
Happy New Year!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Actually did some drinking last night which was not on the agenda. Met some friends early at a local brewery, had dinner and just a couple beers and was back at the house by 7. Stayed up for another couple hours and WAY to much beer and wii. Crashed about 11. Nursing a mild hangover this morning.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Pretty bad headache.. finished my 12 of Blue Moon (plus whatever variety of shots and swigs of champagne I may have taken last night) Walked home at sunrise. And I'm currently still drunk. What is wrong with you people?


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Happy New Years! A few beers and some smoked turkey last night. In bed by 22 minutes into the new year. Today, I will ride my bike.


Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
Happy New Year, all!!! Phew! I had the entire week off between Christmas & New Year's and went skiing and/or mtb'ing every day, even went skiing AND mtb'ing on Friday. My legs are toast, so I'm taking a rest day today, and then a few friends and I are off to Hunter mtn. for some more downhill skiing early tomorrow morning. What a fantastic way to start off the year! The boy and I celebrated the New Year by going to bed at 10:30pm. :D Okay, I went to bed at 10:30... I was exhausted. I think he actually stayed up long enough to welcome the new year. Got my car inspected this morning, passed with flying colors. I'm good to go for another year. :thumb:


Sep 8, 2009
Happy New Year! Drank some fairly high alcohol beers last night with friends. Finally got out of bed today at noon today... not really hungover but not 100% with it either.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
No hangover here...taught my 9 y/o how to light fireworks (Which I had to learn for myself...put me in for Father of the Year honours early...) celebrating New Years in UAE (2 hours prior to Stuttgart time.) then tried to go to bed as the entire area shot of enough fireworks to light up the sky. Was pretty cool, but by 0400 was kinda tired of it...plus my dog HATES fireworks and being totally neurotic. 85 lb menace...

Happy New Year to all Monkeys, may it be muddy, safe and fun!


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Happy New Year.

Stayed in last night, played guitar and watched Walking Dead marathon on TV. Got lots of good sleep so I could ride this morning. Left to meet peeps for a road ride but forgot my shoes, headed back to retrieve said shoes and rear ended a pickup who did a nice stop/go/STOP thru a right turn lane with no oncoming traffic.

Fvck. :disgust:
First car accident in maybe 20 years or so. Barely dented his bumper, smashed my front end good.

Back to the sofa with me and my guitar.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
i was sober tonight as a DD while my best friend drank a gallon growler of sculpin IPA from ballast point. needless to say he was pretty tossed and provided plenty of entertainment.
Got a 22oz bottle of that a few weeks ago.......so good!

Last night was an awesome time, despite being sober the last 3-4 hours of the night. Turns out wearing this ridiculous hat is a friggin' chick magnet. Drunkenly bought it from a cart in Fanueil Hall early in the night. Best $20 I ever spent.



filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Was gonna ride...doing pre ride checks on my old hard tail...pull the seat out...clean the post, slap a touch of grease on it...slide it in and tighten, snap goes the seat binder. Of course I have no back up bolt/collar (See "Small parts online" thread...), stores are all closed. Crap...now I have 3 bikes all down for broken stupid, small parts...meh, gives me an excuse to cruise some German LBS-s in the local area am morgen...will find mud in afternoon. After I buy a flip lock seat post collar!
Was gonna ride...doing pre ride checks on my old hard tail...pull the seat out...clean the post, slap a touch of grease on it...slide it in and tighten, snap goes the seat binder. Of course I have no back up bolt/collar (See "Small parts online" thread...), stores are all closed. Crap...now I have 3 bikes all down for broken stupid, small parts...meh, gives me an excuse to cruise some German LBS-s in the local area am morgen...will find mud in afternoon. After I buy a flip lock seat post collar!
Hose clamp...