Im over getting excited......Ha, no way he would actually post his real name. Just forget about it, he's just trying to get you guys riled and start stuff. Looks like he succeeded
Im over getting excited......Ha, no way he would actually post his real name. Just forget about it, he's just trying to get you guys riled and start stuff. Looks like he succeeded
looks like the typical summer patter. 40% chance sat, 60% chance after 2pm on sunday. that's better odds than the first race last year either way, i'm bringing my floatiesFrom this weather report, it looks like the dirty bird is going to live up to its name once again. Bring the rain gear!
looks like the typical summer patter. 40% chance sat, 60% chance after 2pm on sunday. that's better odds than the first race last year either way, i'm bringing my floaties
Can't miss devils rd. dead-ends into Hawksnest's massive parking lot.where do you park for this event. never been there and it would be usefull info. not trying to search around for the parking location... or is it just a big open lot that is obvious....,+nc&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Boone,+NC&gl=us&ei=8sEJTMXnLcGqlAfT9P2NDg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCEQ8gEwAA
so i basically take 7 devils road off of 105 and I think i turn left onto skyland drive. is that correct. and then I should run into a big parking lot. if not could you please correct my directions. im just not trying to spend 20 minutes finding the right route up to the race entrance point. much thanks to whoever can point me in the right direction...
I agree on all accounts Dr. Mike. And I think the young men putting this race together should be very proud of themselves. So good to see y'all stepping up in such a big way.Great track, great weather, great people. Big thanks to the Dirty Bird Crew for a first rate event. Looking forward to August already!