
~~Happy Humpday Morning!!~~


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
How is everybody today?

I have nothing to report today... I'm f'ing busy at work and it f'ing blows.....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
'morning stosh. Not much to report here.

My girlfriend bought a pair of shoes online, with the brand name "Naughty Monkey". I wonder if RM has been dabbling in shoe design? :think:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
binary visions said:
'morning stosh. Not much to report here.

My girlfriend bought a pair of shoes online, with the brand name "Naughty Monkey". I wonder if RM has been dabbling in shoe design? :think:
We're the Paris Hilton of the internet!!

Check out our full line of dog and cat clothing.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
I realized last night that Monday is a holiday, i.e. NO WORK. HOORAY!!! I also asked for this Friday off to make a four day weekend of it. :cool:
4th of July weekend always tends to be one of the greatest holidays all year for me.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
splat said:

I called in sick today, I caught some virus on Monday at the office and I can't shake it so I called in sick going to see the doctor later.

That sucks man! Hope you get better quick.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
stosh said:
We're the Paris Hilton of the internet!!

Check out our full line of dog and cat clothing.

Speak for yourself, buddy, I don't want to be associated with that ugly, disease-ridden skank.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
G'Mornin' all! I'm back at work today after a 4.5 day weekend. All ready I'm getting clobbered with issues. Nothing big though. Nothing planned for this week really, looks like I may get out for a ride either tomorrow or Fri..


Mar 14, 2005
Mornin stosh..everyone....

that adapter for my front brake on my heckler finally came in.. but no luck.. no good.. i have no clue what to do now..it seems like the fork is just too old...hmmm Im gonna have to convince the wife i NEED a new fork. btw thanks again stosh for pointing it out.

other than that im just getting ready to visit my sister in md. im looking up all the local trails to do some riding
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
I Are Baboon said:
I realized last night that Monday is a holiday, i.e. NO WORK. HOORAY!!! I also asked for this Friday off to make a four day weekend of it. :cool:
Me too! Except I'm taking tomorrow off as well to make it a 5 day weekend and man do I need it.

The Cheese


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
hooples3 said:
Mornin stosh..everyone....

that adapter for my front brake on my heckler finally came in.. but no luck.. no good.. i have no clue what to do now..it seems like the fork is just too old...hmmm Im gonna have to convince the wife i NEED a new fork. btw thanks again stosh for pointing it out.

other than that im just getting ready to visit my sister in md. im looking up all the local trails to do some riding
Are you riding by Baltimore?

Thats really strange that you're caliper won't mount correctly..... Oh well a new fork is in order then I guess!


Mar 14, 2005
stosh said:
Are you riding by Baltimore?

Thats really strange that you're caliper won't mount correctly..... Oh well a new fork is in order then I guess!
yeah sorta... to get to my sister i have to approach baltimore but not really through it... where i would have to turn off it would be 15 minutes away. there seems to be trails all over the place there... i havent full decided when and where to ride just yet. why??


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
hooples3 said:
yeah sorta... to get to my sister i have to approach baltimore but not really through it... where i would have to turn off it would be 15 minutes away. there seems to be trails all over the place there... i havent full decided when and where to ride just yet. why??
don't go to Gun Powder state park.

There is one popular place down there but all I remember hearing is on the weekends it's always crazy packed.



Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC

Clouds spit on us all day yesterday, so it was kind of a relaxing day at home after work. Chilled on the couch for awhile until one of my buddies called and wanted to meet for some wings and beer. Watched the NBA draft until all the Carolina players were gone and went home, goofed on the X-box for a bit and hit the bed.

Me and the missus are going to go see Dave Matthews this evening at Alltell Pavillion. Haven't seen DMB in many years---since the early 90's when he was still on the collegiate circut and playing tiny clubs around Va and NC. Used to see them about two to three times a month back then. Same goes for Hootie and the Blowfish---remember those guys? ....Used to see them at frat parties, for gods sake. Now....I think frat parties are the only gigs they can get :p (sorry, Darius.... your Burger King commercial rocked, though).


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Greyhound said:

Clouds spit on us all day yesterday, so it was kind of a relaxing day at home after work. Chilled on the couch for awhile until one of my buddies called and wanted to meet for some wings and beer. Watched the NBA draft until all the Carolina players were gone and went home, goofed on the X-box for a bit and hit the bed.

Me and the missus are going to go see Dave Matthews this evening at Alltell Pavillion. Haven't seen DMB in many years---since the early 90's when he was still on the collegiate circut and playing tiny clubs around Va and NC. Used to see them about two to three times a month back then. Same goes for Hootie and the Blowfish---remember those guys? ....Used to see them at frat parties, for gods sake. Now....I think frat parties are the only gigs they can get :p (sorry, Darius.... your Burger King commercial rocked, though).
He's playing up here this weekend I think.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
hey monkeys -

not much to report here...digging out from teh work backlog a bit, hoping to get down to the Cape this weekend to see my dad, step-mom, and step-brother's new baby (born while i was out in CA).

i am digging this hot, humid weather. :D

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Greyhound said:
Me and the missus are going to go see Dave Matthews this evening at Alltell Pavillion. Haven't seen DMB in many years---since the early 90's when he was still on the collegiate circut and playing tiny clubs around Va and NC.
I went to several DMB concerts mid/late 90's. That was when he was still writing decent music, though. Almost everything since Before These Crowded Streets has (in my most humble opinion, of course) been utter garbage, and BTCS had a few sketchy tracks on it as well.

