
Have you ever been involved in a Robbery??


Mar 1, 2005
In the 909
So my wife and myself are sitting in a local Bakers restaurant when three guys with guns come in and rob the place!!!!!
Me, being the only male in the restaurant, the first guy to enter looked at me and said its cool just keep eating your food.
So I calmly told my wife not to turn around and keep eating.
But then she looked up and could see everything in the reflection on the windows. She is still pretty freaked out today.

How many people here have had something like this happen to them.
I made it 30 years until last night at 9pm!!!


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
the grocery store i work at was robbed...a guy was hiding in the store and waited until the store closed and held up the closing manager and checker at gun point...he took the keys from the manager and took their phones and locked them up in the back bathroom with a pallet of tide powder then took the money out of the safe...they were locked in the bathroom until 4am when the cash office person came in and saw the doors unlocked and stuff thrown around so he called the police...crazy ****....and now my parents worry about me because i'm a closing manager

in the newspaper it said that they were "tide" up in the bathroom


Mar 1, 2005
In the 909
Snacks said:
I was robbed at gun point when I worked as a bank teller about 10 years ago.
The same thing happen to my cousin, She was only 18 at the time. And she still works at the bank.
Where I live, everything in very close to I-10 so it makes for an easy get away.
There was a bank robbery two weeks ago.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I've been mugged at gunpoint around 1988. I was in a rough part of town with two girls and we were held up on the sidewalk before the sun even set.

Two guys (I'll call them #1 the talker and #2 the guy with the big gun) came up and #1 said "give me your wallet". Being used to panhandlers everywhere always asking for a handout I said "no" and ignored him. Then #2 stands in front of one of the girls and points a semi-automatic at the three of us. I still didn't believe it and said "are you f'in serious?" I was pissed before I knew to be worried.

#1 repeats "give me your wallet" and I do so. #2 begins taking cash and jewelry from the girls. It was then when I remembered what a giagantic PITA it is to get your SS and DL replaced. I asked #1 "hey, can I have my wallet back? I just want my IDs". #1 says "what?" and I repeat "can I have my wallet? you have all my money. I just want the IDs and pictures." #1 turns to #2 and says "give him his wallet" which he did. Sweet.

Anyway, one of the girls could not remove her ring fast enough for jumpy #2 gunman and he started pulling it off. It was stuck and he was hurting her so she started yelling. BANG! #2 lets off a shot right in between the girl and me and into the brick wall some 20 feet behind us. That moment of panic was all it took for these two guys to run across the street and disappear into an alley.

So, with a shot fired, the cops arrive in a minute or two. We give some quick info then one officer says "jump in the car" and he has me show him where the bad guys headed while his partner took statements from the girls. Man, that cop took me into some shady places looking for these guys. The end result was they never found the guys, we never got anything back. True story.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
foesjunky said:
The same thing happen to my cousin, She was only 18 at the time. And she still works at the bank.
Where I live, everything in very close to I-10 so it makes for an easy get away.
There was a bank robbery two weeks ago.
I left after about a month after that, not really worth the money and having a gun in your face.

They ended up catching the dude about a year later. I went and gave a victims statement.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
oh yea, as a kid I worked in a store that was robbed.
So the thief ran out the front door with a new VCR, an expensive item back in the mid 80s. The cops catch the guy 6 or 7 blocks away, call my boss, and though he was in possession of the VCR they ask me to identify the guy at the station.

I grew up in Cicero, IL. A town with a rich history of corruption. My boss knew everyone in the PD and the town hall. We drive over and wait for the lineup. The officer says "just tell me if you see the guy that took the VCR". I look into an empty room as 4 men walk in. One guy (the thief) in a dirty tshirt and a big pot leaf tattoo on his forarm looking not-so-happy, along with 3 smiling Cicero cops in uniform who simply took off their blue shirts and stood in the line up with him. At my age I didn't appreciate just what a scene that really was.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
My brother got mugged in the mission by 6 guys wielding large knives last week... right on mission/15th


Mar 1, 2005
In the 909
Nick said:
I've been mugged at gunpoint around 1988. I was in a rough part of town with two girls and we were held up on the sidewalk before the sun even set.
Thats some scary sh*t,
I didn't start to worry untill i heard then telling the manager to open the safe, Saying " safe, safe, safe, I know you have the keys. open it or i will shoot you!!"


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
I haven't, but the old man has been....numerous times. Working in the restaurant biz in DC since the early 70's. Two quick stories I grew up with.

