
Happy Birthday Shyrmp !


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Thanks y'all.

We just went to norcal along the coast without any real planned routes, or any plan at all.

Orven had to do some last minute work. So we left San Diego around midnight.

No place had any vacancy along Hwy 101 so we ended up sleeping in Hotel Del Xterra. :p
Loonatic's Steak joint in the middle of nowhere.

We decided to go to the Hearst Castle but changed our mind when we figured out that to see the entire tour, we had to shell out over $100. So we went to Cambria and got a pair of gloves at Cambria Bike Outfitter. Nice lil tourist town.

So onto Big Sur along Highway 1.

Orven got pretty sick that he started seeing the light at the end of tunnel until I slap him silly while reminding him that it's my trip and to suck it up. :p


The rugged NorCal coastline.

Orven does not want his picture taken but I stole one anyways with his Fubu shirt on.

I told Orven to get the starfish for me....

because I wanted to see if he's fast enough to avoid getting washed away by the surf. :)

Very hard to see, but I'm inside the cave on the bottom left playing chicken with the oncoming waves.



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Next morning at Monterey.

It was weird to be in Monterey and not see bikes on racks on almost every other vehicle like it is during Sea Otter time.


Monterey Aquarium.


We actually had jelly fish in our salad that night when Orven took me out for my birthday dinner.

Some lighthouse near Pebble Beach

On our way back to our hotel in San Francisco from Jack London Square in Oak-town, g.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Orven played the I'm sick card the but I'm having none of that especially if we're driving a stick shift truck up Lombard Street. ;)

Like dogs, they're kinda lazy. :p

USS Pampanito.

We played some old coin operated arcades in the museum next to the USS Pampanito.

Some inmates from San Quentin built this automated ferris wheel out of toothpicks.

The Rock in the background.
We got shut down to see it bec the place was booked until Tues.

Lobster sourdough in the making at Boudin. We bought a different critter.


Marin Headlands.

From cold and foggy to stupid hot in less than 1.5 hours.

"Oh yes, you better have the cream slushy watermelon because we drove out of our way to Bakersfield just to get to a Sonic."

1200 miles laters, here's my birthday bread.

Thanks all for the greetings.