
~~Happy Humpday Morning~~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

Well I got out on my MKIII for the first time last night. I had a little tuning of the 5th element to do as I was riding however that was about the only thing I had to adjust.
The Pike and it's adjustable travel is great. The fork is super plush and the adjustable travel really helps for climbs and in the long travel position I feel like I'm on a DH bike. For my first time out my skills were rusty but the bike still held the corners tight. I'm still not used to the SRAM triggers but when I can remember how to use them they shift great. EPIC cycles did a great job putting the bike together so prop's to them.

The Stewart Airport trails are super dry for April. I'll be riding there this weekend.

Have a great day everybody!!!


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
bout time you got here.

Went for a road ride with T-blazer last night, it was fun. Found a couple new hills to suffer on :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Echo said:
bout time you got here.

Went for a road ride with T-blazer last night, it was fun. Found a couple new hills to suffer on :thumb:
I thought you said the trails were in good shape by you?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Morning - paid taxes last night - that sucked but it's done with. I need to change my withholdings or whatever it's called.

Had a beer and ate some wings to try and make myself feel a little better after sending $$ back to Uncle Sam - helped a little.

Glad you are digging the new bike Stosh.

And Echo - I think I'll be on the road a lot this year as well.




Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Echo said:
They are pretty dry, but I plan on doing a lot of road riding this year. I'm taking the SS out for a trail ride today.

why do you plan on doing a lot of road riding?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
Morning - paid taxes last night - that sucked but it's done with. I need to change my withholdings or whatever it's called.

Had a beer and ate some wings to try and make myself feel a little better after sending $$ back to Uncle Sam - helped a little.

Glad you are digging the new bike Stosh.

And Echo - I think I'll be on the road a lot this year as well.


The bike rocks but holy crap am I out of shape. I'm glad the guy I rode with let me take it easy.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I got stuck behind some dillhole this morning in their bmw z3 that did 5-10 mph under the speed limit, I coulndt pass because of traffic coming the other way, 200 ft from work a rock hit my windshiels and cracked it, its small but my truck is only like 6 months old :mumble: :mumble:

heading to the trails soon as I get out of work today! :D


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
So my friend's sister just had a baby and she had NO money. Her boyfriend is a loser and they spend their money very poorly. In any event, my friend's sister gets the bright idea to put up her resume at an online job hunting website. Her child is only a few months so she can't leave the baby for atleast a year. So she submits her resume and states that she's looking for a work from home job.
Well of course WE all know what happens. She get's an e-mail talking about how this company will allow her to work from home. All she has to do is cash checks they send her, take 10% of the check and send the rest back to them.
I'm not sure if anything could more clearly scream scam, so we all tell her this over and over again but she does it anyway. The company sends her a check for $1300 she deposits the check and takes the cash out, gets a money order and sends the money back. The check was a business check from a company in TX and she sent it back to a company in FL.
Can anybody guess the scam?

The check bounced, all the companies are GONE!!!
Thing is she was broke to begin with and now this...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MMcG said:
Morning - paid taxes last night - that sucked but it's done with. I need to change my withholdings or whatever it's called.

Had a beer and ate some wings to try and make myself feel a little better after sending $$ back to Uncle Sam - helped a little.

Glad you are digging the new bike Stosh.

And Echo - I think I'll be on the road a lot this year as well.


We riding tonight yo?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
stosh said:
why do you plan on doing a lot of road riding?
I like road riding. And gas is expensive. And if I'm gonna survive the 6 hours of power and 12 hours of Pats Peak solo I need to do a lot of miles, miles you can't get on a mountain bike around here. And I'm getting a new road bike. And so on... :p


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Echo said:
I like road riding. And gas is expensive. And if I'm gonna survive the 6 hours of power and 12 hours of Pats Peak solo I need to do a lot of miles, miles you can't get on a mountain bike around here. And I'm getting a new road bike. And so on... :p
ha! So how many bikes will you have?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Echo said:
I like road riding. And gas is expensive. And if I'm gonna survive the 6 hours of power and 12 hours of Pats Peak solo I need to do a lot of miles, miles you can't get on a mountain bike around here. And I'm getting a new road bike. And so on... :p
New Road bike?? Care to give us Monkeys a hint as to what it going to be??


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
MMcG said:
New Road bike?? Care to give us Monkeys a hint as to what it going to be??
I'm pretty sure it's been discussed here, but the damn thing is taking so long to arrive :mumble: it's a Bianchi Virata double. Supposedly the triples are in but Shimano hasn't sent Bianchi the Ultegra double stuff yet.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Goodmorning! Quiet night last night. Went to our friend Jim's wake with Treesaw, Sq-Earl and about 8 other SMBA members. It was rough, but I'm glad I had a chance to say goodbye in person. After that went home, had some pizza and beers and zoned out watching T.V.. Tonight, the training begins! Starting tonight, the DH team I'm on is doing training rides every Wed. after work. Which means riding/pushing the BIG bike around our trails for a couple hours. I'm looking forward to it though, it should go a long way towards my overall fitness. I think. :think:


