i have a azonic 2.5 rise bar. i want to use this bar specificly cause that what im used too on my slalom bike. please recomend a stem. im used to shoet stems. any recomendations welcome, cya
Hi. (I'm the guy that was on the rigid Evil at Killington)
Anyways, for trials a long and low setup is ideal, so going with a short stem probably won't work too well unless your frame is already really long. You're not setting up the 2-step for trials, no?
For an example of a stem setup, on my 13.5" M2 I ran a 150 mm, 10 degree rise stem.
lol, no way man, no 2 step trials. im debating weather to get a real frame. this frame is steel and its in awesome shape. will u be at mt snow??? i will have it there. i want to go play on the begenner sections. i have a rear goat wheels rim, its hella wide! im gonn arebuild it, u want it?? let me know , dave
I'm probably not going to be at Mt. Snow -- I have a concert to play in that weekend and am going to head out to Tanglewood, too. I might be at Sunday River tho... but since the Evil is now forkless (still waiting on a "real" fork ) things are looking grim.
hey man, well thet sucks. im goin to sunday river for the finals. is that the weekend ur talkin about??? i heard they got a sick mt x course there??? well cu soon bro, dave
what i would do... is run a fairly short stem and angle the bars forward at least 45 degrees.. upsweep makes the bars feel better when your on the back wheel.. and just a good trials feel
if u get a real trials frame probably 80-90mm stem would be good.. if not, then 110-120?
You can get 135 x 5 for very cheap. Try your lbs. People are always trading in OEM stems. We have like 5 or 6 Specialized stems in every color just sitting around. Just ask. They will usually sell for like 15- 20 bucks too.
unless you have a real long toptube, or your really short, your going to need to run a fairly long stem...i put a 90mm on my old 12.5" frame and tried to do a static hop, as athe bike got upright i slammed my knee so fu#$ing hard on the bottom of my bars/brake lever i had a bruise for like 3 weeks...i'd say start off with like a 135 since you can get those really really cheap and work from there...
if you want to try out a 135, i have a few of them laying around and i'll be at mt snow, if you want to try one for a few hours, let me know and i'll hook you up..
i would run somthing along the lines of 110 with a 10degree rise but to get a better idea go to a website like www.trialsin.com and look at the dimensions of a trials specific type stem
On my Zebdi, I use a 100mm x 5 deg. Thompson with a Planet X X-Force 1.5" (aabout 27" wide) bar tiled slighty forward. With this frame, if I wanted a slightly more urban feel, I'd recommend a 90mm x5 deg. stem.
Stem length really depends on the frame you are using, your height, and your preference. i.e. - with my zebdi, I have gone from 80 x 10 to 105 x 10 to 90 x 5 to 100 x 5 all with the same 1.5" bar. I'm 5'9"/10" myself.
Below are the specs of a Zebdi:
Head Angle: 74deg
Seat Angle: 74deg
Chainstay Length: 400mm (15.75in)
BB Drop: 10mm
BB Height*: 13.2in
Top Tube length: 22.4in (actual), 23in (effective)
Head tube length: 120mm
If you are need of a longer stem, I have a few that I could sell to you for like $15 for the lot or something.
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