
~~Happy Humpday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I've been working my butt off to finish up my airport drawings for my final in Architectural Design III. WHat a pain, we have to do it in ink so I can to do about 10 line before I have to stop to let it dry. I'm so glad that the computer has taken over so we don't have to draw like this still.

After tomorrow however I'll be free from class for about a month.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
f'n yo stosh. well same shlt different day over here. im off tomorrow though because i have to work my 1 saturday every every 5 weeks. good thing is i might get my yeti out in the dirt tomorrow shootin some photos and my best friend i havent seen in a couple years is leaving flagstaff this morning to go home for christmas and will be here over the weekend.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
biggins said:
f'n yo stosh. well same shlt different day over here. im off tomorrow though because i have to work my 1 saturday every every 5 weeks. good thing is i might get my yeti out in the dirt tomorrow shootin some photos and my best friend i havent seen in a couple years is leaving flagstaff this morning to go home for christmas and will be here over the weekend.
THats awesome that your friend is coming home.
Have you ridden your new bike yet?


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Well, today is month end closing for me. Time to balance and input year end numbers for processing. Next week metrics and reporting goes out for the year...Oh joy.
Last night I was finishing filling the tub and getting chemicals in. The deck is close to being done. What do you think? It's taking me about 6 months. I started June 15th. Working a couple hours a night during the summer and a some during weekend days. Anyway, I feel good about having done it my self. Plus it has saved me about $4000.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Mornin Stosh.

Not much of any excitement going on today. I'm finally getting a handle on CSS, so that's pretty cool (nerds will understand). I've started redoing my website in CSS... kind of a pain at this point, but I can definitely see the benefits.

Did the first of my christmas shopping last night. Was going to get it all knocked out in one trip like usual, but then it occured to me that since my daugther was going with me, I couldn't very well buy all the gifts for my wife, then put "from Santa" tags on them. Emma would be a little suspisous of that.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning Stosh - it is cold out this a.m. - I had a great night with my sons last night - but it always sucks to say good night to them and then go home alone to my apartment.

I'm also having a struggle with whether or not it is right for me to keep my dogs or not. I feel like I'm not able to give them the love and care that they deserve - I mean I'm trying my best, but I'm not sure my best is good enough for them. :confused:


Good morning monkeys. Cold here. It was 28 when I got in from a ride last night.

JSB - looks good bro. :thumb:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
stosh said:
THats awesome that your friend is coming home.
Have you ridden your new bike yet?
i rode it around on an all day erbon session but not in the woods yet. i tried to go to the dirt jumps with it saturday but i lost my keys.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
biggins said:
i rode it around on an all day erbon session but not in the woods yet. i tried to go to the dirt jumps with it saturday but i lost my keys.
The DJ's are like 3 miles from your house, you coulda rode your bike :nuts:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
JSB said:
Well, today is month end closing for me. Time to balance and input year end numbers for processing. Next week metrics and reporting goes out for the year...Oh joy.
Last night I was finishing filling the tub and getting chemicals in. The deck is close to being done. What do you think? It's taking me about 6 months. I started June 15th. Working a couple hours a night during the summer and a some during weekend days. Anyway, I feel good about having done it my self. Plus it has saved me about $4000.
Looks great! What kind of wood are you using?

You need a building permit? What did you do to support the weight of the hot tub?


biggins said:
i rode it around on an all day erbon session but not in the woods yet. i tried to go to the dirt jumps with it saturday but i lost my keys.
Dummy - how's that going for you???


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:
Mornin Stosh.

Not much of any excitement going on today. I'm finally getting a handle on CSS, so that's pretty cool (nerds will understand). I've started redoing my website in CSS... kind of a pain at this point, but I can definitely see the benefits.

Did the first of my christmas shopping last night. Was going to get it all knocked out in one trip like usual, but then it occured to me that since my daugther was going with me, I couldn't very well buy all the gifts for my wife, then put "from Santa" tags on them. Emma would be a little suspisous of that.
What do you mean there isn't a Santa?


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
loco said:
Good morning monkeys. Cold here. It was 28 when I got in from a ride last night.

JSB - looks good bro. :thumb:
Thanks! The wife had given up a couple of months ago, but I'm fianlly almost done. ha ha!

It was cold as a mutha this morning at D/FW this morning. Had to be 20 something.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
stosh said:
Looks great! What kind of wood are you using?