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Got kind of a scare yesterday evening. On my way back from the grocery store, as I was about a couple-hundred yards from my driveway, I see my neighbor's tractor cock-eyed in the ditch---along with what used to be a Honda Accord, wrapped around a pine tree. I see my neighbor standing next to the tractor, so I knew he wasn't hurt. The first thing he says to me was that his son was "alright." My heart jumped for a second, because I then realized that his twelve year-old must have been the one driving the tractor at the time of the crash. Apparently, what happened is he and his son were transferring some bulls from one field to the other. Those fields are accessed by using a short section of road in front of our house that people frequently use as an Indianapolis Speedway training facility. My neighbor was driving the hauler, with his son driving the tractor ahead of him. This guy comes flying down the road---over a blind hill and into a curve, sees the procession of farm equipment, and decides that he wants no part of a wait at all, and tries to pass on the left--in the curve at over 55 mph. At the same time, my neighbors son approaches the field and starts to turn left. You can imagine what happened next: "Holy ****'s" are exchanged, the driver ditches the car into the trees, clipping the front of the tractor in the process, spinning it into the ditch. Miraciously, the boy wasn't hurt at all. My neighbor was in full rage, and was about to cause the driver some serious personal damage if he already didn't have some after emerging from his now half-sized Honda---luckily, another neighbor and myself got there at the right time and diffused the situation and got everyone chilled out until the state trooper got there. After that, I scooted on back up to the house and scarfed down what was left of my now-half-melted chocolate ice cream. Dunno how it all sorted out legally-speaking.......the boy was 12, and driving a tractor on the road---but that's kinda par for the course around here in the rural areas of North Carolina. Lots of tobacco and beef cattle farms, so kids helping out on tractors are just part of the deal. Hell.....you wouldn't believe how good the kid is with a backhoe. I've got him into dirt jumping, so he's been out digging little DJ's with the backhoe after school. Glad he was OK.......but I know his dad could get burned for the kid being on the road behind the wheel.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Oh yeah, and I bought a synthesizer from ebay that was broken, got it yesterday, took it apart, fixed some broken solder connections, and now it works. Nice backup keyboard for under a hundred bucks :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Greyhound said:
Got kind of a scare yesterday evening. On my way back from the grocery store, as I was about a couple-hundred yards from my driveway, I see my neighbor's tractor cock-eyed in the ditch---along with what used to be a Honda Accord, wrapped around a pine tree. I see my neighbor standing next to the tractor, so I knew he wasn't hurt. The first thing he says to me was that his son was "alright." My heart jumped for a second, because I then realized that his twelve year-old must have been the one driving the tractor at the time of the crash. Apparently, what happened is he and his son were transferring some bulls from one field to the other. Those fields are accessed by using a short section of road in front of our house that people frequently use as an Indianapolis Speedway training facility. My neighbor was driving the hauler, with his son driving the tractor ahead of him. This guy comes flying down the road---over a blind hill and into a curve, sees the procession of farm equipment, and decides that he wants no part of a wait at all, and tries to pass on the left--in the curve at over 55 mph. At the same time, my neighbors son approaches the field and starts to turn left. You can imagine what happened next: "Holy ****'s" are exchanged, the driver ditches the car into the trees, clipping the front of the tractor in the process, spinning it into the ditch. Miraciously, the boy wasn't hurt at all. My neighbor was in full rage, and was about to cause the driver some serious personal damage if he already didn't have some after emerging from his now half-sized Honda---luckily, another neighbor and myself got there at the right time and diffused the situation and got everyone chilled out until the state trooper got there. After that, I scooted on back up to the house and scarfed down what was left of my now-half-melted chocolate ice cream. Dunno how it all sorted out legally-speaking.......the boy was 12, and driving a tractor on the road---but that's kinda par for the course around here in the rural areas of North Carolina. Lots of tobacco and beef cattle farms, so kids helping out on tractors are just part of the deal. Hell.....you wouldn't believe how good the kid is with a backhoe. I've got him into dirt jumping, so he's been out digging little DJ's with the backhoe after school. Glad he was OK.......but I know his dad could get burned for the kid being on the road behind the wheel.
wow that does suck! I know the farmers around here hate people who don't give them the right away.

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
mornin' all. Rode for a few hours last night all by myself. Ride was going great until a log jumped up and wedged into my derailleur. I sheared my hanger, but fortunately I had a spare handy. Of course now my derailleur is out of whack but I'm hoping its just because the cable is stretched. I'll find out this afternoon.

Hey IAB, if you go to bikerag, there's some guys doing nepaug tonight.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Crazy Sweeper said:
Hey IAB, if you go to bikerag, there's some guys doing nepaug tonight.
Thanks, I actually saw that. I don't want to wait until 5:30 to ride though, plus I'm out of shape and the Bikerag guys would absolutely destroy me right now. :p

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
I Are Baboon said:
Thanks, I actually saw that. I don't want to wait until 5:30 to ride though, plus I'm out of shape and the Bikerag guys would absolutely destroy me right now. :p
Nepaug isn't that bad, because just as you're starting to get tired you reach another jump. then you get to catch your breath and watch everybody fly.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning or should I say afternoon. Busy day yesterday. Taught lessons after school then met up with some SMBA members to pay our respects at Jim's wake. I am still amazed by his passing and even more amazed with the strength his wife showed last night. I know that I wouldn't be doing so well in her situation. Today I am hitting the bike for a much needed "blow off some steam and training" ride then I have our last snowmobile club meeting of the season.

Echo - got a link for the 6HOP? Sq-Earl & I would like to do it 2 person team. and congrats on the e-bay find!


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Allo everyone! :)

I feel like I haven't slept in days - Hotels just aren't the same as home ;). I miss my bike, my cat, my trails, my sweetie...sigh, even the ability to get a good cup of coffee on a regular basis.

Today I feel blessed because I found a Borders after my class was done, and got a Latte and a sandwich!

My boss is loving it though, I've made us more money in three days than I can do in the office in 3 months. I think I'm in danger of them trying to get me on the road more than I want to go...

The good news is, they're suffering with me out of the office even though they love me on the road. I know my boss is seriously considering my proposal to promote me to a director in the company. :D Would be good since I'm looking to buy a house in two months, and am dissatisfied with my current level of pay, but don't want to change jobs right now...