
Has anyone heard anyhting about the new Bighits?

Oct 7, 2001
new york
I am just wondering if anyone knows anything about the new 2003 Specialized Big Hits. I am considering gettieng one. I have included a pic of the Big HIt i am thinking about getting. I am pretty sure it is a Bighit expert. the second one from the top of the line DH race. I s there anyone with any advice about a Bighit . Comments/complaints will also be welcome. I think and hope this will be a sick ride. It looks sweet fromt eh pic and its parts list.



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Saw the 03s at Interbike and ride a 01 with a 02 big link myself. The DH is a sweeet color and the shock link looks like it'll fit any aftermarket shock. The expert is nice...polished frame. The comp is a really cheesy fire engine red.

No big changes, really. Search the DH forum for TONS of threads and lots of info on the bike...my 'Big Hit Revisited' thread has a lot. Zark has one up now that's also good.

I'd comment on the bike overall, but it's all already been said ad naseum...just dig for threads on it! Enjoy.