
~~Happy Friday Morning!!~~


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
where's :stosh: ?

My vacation starts in 5 hours 32 minutes!!! :D

not sure what was going on last night at the gym but I couldn't get my heart rate to my upper zone, I did basically my normal routine and accomplished my normal distance/calories but my HR was like 10 lower than normal ???

was up for the w/e?

Fri= http://www.rock2rebuild.org/


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Heart rate is weird, it can change about 10% day to day depending on things like hydration, caffienation, rest and atmospheric pressure. There are days I can't get mine past 85% and other days I can't keep it below 95%. That is why many people swear by power training. But that requires more expensive equipment.

I'm getting pumped up for Old Pueblo, started organizing my stuff. I'll be getting in some good riding this weekend.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hey kids! I feel very well rested after taking the day off yesterday and doing nothing but watch movies. I watched Kill Bill 2 and The Butterfly Effect.

Should be a good weekend.

Tonight: Hockey game 9:00 (looking to improve to league best 7-2).
Tomorrow: Gym, then heading to Foxwoods casino at night for dinner and fun.
Sunday: Taking the wife out for Valentine's dinner, then I have a 10:00 hockey game.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Westy said:
Heart rate is weird, it can change about 10% day to day depending on things like hydration, caffienation, rest and atmospheric pressure. There are days I can't get mine past 85% and other days I can't keep it below 95%. That is why many people swear by power training. But that requires more expensive equipment.

I'm getting pumped up for Old Pueblo, started organizing my stuff. I'll be getting in some good riding this weekend.

makes sense........but mine is normally very consistant
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
douglas said:
not sure what was going on last night at the gym but I couldn't get my heart rate to my upper zone, I did basically my normal routine and accomplished my normal distance/calories but my HR was like 10 lower than normal ???

Fri= http://www.rock2rebuild.org/
It might be something like maybe you're improving fitness?

The Cheese


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Good morning....something about wearing a suit, makeup and jewellry makes a girl feel...well unhealthy and old. Blech...I have a class to teach this afternoon, so have been prepping all my handout materials this morning. The nice thing is, I get to cut my day short by about 30 minutes...though I may swing back by the office to drop off my projector.

The weekend, if the weather holds (praying the weathermen are wrong about tomorrow), I'll go rock climbing at Little Si wiht my sweetie, and Sunday spend the day with my parents helping them empty the attic. Tonight is my night to treat Steve to a good meal and drinks ...since Vday is a workday for me, I figured I'd surprise him with:
Roast (beef) & all the trimmings
followed by an evening snack of strawberries, cheeses, dark chocolate, and champagne.

Rearranged my apt last night too, to make room for Gravey's new kitty tower. :D :thumb: Steve built it for her, cuz the old one is falling apart. What I don't get is...there were four big strong guys standing around last night, while I dragged/carried her old 8' tower out of the apt. One of them offered to help when I was about 10' from the garbage (they'd watched me take it down stairs, and across the parking lot by this point). :confused:

dh girlie

douglas said:
where's :stosh: ?

My vacation starts in 5 hours 32 minutes!!! :D

not sure what was going on last night at the gym but I couldn't get my heart rate to my upper zone, I did basically my normal routine and accomplished my normal distance/calories but my HR was like 10 lower than normal ???

was up for the w/e?

Fri= http://www.rock2rebuild.org/
I didn't see chores on that list anywhere...usually you do SOME chores on the weekends...:confused:


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Hello - not such a happy Friday for me.

Good in a sense that I've requested a May 17th court date for my divorce, but bad knowing what I have to pay in child support because of the State of CT forumla for that matter.

I'm going to have to live in that EMS tent I took so damned long to decide on buying last summer. :dead:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
He is? Why?

I don't know much about VGS...I'm pretty sure I saw them once at another show...are they like the reverend?
Yeah well apparently Chris toured with them years ago for something. I don't remember all teh details. I've had the tix for 6 months......

Actually that is all a total lie.... if Chris Cornel was going to be there I probably don't go.
Thats funny that you admitted to having seen them after you made fun of me.

dh girlie

stosh said:
Yeah well apparently Chris toured with them years ago for something. I don't remember all teh details. I've had the tix for 6 months......

Actually that is all a total lie.... if Chris Cornel was going to be there I probably don't go.
Thats funny that you admitted to having seen them after you made fun of me.
I was just kidding, get your head out of your ass...I said I THOUGHT I may have seen them open for someone...I never voluntarily purchased tickets to see them...I have no idea what their music is like...I just thought it was funny that everyone was rippin on you for going to see them...and I asked if they were like the Reverend Horton Heat...I'm trying to think of who they opened for...and if I recall, I thought I liked them...Jesus chryst you are such a f'n bitch sometimes...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
I was just kidding, get your head out of your ass...I said I THOUGHT I may have seen them open for someone...I never voluntarily purchased tickets to see them...I have no idea what their music is like...I just thought it was funny that everyone was rippin on you for going to see them...and I asked if they were like the Reverend Horton Heat...I'm trying to think of who they opened for...and if I recall, I thought I liked them...Jesus chryst you are such a f'n bitch sometimes...
Hey you're the one cursing and I wasn't being bitchy!
Sometimes jokes suck on teh intraweb.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
Ok...well now that we have THAT out of the way...WHAT THE HELL KINDA MUSIC IS VOODOO GLOW SKULLS? Are you just going sight unseen or do you really know who they are? Are they Rockabilly???
Oh I don't know I've never seen them before.



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
Oh...ok...jeez it was like pullin an impacted molar to get that info from you...I know I saw them...I don't much care for Ska though, so I'm wondering who I saw them open for...it was at the Warfield...damn that's gonna drive me nuts...
Not sure why they would have opened for Reverend.... but it's possible. Ska bands usually live in packs.....


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
anyone ever seen The Bad Livers? i think they opened for the buttholes once. they played a version of "Ace of Spades" w/ a banjo. killer.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
dh girlie said:
Are you SURE they're ska?
From the bands website --

Formed in 1988, Voodoo Glow Skulls meshed hardcore punk, traditional ska, tough guitar riffs and the Mexican music of their roots to create the prototype for the West Coast ska-core sound, influencing a wide range of bands from Sublime to No Doubt. Unflinchingly honest, their songs often used humor to comment on harsh political realities – from racial inequity to unrest overseas. Singing in both Spanish and English, Voodoo Glow Skulls’ bilingual musical tradition has been a hallmark of the band since they began.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Wumpus said:
From the bands website --

Formed in 1988, Voodoo Glow Skulls meshed hardcore punk, traditional ska, tough guitar riffs and the Mexican music of their roots to create the prototype for the West Coast ska-core sound, influencing a wide range of bands from Sublime to No Doubt. Unflinchingly honest, their songs often used humor to comment on harsh political realities – from racial inequity to unrest overseas. Singing in both Spanish and English, Voodoo Glow Skulls’ bilingual musical tradition has been a hallmark of the band since they began.
DHG likes Mexican music too!!