
~~Happy Humpday Morning~~~


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Morning dillholes. Finally got on my road bike last night, 65 degrees outside and sunny, but pretty windy. Did 28 miles and was introduced to some new hills which kicked ass. You know it's gonna be good when a hill has a name and everyone else in the ride group groans when it gets called out :devil:


Mar 14, 2005
today is Blahhhhhhh. 52 degrees rain on and off. not a very nice day for the bike. I realized 5 minutes into my bike commute this morning I forgot to put on my rear fender so by the time i got to work my bag and ass were nicely wet. you guys know that look.. with the stripe up your butt?? not appealing. luckily i have pleanty of clothes at work. but other then that, things are good


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
jacksonpt said:
Yea... I'm not expecting a whole lot of free time in the near future. I'm hoping to start riding to work next week, but we'll see...

Wow, my wife sends me to go ride since I become a grouchy asshole if I don't get some riding time.

Have you thought about running? Only takes thirty minutes. Get a jogging stroller and take the younguns with you.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MtnBikerChk said:
EMS BABY! This coming weekend is 20% off weekend! Maybe I'll go and find what I want and go back Saturday and buy it :)

But I do like a good WalMart trip too!
I hate to admit it but I enjoy the occasional walmart trip.

Aubrey and I love to go there drunk at like 12am.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Wumpus said:
Have you thought about running? Only takes thirty minutes. Get a jogging stroller and take the younguns with you.
yea, but again, the question is time. I can do a 45minute ride from my front door... just don't have the time right now. I've thought about getting up early to get some exercise before work... at 9pm the night before that sounds like a great idea, but for some reason at 5:30am, I'd rather kill myself than get out of bed.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
MtnBikerChk said:
EMS BABY! This coming weekend is 20% off weekend! Maybe I'll go and find what I want and go back Saturday and buy it :)

But I do like a good WalMart trip too!
damnit... they closed our local EMS about 3 months ago. Now that the decent weather is here (note the intential use of the word "decent" rather than "good"), I'm really missing it.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I Are Baboon said:
"Roll on the laughing floor"? :confused:

Are you guys running double or triples on your road bikes? The fastest I can go on my road bike is 43 MPH. I can not get pedal resistance to go any faster.

I have a low end bike w/a triple - I hit 42 on my last ride, and that wasnt much of a hill so I am pretty sure I can go faster


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
douglas said:
I have a low end bike w/a triple - I hit 42 on my last ride, and that wasnt much of a hill so I am pretty sure I can go faster
are you talking a flat out sprint on flat ground, or just max speed/spin (i.e. wind and hills don't matter)?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
stosh said:
:drool: @ wegmans
Every wednesday we'd go to this dive in Wilkes barre that showed Southpark. They had the best wings in town, so we'd have some beers, eat some wings, watch southpark, play a little pool, maybe shoot some darts (btw, playing darts when drunk is a bad thing), then head over to wegmans for gummy worms/fish/octopi (ok grammar gurus... what's the plural form for octopus?).

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
jacksonpt said:
are you talking a flat out sprint on flat ground, or just max speed/spin (i.e. wind and hills don't matter)?
My 43 MPH was going downhill pedaling a fast as I can. There comes a point where you can not spin the pedals fast enough to generate any resistance, so your speed tops out.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Echo said:
I'm getting a double on my new roadie, and I'm probably gonna regret it at some point :dead:
I'm looking at a new road bike. An '04 Fuji Marseille, the one thing that is stopping me from pulling the trigger is the triple, well that and I kind of want an Orbea.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I Are Baboon said:
My 43 MPH was going downhill pedaling a fast as I can. There comes a point where you can not spin the pedals fast enough to generate any resistance, so your speed tops out.
You just need a steeper hill to ride down! Avon Mtn perhaps! ;) :evil:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I Are Baboon said:
My 43 MPH was going downhill pedaling a fast as I can. There comes a point where you can not spin the pedals fast enough to generate any resistance, so your speed tops out.
yea... the hill thing is what I was wondering about. a 43mph sprint on flat ground would be NUTS! Being able to spin that fast is pleny impressive in my book. :thumb:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Westy said:
I'm looking at a new road bike. An '04 Fuji Marseille, the one thing that is stopping me from pulling the trigger is the triple, well that and I kind of want an Orbea.
Lucky for me, my homeboy just became a Bianchi dealer. Unlucky for me, the bike I ordered appears to be the one bike they haven't delivered. I've been getting all kinds of stories about the Ultegra double kits not being available yet, etc. I wonder if these bike companies will ever figure out that most of us have heard their BS excuses for years and we know it's BS.