You need a building permit? What did you do to support the weight of the hot tub?
Thanks! The wood is another reason it's taking a while. It's pressure treated that I had to let dry out before I stained. I think I over engineer it. I've got 14 two foot piers underneath the deck. Then the 6x6's are buried. The deck that has the table and seating area has 24 piers. Yes it required a permit, and a HOA approval.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning! Had a good concert last night..got home a little earlier than I thought which was a nice treat. Another concert tonight that should go well and then I am done with them until next Tuesday. I am even considering taking all day Friday off to do an epic ride...either that or just take the afternoon off and do a normal ride. Still debating.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
JSB said:
Thanks! The wood is another reason it's taking a while. It's pressure treated that I had to let dry out before I stained. I think I over engineer it. I've got 14 two foot piers underneath the deck. Then the 6x6's are buried. The deck that has the table and seating area has 24 piers. Yes it required a permit, and a HOA approval.
HOA? What's that?

So you didn't do concrete footings for the piers?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
TreeSaw said:
Morning! Had a good concert last night..got home a little earlier than I thought which was a nice treat. Another concert tonight that should go well and then I am done with them until next Tuesday. I am even considering taking all day Friday off to do an epic ride...either that or just take the afternoon off and do a normal ride. Still debating.
wait so you just get to take days off as a teacher?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Mornin. Currently 5 degrees outside and not much warmer inside. Blaa. Space heate under desk @ full blast. I want to put on my mittens.., but I don't think I can click the mouse with 'em on. :)


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
stosh said:
HOA? What's that?

So you didn't do concrete footings for the piers?
Home owners association.

I dug two foot holes poured concrete piers. Sunk a J bolt in the wet concrete. Then attached a 4x4 footing. Attached a 4x4 leg. Nailed the 4x4 to my joists.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
stosh said:
HOA? What's that?

So you didn't do concrete footings for the piers?
HOA = Home Owner's Association -- The neighborhood nazis. When you buy a house in certain developments there is an HOA that has a set rules that you have to follow or they will fine you. (i.e. you can't paint your house bright purple, leave your trash cans on the curb, put certain decorations in your yard)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
JSB said:
Home owners association.

I dug two foot holes poured concrete piers. Sunk a J bolt in the wet concrete. Then attached a 4x4 footing. Attached a 4x4 leg. Nailed the 4x4 to my joists.

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

HOA suck!!!


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
stosh said:
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

HOA suck!!!
They do suck! It seems like they screw people like me from doing things I want, but not the MFer down the street that has pulled his dead tree out of his yard and left the iron rods that used to help hold it up. Plus he's got two foot high weeds in his flower beds, and has edged his yard all summer. The side walk turns into a narrow path in front of his house. Yet I had to get approval to build my deck which is in the back of my house. My neighbor is trying to put a pool in but the HOA won't let him use the side street as an entry point for the contractors, because of a previous issue with another home owner. So instead he has to rip up all his landscaping between our houses to get to the back yard. So far he's still fighting it but it looks like he won't win. They are such a-holes. I wish we could vote it out or something. Whooo. I think I'm done.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
bigginsis said:
some psycho girl probably stole them...

it's payday here and tonight is the all-girl christmas party with my friends...only wish it were a little warmer in this place - how can i type when my fingers are numb?
You don't know what cold is!!

You gonna take pics at the party?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
JSB said:
They do suck! It seems like they screw people like me from doing things I want, but not the MFer down the street that has pulled his dead tree out of his yard and left the iron rods that used to help hold it up. Plus he's got two foot high weeds in his flower beds, and has edged his yard all summer. The side walk turns into a narrow path in front of his house. Yet I had to get approval to build my deck which is in the back of my house. My neighbor is trying to put a pool in but the HOA won't let him use the side street as an entry point for the contractors, because of a previous issue with another home owner. So instead he has to rip up all his landscaping between our houses to get to the back yard. So far he's still fighting it but it looks like he won't win. They are such a-holes. I wish we could vote it out or something. Whooo. I think I'm done.
It's kind of funny that people can tell you what to do on your property... I love it!!!

Around here we have organization that are actually allowed to have laws on the books governing many similar things that the HOA does. It's bad and only getting worse. It's driving the cost of housing thru the roof.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
stosh said:
It's kind of funny that people can tell you what to do on your property... I love it!!!

Around here we have organization that are actually allowed to have laws on the books governing many similar things that the HOA does. It's bad and only getting worse. It's driving the cost of housing thru the roof.
Oh not only that, but we pay them. But with that said I understand that most that goes to paying for the common areas mowed, and plants, trees, flower replacement. Three community pools, and a training facility with a trainer, but still...it's a kick in the :nuts: