
Has someone this hotfix for win xp??


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
have you tried contacting MS? If it's a hotfix that's not available on their website they will likely email it to you or tell you how to download it.

Also, since the issue only applies to SP2 have you tried rolling back to SP1 to see if you can get your app to run?

This is a rather technical issue, not your ordinary windows issue. Contact MS and run a few web searches and you'll likely find it. Also, since it's a dll issue see if you can find a maching that has the correct versions and copy them to the target machine. It's a longshot but it might work.


May 17, 2005
yeti cave@the beach
lol...thanx, didn t try it...in the end it was ie7 that f'ed it. i just had to delete a .dll of nx4 and now it s all fixed....and well, i noe u want to hear this, so yes u re my pc daddy...ehhmm BS!...jk