
Happy Turkey Day


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
Happy Turkey Day everyone. Let me say this, I am thankfull that I have a family to spend this day with. I am thankfull for the roof over my head. I am thankfull for clothes on my back. I am thankfull for all the laughs and insight that Ridemonkey.com has brought me.

But let me say this, let us not forget the lessfortunate. Why do (we as a society) suddenly care about the less forunate during the holidays? Why do we suddenly feel the urge to help those who need help only during these few short months. Why do we forget about these people as soon as the new year starts?

I am not saying I am perfect, or that my family is perfect, no one is. But what can we do to help others who need the help. Not those who beg for the help and choose not to help themselves, but those who try to help themselves but have a harder time doing so. But I try to help, as do many other people. Even those who need help themsevles still give to others.

So plz monkeys, not only during this time of year, but throughout the year. Plz think of ways you can help others who need the help. Contact your local food drives,clothing drives, churches, etc etc etc. and find out how you can help. Remember, you do not have to go out of your way to help, you can donate a few cans of food, those shirts, pants and other clothing thats just sits inyour closet, garage, the ones you do not wear or use. But do not let this be a one time thing. Set aside $5 or more a month and donate to foundations that help the needy. Or volunteer if funds are limited, anything will be appreciated.

I would like to thank everyone who has and will give something, no matter how big or small, money, time or food. But the fact that you are helping will not only make you feel good, it will make those that you are helping feel 100 times better than the happiness. Some may call it Karma, you do good things and good things will come to you. But I call it something else: Being A Caring Person.

A movie came to my mind while writing this rant, spew, babble, whatever you want to call it. But I thank you for giving me your time in reading this. Plz everyone, have a safe and happy holiday.


PS: Sorry for the grammatical errors and such, and sorry if you have a hard time comprehending it, its late.