
Happieness is what to you?


took the red pill
Be honest here. Here is a list of the things that make me happy.
1. When my daughter is happy
2. When my wife is happy
3. Actually being able to ride a bike
4. Ordering bike parts
5. Tracking bike parts via the intenet
6. Money (I don't want to hear money don't buy happieness. BULL F***
7. 20 Hour work week (yeah, you gotta work or you'll go nuts, but 40 hours
a week? :mumble: WTF? I think my commute should be deducted from them
there 40 hours. Stay tuned for www.shortentheweek.org (Jimmy2x's site)
8. Being able to actually fly on an airplane.
9. Not having to do anything around the house ever again. Lawn, leaves, repairs
10. more of MY_TIME
11. No hatred for people
12. To rid myself of worry
13. Should be #6 actually; wrenching on bikes

Yes these are the things that make/would make me happy. How bout you?



Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Happiness to me is having all the people I love alive and in good health.

Nothing else, and I mean absolutly nothing else really matters. Occasionally, when I start feeling bad about money or something, I just think about what life would be like if something were to happen to my wife or daughter.

Suddenly, nothing else matters.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Happiness is a warm gun, yes it is!

Happiness will be when I actually get to ride a bike again, 60 hr work weeks and business trips are crushing my spirit


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Happiness is playing Steamroller with my 3 & 2 year old boys.

Happiness is a hug from my wife.

Happiness is a 20-mile ride in the desert.

Happiness is getting off work every day around 4:30 and getting every Monday off. It gives me lots of time for the above happiness-inducing activities.


Edit: And lets not forget a nice, big, chorizo-stuffed breakfast burrito smothered in *SPICY* green chili. :drool:


took the red pill
Jesus said:
Happiness to me is having all the people I love alive and in good health.

Nothing else, and I mean absolutly nothing else really matters. Occasionally, when I start feeling bad about money or something, I just think about what life would be like if something were to happen to my wife or daughter.

Suddenly, nothing else matters.

Alleluha (SP?) Jesus


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
riding bikes
my girlfriend
firefighter training
getting tattoos
kickin one back with my friends in the garage
hanging out with my cool big sister
being naked (yes it's very freeing)

well at least those are things that make me smile!


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
Jesus said:
Happiness to me is having all the people I love alive and in good health.

Nothing else, and I mean absolutly nothing else really matters. Occasionally, when I start feeling bad about money or something, I just think about what life would be like if something were to happen to my wife or daughter.

Suddenly, nothing else matters.

cheers to that...true happiness is health.
your little story made me smile and feel warm and cozzy inside.
now you have made me happy i hope to pass the elation on to someone else.


took the red pill
Damn, I can't believe I forgot sex and drugs.

One of my favorite quotes
"Drugs and booze make the pain go away"
Repeat after me
"Drugs and booze make the pain go away"
"Drugs and booze make the pain go away"
"Drugs and booze make the pain go away"
"Drugs and booze make the pain go away"


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Happiness is easier to come by when you stop and take notice of all the gifts in life, but it's easy to take things for granted.
Wanting things outside of you, to make you happy is good, but only if your not relying on them to do it......


took the red pill
Well, it's sad that it usually takes something bad to happen to you that you realize all the trivial stuff you've surpassed your whole life is what you really care about but diddn't realize it. People should take note of the small stuff. Like a hair on your shirt from your wife or gf, or the lunch that somebody you care about made you, or the smell of the air. I never stopped to smell the roses, EVER. I'm starting to though, and at 34, I think I've figured it all out :rolleyes:
The small stuff is all that really matters, not bikes, not toys. It's tough not to get caught up in it though. I'm as guilty as the rest of you GREEDY PRICKS



Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
Knuckleslammer said:
I'm as guilty as the rest of you GREEDY PRICKS
hey now...i'm not greedy...you asked what made us happy...not what was realy important :D

although whats important usually makes me happy :think: could be a connection there.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
HippieKai said:
kickin one back with my friends in the garage
hanging out with my cool big sister
being naked (yes it's very freeing)
do you combine these three? :think: :D

happiness to me is:

having me and my family (parents, sister) be healthy and content
having something interesting for me to do
having a fast internet connection
having a well-stocked library nearby
having the time to play music and ride. relaxation is key.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
For serious....now...

I love being in the garage at my parent's house by myself(or with my dad) working on any vehicle with some good tunes on in the background.

I love being in the woods.

Road Trips


My Grandparents, parents, sister, bro, cousins, we're all close.



I like being at work when I'm on a job site

I like Beer


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Hearing my daughter say, "I love you daddy"
Making my wife laugh
Having a couple cold ones with close friends
Listening to music that takes me to a higher place and helps me to forget my worries if even for a moment.
Riding a bicycle. Nothing else has made me as happy for as long.