
Having a hard time finding a full face that fits well. Halp?


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
I've been riding Giro Remedys, size large, for quite a while. They fit pretty well, have protected me just fine, and don't cost a ton. Great. My current one's ready for retirement, and while I could just keep on buying Giro, I'm wondering if there's anything else out there that might work. I'd say the fit on the Giro is fine, but not brilliant, so I think it's not unreasonable to think I could do better. Here's what I've looked at so far:

-POC: Too small, even in XL
-TLD: D2 XL is too big, next size down is too small. L D3 is too small, haven't found an XL to try anywhere. More than I want to spend anyway.
-661: XL Evo fits OK, not awesome.
-Fox: Tried a few on, fit wasn't great. Forget models.

So anyone have any other ideas? Haven't found anything from THE, Urge, etc to try? Any way to compare fits (subjective, I know) to anything on my list above? Thanks for the help.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
I don't see any mention of it on their website. An XL D2 with fatter cheek pads would probably work pretty well. Wonder if I could just space them out with a bit of foam sheet underneath them....

Can't say that I'm entirely stoked about having to mod a $300 helmet to make it fit though. If TLD does make fatter cheek pads it's a great thought though. Anyone know anything about this?



May 24, 2007
Maybe if you gave some more info on why your remedy doesn't fit great then we could help you out a little better.

I know my answers aren't going to be the "bling" answers but for me I just prefer that they fit good.

If you want almost an identical helmet to the giro remedy that is a tad bit bigger and has softer/more comfortable pads (but it fits the same head shape) then check out the Bell drop helmet. We got my wife a small remedy and it was a bit too tight on her so we got her the small drop and it fit her perfect. Everything fits about the same on them except the pads squish a bit more and are waaaay more comfortable.

Now if the remedy is too big you could check out the bell bellistic. I have been using them for 3 years now. They are way cheap and fairly lightweight. The fit my odd shaped head perfect. I have tried on many different helmets as well. none of the troy lee's fit me.

So for reference. the bellistic, remedy, and drop all fit about the same but the are all a bit bigger when you move up to the next one. The Drop is a sick helmet and is extremely comfortable but it was just a tad to big for me. If you got a big dome then check them out.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
L Remedy is a *tiny* bit big. I'll see if I can find a Bellistic to try on. Not worried about bling (I mean, I've been using Remedys forever and they make it look like you just walked off the set of Spaceballs, so.... :D)

Hesh To Steel

Dec 12, 2007
Hell's Kitchen
Make sure you try the bellistic on before you buy. I ran one for half season and it left a large section of the back of my head exposed. I never fell into the back of my head so it never became an issue, but eventually it freaked me out to the point that I replaced it.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 21, 2005
Lancaster, PA
HAB, I have the exact same issue, so I'm going to jump in with some additional questions, hope you don't mind.

I've read that Urge runs small, so that would be out for me as well. Can anyone comment on the shape of the D2 or D3 fit? As in, is it better for round heads or oval heads? I'm the latter, and always get pressure on my forehead in just about every helmet. The Remedy works, but is a little loose side to side in order to be comfortable on the forehead.

For moto reference, Aria fits great, Shoei is tolerable, HJC is unwearable.


May 11, 2008
Scottsdale, AZ
I run a Remedy and it fits my oddly shaped head perfectly. I wouldn't count out the Urge if you can find one to try. I run the Endur-o-matic, which does run a bit small, but tried on the Down-o-matic and it runs much bigger. It also fits very differently, which may work for the OP (didn't for me).