
~~~ Happy Monday 6/22 GMT ~~~


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
No GMT yet? You slackers!!!

Had an amazing turnout at our MTB Skills Clinic on Saturday. Sold-out (Actually 1 over) and the rain managed to stay away until we were finished :yes: All said, we're going to have to double check the expenses but I believe we'll be making a $700+ donation to the Breast Cancer Fund :yu:

Supposed to have a MTB ride tonight so hopefully the rains stay away...it's been sprinkling off and on here but the sun is peaking out now.

BBQ with the dad's for father's day yesterday and I am officially counting down the days until summer vacation (which begins Thursday at 10am for me).


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
No GMT yet? You slackers!!!

Had an amazing turnout at our MTB Skills Clinic on Saturday. Sold-out (Actually 1 over) and the rain managed to stay away until we were finished :yes: All said, we're going to have to double check the expenses but I believe we'll be making a $700+ donation to the Breast Cancer Fund :yu:
Good for you! :yes:

Good monday morning monkeys. Work has already taken a turn as a person who particuarly rubs me the wrong way has shown up on a day hes not supposed to be here. :( But its thursday for me so things are looking up.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

I'm sore today. On Friday at the tournament, I took a good shot to the ribs, felt like a cracked rib, but my trainer says it is a bruise.

I did lousy at the tournament. During my Kata competition, I stumbled in a place where I have never stumbled in doing the form. That put me out of the running for a trophy. In sparring, I fought the guy who eventually came in first place. The judging was good, only clean points were allowed, no slop. I lost 5-2.

Yesterday, BigT decides we are going to do legs and back. Lots of wall squats, lunges and pull-ups.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

Couldn't get here any earlier...internet was down when we got in this morning, and my secretary is gone for the week, so I'm actually having to do some work around here for a change.

Great weekend. Saturday was seventh-level-of-hell hot, so I made up a bunch of margaritas and we hung out by the pool. Colin, Justine and I went to a fantastic restaurant that evening and I had one of the best chicken cordon bleu's ever.

Sunday, I spent the morning at the golf course for a cancer benefit tournament. I got home, and Justine had bought me a hammock for Father's Day, so I hung out in it for awhile, listened to music, and drank a few Dead Guy Ale's while Colin played in the yard. Hit the parents house a little later on for dinner and I took Colin fishing. We caught a bunch until the mosquitoes drove us back inside.

Hot week ahead....unfortunately, I have no vacation to look forward to this summer as the downside of starting a new job is not enough paid time off accumulated yet to take one. :fie:


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Hi everybody!
Super hot here too, yet trails are still soaked from the 6+ inches of rain last week.

I spent Saturday flopping around in the lake and got lots o' sun, and tried to isolate an exhaust leak on my car yesterday whilst drinking cold beers with my Brother in his massive garage. Sort of low key weekend, and thats ok.

Great job on your fundraising TreeSaw!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Condo F*cks were awesome last night. for those who don't know, it's Yo La Tengo in raw garage rock mode. probably still a lot of you don't know. :D


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
watched we jam econo.


going to try to listen to the rest of the new sonic youth record today.

brother and his wife will be in from colorado....the threatened ass kicking on two wheels won't be happening....didn't bring his bike....stomach virus.....im safe until i go to colorado in august.

played with my other brothers iphone.....could be addicting.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Rained off and on all weekend. Trying to help the wife get ready for the cop physical test next week, but I am not much help. She continues to get stronger and faster, but with only a week to go, it will be close.

I hope to set up a mock course tonight and have a run through.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Back from the mondo hike. Sucks to be staring at an Outlook inbox with all this black bold text... ug.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning! I hate four hour meetings on Monday morning.

We had a good time at the beer fest in Boston Saturday. I slipped on a tile floor though and tweaked my knee. That wasn't fun. Hopefully it's nothing but it hurts. I'm seeing my therapist and possibly my doc this afternoon (they are in the same building). Stupid knee. And I was doing so well.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Morning all.

I rode this weekend. I meant to race, but crashed in practice the day before. Bad enough to make me not want to race. Then my camera's memory card broke when I decided to take photos instead of race. Ugh. I am sore. Very sore from this weekend.

I also met Dirt after he finished his race run for the first time. He apparently went down a couple times. Hope you are doing alright man.