

Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
Well, I'm sitting here enjoying a pilsner. Okay, I can not lie. I'm sitting here enjoying a pilsner or two, and .. okay, or three and I'm getting ready to head out and do a little celebrating tonight. :cheers: 12 midnight starts my birthday. And although I wanted to spend "my day" riding in the woods, mother nature is planning, get this, snow in the forecast. :mad: :rant: Eh, whatareyagonnado!

But to make matters worse, my two riding buddies both have girl friends and one is going somewhere else with his girl tonight, and the other is get this... going out to another area of town tonight to celebrate another friends birthday tonight. Ugh! And HIS bike is in my basement awaiting a new Raceface Evolve DH I got crankset I bought for him and I'm supposed to put on for him tomorrow. Nothing like loyal friends ey? I guess when you get old, nobody cares much anymore. Oh well, in one hour, I'll be one year from fifty. This sux!

But I'll always have you guys here on Ride Monkey to cheer me up!!! :weee::shocked::D

Here it comes... :butcher:

I'm waiting for it! :panic: "The onslaught!" LOL :popcorn:

I'll even put in my own cut down tags in first to get it all started! :rofl:

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
Starting you own birthday thread is as bad as getting a neg rep from jonkranked, that will ruin your internet life for a month!

happy birthday!


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
Yeh, but how bout those tags though ey? Pretty good huh? I helped them get a start on it already!

bighitr gay for charlie, bighitr+charlie=winning!, bighitr=charlie sheen!, winning!!!

Not bad for an old geezah! Peace I'm out man. Gotta get out for a bit.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
OH C'MON!!! It's past 3am and no takers!? I was so looking forward to the bash! C'mon, it's March 27th, otherwise known as "Bash BigHitr day" on RM and no one makes a wisecrack on here!? This will be SOOooo disappointing if no one bites! I lobbed it out there for everyone! Don't leave me hangin here people!


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Sooo let me get this straight..... started your own Bday thread, set yourself up for a bashing, then got all whiney when you didnt get all bashes and ****?????? And now your eating your leftovers the night after...........

Well happy ****in day chucklehead


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
Sooo let me get this straight..... started your own Bday thread, set yourself up for a bashing, then got all whiney when you didnt get all bashes and ****?????? And now your eating your leftovers the night after...........

Well happy ****in day chucklehead
YES! Minus the whiney part. I figured it was my Birthday so why not throw it out there and let everyone give me a huge bashing for the fun of it. And hardly anyone bit. Watswitdat? Not even one JonKranked cut down. :mad: LOL

This place is open on the weekends? Huh.

Had to go to Google to look up what Hbd means... I'm an old guy. I'm not hip and up to date on all the internet abbreviations like everyone on here. OMG i2i, bb, LBS, wtf, I'm still learning.