
~~Happy Humpday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Had dinner at a friends house which enabled me to procrastinate my school project another day. I'm designing a place or worship on a college campus that many different faiths can use. It's pretty fun but there are about a million other projects I would rather do.

Have a great day everybody!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I installed my kitchen cabinet hardware last night... the cabinet maker FINALLY came by yesterday and drilled the holes, adjusted the doors, and dropped off the handles... we've only been waiting for him since mid-Oct...!


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
'morning stosh.

Too much snow... argh.

Got my car fixed last night, finally. Spoke with the owner of the place and he was awesome. When I brought it in last week, the speedometer didn't work (which I knew, but I can tell my speed to +/-2mph from the tachometer), and it was stalling. I wanted an estimate. They said to fix the stalling, it needed a tuneup, and the speedometer was going to need an expensive fix - so I said, go ahead and fix the stalling, leave the speedometer alone for now. Also, the front left CV joint was going.

So they gave it a tuneup and replaced the front left axle, to the tune of $550. Got it home, and found out it was still stalling (!!). Now, I'm not completely broke, but I only replaced the sparkplugs & wires 10k miles ago and would never have forked out for that tuneup if I didn't think it would fix it. Turns out the speedometer problem was the real problem and was causing my stalling (bad speed sensor).

So they fixed that yesterday, and it was going to cost about $200. I went in and talked to the owner, explained my problem (nicely), and he very nicely gave me the part they replaced at dealer cost, then gave me a discount, then refunded me the price of the spark plugs from the tuneup. Cost me about $50 for something I had to get done anyway - score!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
binary visions said:
'morning stosh.

Too much snow... argh.

Got my car fixed last night, finally. Spoke with the owner of the place and he was awesome. When I brought it in last week, the speedometer didn't work (which I knew, but I can tell my speed to +/-2mph from the tachometer), and it was stalling. I wanted an estimate. They said to fix the stalling, it needed a tuneup, and the speedometer was going to need an expensive fix - so I said, go ahead and fix the stalling, leave the speedometer alone for now. Also, the front left CV joint was going.

So they gave it a tuneup and replaced the front left axle, to the tune of $550. Got it home, and found out it was still stalling (!!). Now, I'm not completely broke, but I only replaced the sparkplugs & wires 10k miles ago and would never have forked out for that tuneup if I didn't think it would fix it. Turns out the speedometer problem was the real problem and was causing my stalling (bad speed sensor).

So they fixed that yesterday, and it was going to cost about $200. I went in and talked to the owner, explained my problem (nicely), and he very nicely gave me the part they replaced at dealer cost, then gave me a discount, then refunded me the price of the spark plugs from the tuneup. Cost me about $50 for something I had to get done anyway - score!
Thats great man!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
N8 said:
It was 73 degrees here yesterday and I had my a/c cranking until 8PM.

Today is supposed to get even warmer.

Temp is supposed to drop again tomorrow it's about 30 day which is balmy!!!!


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Morning :stosh:,

I'm supposed to be in a 3 hour studio class right now, got up cleared the car off, busted my ass getting there only to find out that class was canceled. Cleared the car again and slipped and slid all the way back to my place.


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
MMcG said:
working from home...
Good thing - stopped traffic was sliding sideways down Avon Mtn this am on my way into work. Not looking forward to the ride home...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Just about all the walls are framed on my latest house.

The joist package will be delivered today and the framers should start on them Thurs.

The weather is great with no real rain in the forecast.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
ugh...a few inches of snow here = why do people drive 40 in the fast/3rd lane of the highway?? move over ya pokey biatches!!

I moved my xc bike into the living room, now I want to ride !!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
douglas said:
ugh...a few inches of snow here = why do people drive 40 in the fast/3rd lane of the highway?? move over ya pokey biatches!!

I moved my xc bike into the living room, now I want to ride !!!
Mine has been hanging in my bedroom for weeks now.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
SkaredShtles said:
Is A/C the only way you Southern residents keep mold from growing on *everything*?? :think:

It's the only way... I have to move back home to New Mexico. When it hits 7% relative humidity there, people complain!



morning yo - going to San Antonio for a conference today and tomorrow.

