
Have you ever had to pretend to like a professor?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I just finished my POL215 class (a lower division credit that didn't transfer) and my prof was a total jackass. The class was wicked small with only 5 student in it, so you couldn't hide from the politically charged class discussions. Now, one would expect this sort of thing in a classroom environment, but he was a whacko! I mean, this guy made N8 look like a liberal!

So I would smile, laugh at his jokes, not offer any sort of opposition. Then I even had to skew my papers (I learned this after the first paper) to fit his view.

I needed the class credit, but the way it was held was a HUGE waste of my $1100. Is this the way education should be? I was expecting a more open environment looking at all points of view, not just the twisted single sided view I got.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
It shouldnt be like that but it is. I have to skew my crap all the time just because I dont want my teachers to hate me. Well, they always end up doing that anyway, but not so quickly that way.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I guess it's funny to me when I think of my sister who is a Political Science prof at UCon and compare her to the wackjob that taught this class. Guess I set my expectations to high for UoPhoenix (no offence to RM sponsors and all).

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
jimmydean said:
I guess it's funny to me when I think of my sister who is a Political Science prof at UCon and compare her to the wackjob that taught this class. Guess I set my expectations to high for UoPhoenix (no offence to RM sponsors and all).
Apparently, your prof was a very large subscriber to my signature's ethos...

*Of course, you have to skew it to make it mean the right thing....:D :D :D :D
Sounds to me like you've got someone who's hellbent on forcing their opinion down your throat regardless of reason. These are the sort of people that make higher education such a tricky thing. You're supposed to be thinking for yourself but in the end you just have to mimic whatever crazy crap your professor spews so as to pass. Yes, it's happened to me a few times. However, there are several sites that allow you to rank professors and perhaps save future students the trouble. Likewise, you may even be able to report this person to the dean of their particular school if you feel there is a serious problem at hand. They may not do anything at first, but over time it'll build and hopefully end in some repercussions for that particular professor. good luck.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
If you're skewing papers to get marks, then your prof is a jackass. Complain to the dean.

A good prof will not penalize a paper that is well supported if it has a view that he doesn't endorse. Of course, the problem is you have to take a bad mark to find out if he's good or bad....


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
Hmmm...sounds an awful lot like my political sociology class, only the extent of my "pretending to like the prof" is not showing up.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
You really have to attend a school that specializes in your program. I took some out of program courses that were a complete waste. It was as if they hired pretty much anyone to teach courses in programs they weren't known to "specialize" in.

That said, my poli undergrad courses were, for the most part, incredible. I had a few useless profs though. I had a class with some recent masters grad, whos daddy had taught at the school for 25 years. It was supposed to be a media and politics course. The chick READ her powerpoints. Which were available online. Before class.

Needless to say, I didn't go more then 3 times (first class, 1 midterm, 1 final presentation). I got an A+ in the course, go figure. 75% of the class wrote emails to the dean. S he didn't return the following year.

I had anothe rprofessor who was even worse. He made NO SENSE and was in the process of writing his PHD thesis on Aristotle. He turned a comparative politics class (400 level) into a class about "The Politics". He also assumed we were all at the same level of knowledge about Aristotle that he was.

His midterm average grade was 8, Yes 8%. The dept made him re write the exam. T his time it was 4 questions, which he gaves us the answers to the week before in a review session. WTF?

He got the worst review ever in departmental history, and was gone the next semester finishing his PHD at the Sorbonne.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
One of the nice things about being an IT major, is the majority of classes are based on fact, with little or no personal style. So luckly I didn't have to deal with a whole lot of that through my course of study, but filling in the degree requirements crap is a whole different world.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I used to smoke with a teacher who gave me all A's. One time we were dry, and he started scraping bong resin was the last time I saw him outside of classes...



My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
stinkyboy said:
I used to smoke with a teacher who gave me all A's. One time we were dry, and he started scraping bong resin was the last time I saw him outside of classes...

I did research with the coolest professor of all time. He would come out with us for beers at happy hour and between classes. Young, energetic, enthusiastic. He also told the dept chair to go to hell at one point (the week of his tenure meeting). He left the university i believe soon after to do post grad work in Ireland.

He had a thing for star trek though, which was weird. Turns out star trek is a great way to explain globalization to some people.

He is what got me through my undergrad. So awesome.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
I've got a prof that I like (he encourages us to voice our disagreements). However, he has a habit of putting extra expectations on assignments that he never tells us about and docks us for them, and I often point that out during class. On the other hand I've had profs that I definitely don't like but will say hi and smile at them while in passing.

N8, by "liberal indoctrination camp" do you mean a place where we get educated and learn about what is really going on in the world around us, as compared to what Rush Limbaugh verbally vomits over the radio and the unquestioning hordes eat up like baby chicks eat up their regurgitated worms? There is a reason most PhDs are liberal.
jimmydean said:
I just finished my POL215 class (a lower division credit that didn't transfer) and my prof was a total jackass. The class was wicked small with only 5 student in it, so you couldn't hide from the politically charged class discussions. Now, one would expect this sort of thing in a classroom environment, but he was a whacko! I mean, this guy made N8 look like a liberal!

So I would smile, laugh at his jokes, not offer any sort of opposition. Then I even had to skew my papers (I learned this after the first paper) to fit his view.