Have you heard Some Devil? Even the bonus CD with Tim on it couldn't save that piece of trash.

Hopefully he plays some older stuff at your concert :D


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
binary visions said:
I went to several DMB concerts mid/late 90's. That was when he was still writing decent music, though. Almost everything since Before These Crowded Streets has (in my most humble opinion, of course) been utter garbage, and BTCS had a few sketchy tracks on it as well.

Have you heard Some Devil? Even the bonus CD with Tim on it couldn't save that piece of trash.

Hopefully he plays some older stuff at your concert :D
Man.....you know it's gonna be that syrupy crap he's been releasing the past for years that they're bound play. Yeah.....I'm with you on that call. The only one I really, really liked was the live "Remember Two Things" CD--the first one they put out, I believe. My roommate at ECU was from Mechanicsville, Va. and was really into them in early '91. He had a lot of bootlegs that we listened to---back when they weren't afraid to take a jam on out there for 8 minutes or so. You get to making albums, and your song focus gets more and more compact....pretty soon, you're forgetting that raw element of the improvisational jam that got you to where you are.

But hey.....as long as we're selling to millions of teenie girls, what does it matter, right? :stosh:

(man.....just went on a rant there, didn't I? )


Mar 14, 2005
jdschall said:
Where in MD? When are you coming?
im going to bethesda, md. I am driving late thursday and will be there until Monday. Are you anywhere in that area???? Any suggestions of where to ride??? are you interested in riding sometime this weekend??


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Morning! Last night was glorious - I went for a road ride and the knee felt semi-good!!!!!!!!! I went down into Southern Bend where the older houses on huge plots of land are. I'd never been down there and it was nice.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Heidi said:
Morning! Last night was glorious - I went for a road ride and the knee felt semi-good!!!!!!!!! I went down into Southern Bend where the older houses on huge plots of land are. I'd never been down there and it was nice.
Good to hear you are on the bike! I had the ol' scraperoo about 2 years ago. When I woke up after the surgery, first thing I did was asked the Doc how soon I could ride again. I think I rode about 4 days afterwards. I have an OCD or osteochondral defect which means that the cartiledge (sp?) is worn through to the bone on the back of my knee cap. It will never get better. It smarts every once and a while, but it doesn't bug me too much. No more drops to flat or jogging. But everything else is all good.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Greyhound said:
You get to making albums, and your song focus gets more and more compact....pretty soon, you're forgetting that raw element of the improvisational jam that got you to where you are.
Damn right. One of the concerts I went to, Santana opened for them. Halfway through the DMB concert, Santana and Bela Fleck came out on stage and they all jammed for a solid 10+ minutes. It was awesome. Boyd Tinsley is the man, too.


Aug 14, 2002

well, RM is one of the websites that the new co's firewall allows, so that's good. new job going great- I fit in here, I'm good at the work, and gosh darn it, people like me!

agree on the 4th of july- always a nice long weekend to look forward to. hopefully REI doesnt want me to work all weekend.

bike related news: waltworks is proceeding with my rigid 29er fork!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all! Weather is really weird here. I went out early and it was gray and miserable, came in when I got hit by a couple of sprinkles...good thing because the skies opened up and it was raining HARD. Now, it's sunny and beautiful :think:

Had a nice ride last night on our local trails with a group of friends. They definately don't push my speed so my heart rate was great. I frustrated Jenn because she's been training hard and was struggling with some of the climbs and I powered right up one that she had just failed on :eek: Not sure where I got the energy, but it felt good. Luckily, the short steep climbs at the Stables are nothing compared to Dalton. I was really hungry and tired afterward so my awesome hubby drew me a bath to relax in while he made dinner (sure it was pizza, but I didn't have to cook it or clean up) :thumb:

Today I am reading up on pregnancy materials that I put off until after the race and relaxing.


Nam I am
I Are Baboon said:
Glad your sickness waited until after Dalton, Splat!
IAB remeber I was complaining of the abdominal pain just before one of my laps ? well it appears realated to that. at first they thought it was my appendix , but ruled it out because I had the pain a while and my white count is not up. so they think it is diticulitus (sp ? ) an infection in my intestine. and they have not ruled out lyme diesease yet. and a Kidney stone, and uniranry tract infection were ruled out too. so Right now I'm on ciprio.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
splat said:
IAB remeber I was complaining of the abdominal pain just before one of my laps ? well it appears realated to that. at first they thought it was my appendix , but ruled it out because I had the pain a while and my white count is not up. so they think it is diticulitus (sp ? ) an infection in my intestine. and they have not ruled out lyme diesease yet. and a Kidney stone, and uniranry tract infection were ruled out too. so Right now I'm on ciprio.
Diverticulitis? That can be a nasty recurring deal. I hope you don't have to deal with that.

Have they checked gall bladder or wrong part of the abdomen for such pain?