It's like 70 this morning.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Good Morning. Suppose to hit 68 or 70 today. Yesterday was 79. Tomorrow back in the 50s I think. We have been on a roller coaster this winter. Probably going to try and ride this evening.

Does anyone have any ideas for dog howling? I got a complaint of the weekend from the city. They said they could start fining me if I keep getting them. I've got two labs, and one was a barker. So I put a bark collar on him, and he stopped. But he's a smart dog, and figured out he could howl and it wouldn't zap him. So now I can't get him to stop howling, unless I let him in. Punch Biatch. He's getting old and sometimes can't hold his business, but I can't leave him outside during the day while I'm at work because I'll get fined. DANG IT!! Any ideas would be appreciated. I can't give him away either. I've thought about it, but I've had them both for 9 years, and my son is attached to the howler.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
N8 said:
It's typical for here... imagine it here in the summer when the temps are 102 at 11:30 at night...


N8 exaggerates. It is only in the mid nineties at midnight*.

*exception may have been the summer of 98 when we had 60 days over 100*F.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Morning everyone.

I feel tired this am. I stayed up reading a bit too late. I'm reading a booked called, "They Marched into Sunlight" about the Vietnam War. Interesting parallels between that and Irag...but that topic belongs in the politcal forum.

How is everyone?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
JSB said:
<snip>DANG IT!! Any ideas would be appreciated. I can't give him away either. I've thought about it, but I've had them both for 9 years, and my son is attached to the howler.
At least you're doing something about it. As a non-dog owner, there is *NOTHING* worse than a friggin' barking/howling dog in the backyard adjacent to your house.....

I've heard there are fence-mountable ultrasonic things that will put out a burst of "dog-noise" when they howl/bark. I was going to get one at my last house, since at least three of my neighbors had barkers. :dead:

Luckily at my new house there are *none* :thumb:


I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
tonyhawk said:
Good thing - stopped traffic was sliding sideways down Avon Mtn this am on my way into work. Not looking forward to the ride home...
Those damn Famington Valley folks can't drive to save their lives. :rolleyes:

Oh wait....nevermind. :D

I am leaving work today no later than 2:00.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
SkaredShtles said:
I should have added: With TX plates. Either that, or invariably there's a Texas A&M sticker in the back window. :rolleyes: :mumble:


Edit: Oh yeah - and it's usually some blonde chick with big hair. :D

A little blonde chick...


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
SkaredShtles said:
At least you're doing something about it. As a non-dog owner, there is *NOTHING* worse than a friggin' barking/howling dog in the backyard adjacent to your house.....

I've heard there are fence-mountable ultrasonic things that will put out a burst of "dog-noise" when they howl/bark. I was going to get one at my last house, since at least three of my neighbors had barkers. :dead:

Luckily at my new house there are *none* :thumb:

Well I can definitely understand, because he drives me crazy too. I had a neighbor once that his dog only barked when he left. As soon as he would pull into the driveway he would stop. Therefore the guy never believed his dog barked. Needless to say he was an ars.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Wumpus said:
N8 exaggerates. It is only in the mid nineties at midnight*.

*exception may have been the summer of 98 when we had 60 days over 100*F.

That year sucked! We hit 100F on Memorial Day and the last day of 100F+ was in Sept.

But when it's 95F outside at a relative humidity of 98% like it usually is during the summer, it 'feels' like 102F...


Aug 10, 2001
C-Me Valley, CA
'Morn Stosh & All...
I'm weak this morning (But not like Heidi's case) :nopity:
It was wet on the ground when I got up & forecast light rain all day.
So I rode the scooter instead of pedaling... :oink:

Yesterday was the first time lunch-ride in two months!
A beautiful cool 70 degree {winter} day, with partial clouds and a slight breeze... 13 miles in 40 minutes w/600' el gain & loss... :love:

JSB said:
...a roller coaster this winter...
Same out here in SoCal. :rolleyes:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
SkaredShtles said:
Me: Subaru. Good tires. Snowy. Wanna go.

Someone else: Excursion. In fast lane. Going 35. :mumble:




ME: chevy truck 4x4. snowy. wanna go

Others that have been in my way in the last week:front wheel drive, 4x4 suv, 4x4 truck, suby awd, 18 wheelers