The Fuji's are sweet, if Bianchi doesn't get off their asses I'll probably get a Fuji team.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Echo said:
Lucky for me, my homeboy just became a Bianchi dealer. Unlucky for me, the bike I ordered appears to be the one bike they haven't delivered. I've been getting all kinds of stories about the Ultegra double kits not being available yet, etc. I wonder if these bike companies will ever figure out that most of us have heard their BS excuses for years and we know it's BS.

The Fuji's are sweet, if Bianchi doesn't get off their asses I'll probably get a Fuji team.
Any other feedback on the Fuji's, in particular the Marseille? I can prattle off specs and info on most mountain bikes but am fairly clueless about roadie stuff.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
jacksonpt said:
Every wednesday we'd go to this dive in Wilkes barre that showed Southpark. They had the best wings in town, so we'd have some beers, eat some wings, watch southpark, play a little pool, maybe shoot some darts (btw, playing darts when drunk is a bad thing), then head over to wegmans for gummy worms/fish/octopi (ok grammar gurus... what's the plural form for octopus?).
ROLF @ Wilks barre


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Late checking in here:

Had lively discussion going on a local riding board about pinworms----yeah, I know........we're a weird group.

Work has me swamped. Spent 14 hrs at the job yesterday. Grrrrrrrrrr. Was ready to get the hell out at 4:30, and on the last pass of the roof truss roller, I hear a BANG!! SCRRRRRAPE!! Oh no......that sounds like metal being ripped away from something. Yes, it was. A piece of metal covering vibrated loose as they were rolling over one of the trusses, and got sheered back---ripping the heads off of five bolts. I just dropped my head, slumped down in the chair a bit, and headed out to the shop to get the stuff to drill out and re-tap the threads. Five hours later I finally get home and get a beer. My sneak-a-toke was empty, so I had a few extra beers to compensate---now my head hurts today.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Greyhound said:
Late checking in here:

Had lively discussion going on a local riding board about pinworms----yeah, I know........we're a weird group.

Work has me swamped. Spent 14 hrs at the job yesterday. Grrrrrrrrrr. Was ready to get the hell out at 4:30, and on the last pass of the roof truss roller, I hear a BANG!! SCRRRRRAPE!! Oh no......that sounds like metal being ripped away from something. Yes, it was. A piece of metal covering vibrated loose as they were rolling over one of the trusses, and got sheered back---ripping the heads off of five bolts. I just dropped my head, slumped down in the chair a bit, and headed out to the shop to get the stuff to drill out and re-tap the threads. Five hours later I finally get home and get a beer. My sneak-a-toke was empty, so I had a few extra beers to compensate---now my head hurts today.
What do you do?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Westy said:
Any other feedback on the Fuji's, in particular the Marseille? I can prattle off specs and info on most mountain bikes but am fairly clueless about roadie stuff.
Well my current roadie is a low end Fuji, it's nothing special but it always does what it's supposed to.

The shop's team all rides Fuji Teams, I haven't heard of anyone being unhappy with them. I don't know of anyone riding the Marseille though.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
So the other day I was short one brake cable for the rear brake on my HT. I was like what the heck, I'll just run in to town and grab a brake cable from my LHS. Holy crap I might as well have used a rubber band. I almost can't stop the bike with it.....


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Knuckleslammer said:
Wal Mart is evil. They get 99% of their products from China, where slave labor is predominant.

I shop at Wal Mart though too, so perhaps I'll shut up.
wow....... you're back.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
jacksonpt said:
are you talking a flat out sprint on flat ground, or just max speed/spin (i.e. wind and hills don't matter)?

on flat, no freakin way!!

I need some definite hillage to hit those speeds

One thing I thought was weird about my (1st & only) group ride last week, on some of the hills (on my low end bike) I seemed faster with not much effort then most of the other guys, sometimes I was just coasting and was passing people, & several times when I was 'in the pack' I had to brake on spots that I would never ever brake on if I was out solo