
Have you ever...


Mar 14, 2005
rode into then right out of a rain storm???

This morning before i left for work I looked outside to decide whether it was ok to commute today. It was not raining, there was some fog and the ground was a bit wet.. Today the weather here is supposed to be nice, so I commuted... as i get to a long stretch off road I notice it significantly darker out about 10 blocks ahead of me.. Not thinking much about it, I keep pedaling on. as i appraoch it i notice its rain.. not a drizzle , but heavy downpour. I start thinking about how it wasnt supposed to rain today. before i know it, less than 2 blocks later, the rain has completely gone, its clear out <no more fog> and the streets not even that wet... totally wierd!! i was a little ticked that i was now very wet... but still amazed at what just happened.. it was pretty damn cool


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Yupper....happened to Sq-Earl and I last summer up on Spier Falls...very fast moving, violent T-storm that we managed to beat down the hill and hit us again when we got in the truck.