
Has anyone ever reported a license plate?


Jan 25, 2004
Had a half full milk carton thrown at me today riding along side of the road, turned around and got their license plate. Do I have any hope of this dude gettin busted??


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Find someone you know who is a cop, ask them for the address of the woner, and go salt their garden and lawn!!!


Oct 27, 2003
santa barbara
dude that sucks. some people are really aholes(or really drunk). ive reported plates before when i got hit, but i guess i wrote it down wrong and it didnt belong to teh same car. hope you get them busted


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I've called and reported a drunk driver who almost took me out as he entered the freeway. As soon as I saw him lift a can of Coors Light to his lips, I had my cell phone out. I don't know if they pulled him over, but they certainly didn't tell me that they couldn't do anything about it...


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
i reported i drunk driver today when i drove back from reno, he was all over the 4 lanes of the road on highway 70 (passing lane) i got out in front of him and took off. his ass got arrested later. i saw a motorcycle rec on the way back too, i got to see the guy get carried off in a body bag :( i hope the drunk didnt run him off the road.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I 'dopped the dime' on a Lexus with Mass license plate EZLIFE after the a-hole driving it almost ran me off the road, then cut me off and slammed on his brakes after I leaned on my horn and turned the brights on. I am still mad at myself for not plowing into him. I had witnesses even.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
most PD's will take down the info on the plate and issue a "lookout" for the car if it just happened. if an officer spots the car he/she will follow and observe but we cannot make a traffic stop based only on a call from another person. however, if it is an obvious drunk driver and you can keep a safe distance and still see where the offender is going you can give updates as to the drunks location until an officer can get out with you.

but to answer your question....no, nothing will be done about the milk carton thrown at you...because, 1) you can't prove who was driving and 2) it's simply he said/she said and 3) an officer cannot give you any information about who the plate belongs too.

hope that helped


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Depends on where you live. I reported a jerkoff for almost running me over in Boudler - and the cops were real cool about it and gave me several options to pursue the matter.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
I reported a drunk driver one time that I was following on the highway, the woman was all the way across the yellow lines several times. The cops told me to stay on the line and i told them where we were. They pulled both of us over and asked me if I would testify if need be. I said sure. Then they let me go. I haven't ever heard more about it.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 27, 2001
Avondale (Phoenix)
Yeah the whole he said she said thing sucks; once while riding my Motorcycle by a local college campus I got winged in the back by a full can of beer...

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Ridemonkey said:
Depends on where you live. I reported a jerkoff for almost running me over in Boudler - and the cops were real cool about it and gave me several options to pursue the matter.
was that the same person that called you a rich college boy then tried to run you over in a store parking lot?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I get a special dark pleasure reporting dangerous/drunk/aggressive drivers to the cops. I had one guy dump out a beer on the freeway right in front of me and got it all over my car. :angry: I turned him in a heartbeat and even followed him until the cops arrived.

If someone toosed their garbage at me I would sure as hell call them in. Not only for assault but littering too. :devil:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I forgot to say that I also called in a drunk semi driver on my way home from Burlington VT to Boston.

But the last time I got behind a drunk (Halloween), I first started driving on the wrong side of the road, then turned my lights off. He pulled right over. It was on a back road and I just felt like f*ing with him.


Cops report them all day long. So the answer is yes. Someone has reported a license plate. Oh and I have called 911 on stupid dangerous people.

dh girlie

I reported some whacked out f'er driving a Cousin Eddie camper towing a pick up truck...with a HORSE in the BED of the PICK UP...I gave the CHP both the license plates and they thought I was the one that was whacked...I was like whatever...but there is a damn horse in a pick up truck bed being towed...f'n hick. Not sure if they tracked his ass down, but I hope so for the poor horses sake.


dh girlie said:
I reported some whacked out f'er driving a Cousin Eddie camper towing a pick up truck...with a HORSE in the BED of the PICK UP...I gave the CHP both the license plates and they thought I was the one that was whacked...I was like whatever...but there is a damn horse in a pick up truck bed being towed...f'n hick. Not sure if they tracked his ass down, but I hope so for the poor horses sake.
I forgot, but thanks. Now this topic has made me laugh twice.