1. Working for Roy Rogers office and helping w/ one of their stores in Fairfax late one night. Robbers comes in, take the money and hustle my dad and manager into the walk-in. As one robber shuts the door, the manager grabs a hold of it and says "We need air". The robber tries to shut it a second time and again, "we need air". About this time the other dude comes over, sticks a gun in his face and says "Hold your breath" and slams the door. 15 minutes later, they come out and the bandits are gone.

2. Straight up out of a movie style. Another Roy's, only in Springfield off the Beltway in the 80's. W/ customers, a guy comes in w/ a hand cannon and demands money. The manager comes out and takes the money out of the register and hands it over. The robber puts down the gun to grab the money. The manager grabs the gun and starts wildly shooting chasing the cat out. I remember going in there maybe 10 years later, my dad moving a picture on the wall revealing a bullet hole.


blah blah blah
Mar 22, 2005
i think it is best to act like a friend, like when he said, "keep eating" i'd be like alright, no problem bro, you want any? my treat..or something, then again sometimes its better to be quiet..lucky you were the only one with some testoserone there, or all the guys would have rallied together, like the retards we are.good you're alright bro..never happened to me before, but came close to being robbed a few times


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
I was a bank teller in '92 and was robbed at gunpoint by my second "customer" of the day. :help: As I had just finished night drop deposits, he made out quite well. He wasn't caught at the time but about three months later the FBI showed up with a photo line-up. Funny part of the story, this guy robbed a bank in Kansas City and had an article in is wallet with the headline "One man linked to several local bank robberies" from my local newspaper, complete with a security camera photo. Needless to say he was put away for several bank robberies, mine being one as I positively identified him.:)


Mar 1, 2005
I haven't personally been involved with a holdup but I just can't help thinking of the restaurant holdup scene in Pulp Fiction. It was probably the best part of the movie.


Jun 7, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I was at a friends house party. This was someone who I haven't seen in three years. We are talking in the corner of her kitchen, when 3 guys bust in the door and hold everyone at gun point. Luckily there was a guy there who told the robbers to get the F'in gun outta his face and stood up to them. They got away with someones purse, nobody got hurt. Not sure if they were bebe guns or not, but it was scary.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Believe it or not, I have a bicycle-related robbery story.

I went over to my g/f's house. A kid rolls up to me on a bike and pulls a semi-automatic on me. I give my stuff and he tells me to run. He then rides off to the nearby projects.

Later that night, the police caught someone. It was not the same kid, but I believe it was the same bike!

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
SkaredShtles said:
I took you for a much smarter man than that............ how the Hell did this happen? :nonono:
I say things that are not true for the sake of a joke.:clue: :)

However, I did sit through it one night on cable. :bomb:
Or as you call it, "That fancy pants TV wif all dem' stations!"


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
at party, some dudes stole our keg while we were hanging out front, oh another time I stole my friends girlfriend :D but never anything with guns invovlved


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
This isn't an armed robbery, however, my house was broken into when I was living in Tacoma, WA. I was lease optioning the place (that's a whole 'nuther story), and decided not to buy. Well, one day at work, I get a call at work, as was told the house was broken into. Get home, and see stuff spread all over (gee, kinda like the movies). The usual was taken (stereo, TV, VCR, CD's, etc), which really ticked me off since they were all gifts at one time. Ended up not buying that place.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I'm lucky that even growing up right next to Detroit I never had a run in like that. My brother on the other hand was not so lucky. He was a bouncer at a club in Detroit and was on his way home after work and got hit by some guys in a car. Pulled over and got out of his truck only to have 4 guys come over and start kicking the crap out of him. They took his wallet and as they were leaving fired a shot in his direction. Thankfully they either didn't want to hit him or were a really bad aim. Moral of the story....just keep driving if you get hit in a nice so nice part of town. Your life is worth more than the car.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Thwarted a couple attempted robberies at my bike shop by tackling people trying to sprint out of the store with a bike. After a couple of those, we always rode along with high end test rides carrying a pedal wrench. Good luck trying to sprint away from the typical wrench at our store. No one did, and we all secretly wished one would, just so we could simply slide that pedal wrench into their front wheel's spokes.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 24, 2003
Mammoth Lakes, Ca
I have never been but heres a good story of a robbery in a restaurant right down the street from me. Some guy comes into this place and first gets the money out of the register, I dont think the ppl eating really knew, then he comes over and starts taking everyones wallets and jewlery and some lady visiting from england tries tickling him because she thought she was on candid camera, no one got hurt, but it could of turned ugly.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
Kids today....i mean, who hits a resturant on monday night? You ever notice, that take over type robberies don't seem to happen in states that issue alot of CCWs?