I needed the class credit, but the way it was held was a HUGE waste of my $1100. Is this the way education should be? I was expecting a more open environment looking at all points of view, not just the twisted single sided view I got.

I was an engineering student who took a lot of English literature, history, and ethics courses, and had a blast. The one teacher who I hated was a Dutch guy who tried to teach differential equations. I gritted my teeth and got through the course on hate. He got trashed by the whole class in evaluations and went off the handle in front of the class.

After you get the grade, complain to the school administration in writing.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
kinghami3 said:
N8, by "liberal indoctrination camp" do you mean a place where we get educated and learn about what is really going on in the world around us, as compared to what Rush Limbaugh verbally vomits over the radio and the unquestioning hordes eat up like baby chicks eat up their regurgitated worms? There is a reason most PhDs are liberal.
Nope.. I mean liberal indoctrination camp.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I had a logic teacher who was right off the boat from Hungary. No one could understand a thing she said. Totally did not belong teaching anything in the US. Although, she was so hot, that I didnt have to pretend to like her. I stuck the class out for the full semester, ruining my GPA with a "C-". What torture...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
johnbryanpeters said:
After you get the grade, complain to the school administration in writing.
At the end of every class there is an "end of class survey" that you can fill out. They go to both the prof, and the dean. The bad part of those was when I learned the hard way that the instructor I had for object oriented programming was the dean of IT. It was the worst class of all my intro to programming classes.

UoPhoenix isn't exactly a top notch university though, but I wish I got what I paid for at $1100 a course.

Jonny Wray

Oct 4, 2001
San Francisco
Uni. of Phoenix? Dosen't suprise me the guy was not a good prof. They tried to recruite me a few years ago. I went through their overly strict applications procedures, that actually had little to do with applicability to teach the subject, and was ready to sign on. Then came the rub - the pay would have worked out about $9 an hour. And this is for someone with a PhD and was working full time in the subject they are going to be teaching. I told the recruiter where to stick it.

So, anyone who'd work for the rates they pay must be hack in my book. Otherwise it's plain insulting.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
No, I did not have to pretend I did not like a professor, but I have skewed a paper or two for sure.
My freshman year in college, I had a first year Sociology professor from Conneticut.
She was a die hard far left militant feminist.:help:
Near the end of the semester, we had a paper due, and I needed a good grade, so I wrote it on a bunch of hogwash about women being treated unfairly.
Being the veteran bull$hitter that I am, I got an A on the paper and a B in the class.
I also watched some camo wearing nutjob argue with her all semester and end up with a D.
I learned an important lesson that semester.:clue: :)


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Jonny Wray said:
Uni. of Phoenix? Dosen't suprise me the guy was not a good prof. They tried to recruite me a few years ago. I went through their overly strict applications procedures, that actually had little to do with applicability to teach the subject, and was ready to sign on. Then came the rub - the pay would have worked out about $9 an hour. And this is for someone with a PhD and was working full time in the subject they are going to be teaching. I told the recruiter where to stick it.

So, anyone who'd work for the rates they pay must be hack in my book. Otherwise it's plain insulting.
They make about $1000 a class for 4 hours a week of class time and a fist full of emails and papers. I am good friends with the guy who taught my Java, Advanced Web Development and Relational Databases classes. He gave me the skinny and said it wasn't a bad gig if you have about 6 hours a week to spare.

The crap part is you get paid the same if there is 5 or 50 students in your class. And if they offer you a class and you turn it down, you may not be offered another class.

He does about 2 classes a month and uses the dough for toys. He had just finished a nice chopper last time we spoke.


Jun 10, 2002
i've never held back on an essay, or reworded in order to please a professor. a large portion of my profs have been democrats/ liberals, but they aren't stupid. then again, a lot have been tenured, as well, and from what i've seen, a tenured prof can pull whatever he/ she wants as long as his **** was getting published.

and why are most PhDs liberal?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I've had a couple like that. They suck. I feel bad saying this but both were single/never married women in their late 40s who seemed pissed off at society. It sucks that you have to get a poor grade on a paper that you worked hard on to realize that you can only write papers that are nothing more than recitations of the s*** they spew in class without any room for personal analysis or insight. I got through those classes by reminding myself that the credit was the only thing that really mattered. I just finished in December so good luck with whatever it is that you are going to school for.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
the Inbred said:
and why are most PhDs liberal?
eh, I just pulled that stat out of my a$$; I really have no idea, but I was hoping no one would call me on it :D. Most of my science/engineering profs seem to have been conservative, while my humanities profs seem to be liberal.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Jonny Wray said:
Uni. of Phoenix? Dosen't suprise me the guy was not a good prof.
it's like responding to those emails saying "get y0ur dipl0m4 today!!@"

and no, you should never have to suck up to the prof and pander to his views for a grade. the purpose of schooling is to teach how to think, not how to parrot.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Toshi said:
and no, you should never have to suck up to the prof and pander to his views for a grade. the purpose of schooling is to teach how to think, not how to parrot.
Correcto. A good teacher will grade you well even if you disagree with him/her constantly. I had a few very good teachers like that, and I learned the most from them as well.
But, you do not always have good teachers, and sometimes you have to read them early, and play the game.
The one I had was fresh out of college herself, and could not hide her rage when you disagreed with her views. Her face would turn bright red and she looked like a Succubus.