll put all the dirt they destory over by us though...that'd be nice yeahhhh. or we could just use their whole line and build some big ol fatty tables right there...yeahhhhh


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I'm a mechanical design engineer and have been for 20 years. I'm changing careers, but I have been doing CAD for 20 years....so...

What up?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
Here's the story:

Ipswitch has for almost 20 years been a park in limbo. For a long time it was going back in forth in terms of possession between Norfolk and Chesapeake, neither wanting to possess or dispossess it due to the police and insurance implications of the deal. Finally Chesapeake, realizing the value of the land as an open space and for federal parks money, took ownership of the park.

For a long time members of EVMA have been trying to lay in XC routes into this park as part of an IMBA move to add more trails to the area. However, the city in all its wisdom has resisted this on odd levels such as the placement of bridges to get over water and low ground, stating that they were not approved by the city.

Part of Ipswitch always has been, and if we have our way, always will be dirt jumping. The current jumps go back over 20 years according to local folklore. However, in the last 8 or so months there has been an explosion of illegal building, resulting in both very large lines that are rife with the potential for law suits, along with building in other sections that is not very "ecologically friendly" as there is an erosion issue within the park.

According to what I have been told, the Park Manager, a member of EVMA, and the City Attorney went out yesterday and saw the massive line there. Long story short, the city is bulldozing that area back to flat. They did not see, nor do they have any interest in further investigation into, the rest of the beginner line and the other lines being but into the park. However, if someone were to get hurt on unauthorized lines there is a better then average chance that the entire project could be food for the dozer.

It has been put to me by both the city and EVMA to come in and manage the dirt jumps, to come up with a 1, 3, and 5 year plan for the area, and to start work on a north shore-esque set of wooden structures in the trees. Hence where I need the help.

To do this right I need to come in to the city and EVMA with a slick as hell, polished to a shine proposal for the dirt jumps, stunts and the XC loop to include drops and ladders. All of this plan has to fall within the IMBA guidelines (not my choice, blame the city) for jumps, stunts, and long term trail durability. Once I have the plan in place they have given me permission to submit 8 grant applications I have already written to ask the federal gov, several trail groups, businesses and works programs for around $130k.

However, I am just a simple law student at the end of the day. I know the law, I know how to talk the talk, but I don't have the scientific or engineering background to make this proposal what it needs to be.

So as I said before, if you can help with this, send me an email. I am going to start the paperwork to start "Save Ipswitch Riding" as a 501(c) this afternoon, then I am going to start work on making donation jars to go at local bike shops and businesses. If you can help, please do, I can't do this all on my own.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
I have been dealing with EVMA, they tapped me and mine to do the proposal. They seem to be more XC oriented, and while into DJ and stunts, seem to want to have someone else stroke the city.

So, they called us. I want to do this under an umbrella organization as to bring the groups that use the area together, as opposed to giving one group total control.