
Hand washing after a trip to the lav.

When do you wash?

  • Wash even if I just look at the bathroom. I may be needed in surgery.

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Wash after 1 & 2. Mom taught me to.

    Votes: 23 42.6%
  • Wash only after 2. Hey, I keep my junkyard is clean.

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Wash? Never know when I may need to deliver a Sanchez.

    Votes: 3 5.6%

  • Total voters


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
anyone wash first? you're hands have likely been touching nasty stuff all day, before you manhandle your erector set. why not give it the respect it deserves.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
...and wtf is the deal with the paper towel door open? you are going to use a porous, absorbent paper product to protect you from germs? you are going to hold it with freshly washed hands that likely still have moisture on them, which will be wicked up by the towel and allow for a direct connection between your hands and the germy handle. honestly Linus, let go of the security blanket.

...anyone else see the madness of the faucet knob? you touch it with dirty hands to turn it on, then clean your hands with soap and water, only to touch it again to turn it off? it is 2010 people, upgrade to motion sensors. or don't... and return ill to your dot matrix printer and type DOS prompts in your monochromatic CRT monitor.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
An Air Force Sergeant and a Marine Sergeant were doing their business in the latrine. When the Air Force Sergeant leaves he doesn't wash his hands. The Marine says rather loudly "The Corps taught us to wash our hands after we use the latrine." The Air Force sergeant says back "Well, in the Air Force, they taught us not to pee all over our hands."

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
...and wtf is the deal with the paper towel door open? you are going to use a porous, absorbent paper product to protect you from germs? you are going to hold it with freshly washed hands that likely still have moisture on them, which will be wicked up by the towel and allow for a direct connection between your hands and the germy handle. honestly Linus, let go of the security blanket.
Could all of this happen in the span of 1 second? If so, then I will switch to bringing sandwich bags (or alternately/more realistically- hand sanitize when I get back to my office.)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Washing your hands is the most effective way to prevent a cold or flu. I used to get sick 3 - 4 times a year with a mild cold, sometimes a flu. Since I started vigilantly washing my hands I get a cold every 2 - 3 years now. Maybe the non hand washers like having a runny nose and a fever.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
What a bunch of paranoids...from locking up everything you own to washing everything that is percceived dirty. I don't wash or anything after the business unless I'm cooking. I spend all day working with composts and castings which are essentially...poop. I don't get innoculated, keep my house fairly cold, go outside with a wet head (since grade school...I never had the luxury of a school bus) and there is NO hand sanitizer in my house. The end result of all this nasty is no sickness in my house, I haven't been sick since 2006 and the rest of my family, despite a few sore throats and occassional sniffles, is very healthy. I have friends that shoot them selves and their kids with every snake oil the doctor is pushing that week, 55 gallon drums of hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial everything, prescription and OTC drug closets that would make a junkie wet himself...and always sick. I'll stay dirty, unsecured, healthy and happy thank you.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
What a bunch of paranoids...from locking up everything you own to washing everything that is percceived dirty. I don't wash or anything after the business unless I'm cooking. I spend all day working with composts and castings which are essentially...poop. I don't get innoculated, keep my house fairly cold, go outside with a wet head (since grade school...I never had the luxury of a school bus) and there is NO hand sanitizer in my house. The end result of all this nasty is no sickness in my house, I haven't been sick since 2006 and the rest of my family, despite a few sore throats and occassional sniffles, is very healthy. I have friends that shoot them selves and their kids with every snake oil the doctor is pushing that week, 55 gallon drums of hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial everything, prescription and OTC drug closets that would make a junkie wet himself...and always sick. I'll stay dirty, unsecured, healthy and happy thank you.
I dunno, we have close to 500 people in our office, and a good chunk use our bathrooms. Swine Flu was going around like crazy. Better safe than sorry, IMHO.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
I dunno, we have close to 500 people in our office, and a good chunk use our bathrooms. Swine Flu was going around like crazy. Better safe than sorry, IMHO.
Nothing you can do can save you...your office is no better than a factory farm, disease and sickness will continue to proliferate there until it finds a chink in the armor. When it does...no amount of sanitizer, pills, potions or injections is going to stop it. Dramatic? Maybe True? hey..somethings gotta give.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
What a bunch of paranoids...from locking up everything you own to washing everything that is percceived dirty. I don't wash or anything after the business unless I'm cooking. I spend all day working with composts and castings which are essentially...poop. I don't get innoculated, keep my house fairly cold, go outside with a wet head (since grade school...I never had the luxury of a school bus) and there is NO hand sanitizer in my house. The end result of all this nasty is no sickness in my house, I haven't been sick since 2006 and the rest of my family, despite a few sore throats and occassional sniffles, is very healthy. I have friends that shoot them selves and their kids with every snake oil the doctor is pushing that week, 55 gallon drums of hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial everything, prescription and OTC drug closets that would make a junkie wet himself...and always sick. I'll stay dirty, unsecured, healthy and happy thank you.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I had swine flu. My daughter brought it home from school, passed it to the wife and daughter in less than a day, then to me. I hated having it, but am glad I got it instead of the vaccine. That means next year, maybe we can fight it off quicker.

My daughter has light asthma and it sucks. A co-worker was looking at some literature that indicates that her condition may be due to over-medication. She used to have bad ear infections and had to have tubes put in to prevent them. But prior, she was put on anti-biotics way too many times. Hindsight is a great thing and I'd love to know what we could have done differently, but at the time I had no magic ball.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Oh, sorry...strayed off the original topic. Yes, I wash my hands leaving the bathroom because I don't like getting my daughters sick. I'd much rather know some booger breeder from her class room sent it home than me infecting my own brood.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Bushy - I'd say the risk of the farm vs. the office is greater in the office. Farms are one thing, but nothing compares to social exposure; people interacting with other people is how most people-illness is spread. The more people you deal with, and the more kids those people have, the more likely you are to be exposed to people-sick germs. The nasty stuff you handle on the farm my give handlers an infection if it gets under the surface of the skin, but it isn't likely to give you a cold, or teh aIdzzz.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
Washing your hands is the most effective way to prevent a cold or flu. I used to get sick 3 - 4 times a year with a mild cold, sometimes a flu. Since I started vigilantly washing my hands I get a cold every 2 - 3 years now. Maybe the non hand washers like having a runny nose and a fever.
agreed, but

this has absolutely zero to do with using the bathroom.... unless you can give yourself head...or sneeze out your a$$.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
Bushy - I'd say the risk of the farm vs. the office is greater in the office. Farms are one thing, but nothing compares to social exposure; people interacting with other people is how most people-illness is spread. The more people you deal with, and the more kids those people have, the more likely you are to be exposed to people-sick germs. The nasty stuff you handle on the farm my give handlers an infection if it gets under the surface of the skin, but it isn't likely to give you a cold, or teh aIdzzz.
My kids still go to public skool and my wife goes to community college so despite my reclusive, introverted, anti-social lifestyle I still have a steady influx of the worlds gems. We still never get sick. Want to hear something gross? Some doctors did a study on childhood booger eating and health. The kids that ate their boogers had significantly less outbreaks of overall sickness, common cold and flu and even less allergies.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
The kids that ate their boogers had significantly less outbreaks of overall sickness, common cold and flu and even less allergies.
And 4 out of 5 couldn't tell the difference between their boogers and the boogers of the family dog, in a blind taste test.

...Speaking of which, I had a dog that loved to eat her own poop, and she never once had a case of swine flu. Think about it.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
How many of you are diligent about washing after touching your junk, then later that night put said junk in your girl's mouth? Just sayin'....