
Hayes mech discs - need simple answer please!


Sep 27, 2004
Ok, I've just got a new bike with hayes MX-2 mechanical discs and the pads are definetely rubbing on the disc. Can I adjust the spacing myself with an allen key or do I have to take it in to the lbs?

I'm a total newb to bike maintenance in general and discs in particular so words of one syllable or less would help :p Well, at least words that are in common english rather than bikeish!


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Aligning the caliper mechanism:
Loosen the two bolts that hold the main body of the brake onto the mounting yoke or fork. These bolts aim forward along the axis of the rotor, with one above and below the calipers. The holes for these bolts allow for some side-to-side "play" that positions the caliper mechanism. (Don't take the bolts out; just back off the tension in the bolt enough to allow the rotor to "shift" a bit on its mounting.)

If the caliper is obviously crooked, you can nudge it a bit to center it on the rotor. Now insert a playing card along each side of the rotor. If you like a bit more handle motion before the brake engages, put two cards along the piston side of the caliper (the side that actually moves when the brake lever is pulled).

Now grasp the brake lever tightly to push the pads tight against the rotor. Have an assistant keep the brake lever tight.
While the pads are tight, tighten down both retaining bolts securely.
Remove the cards from the rotor. Spin the wheel to be sure the rotor is clear of the pads. If necessary, adjust again, altering the thickness and number of playing cards used


Sep 22, 2004
he showed you pics of a hydraulic brake. If your hayes are mechanical you can adjust the inside pad by hand with the knob or on the cheaper mechs you need a 5mm wrench. If you need to use a wrench on yours there is a set screw on top that you must loosen first. Be careful though because the set screw likes to strip itself.

What he showed you above is great for centering. Always check that first to save yourself some headaches. Those pics above should help alot with centering.


Sep 26, 2004
Away in the head
Yeah, I tried centering and that didnt quite work so I adjusted the wheel-side pad with the allen key - just turned it about a quarter rotation and the pad moved enough.

I hope that isnt gonna cause more problems?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
nope, it shouldn't cause any problems!!! YOu'll figure them out eventually, and with mechs... don't quote me on this ...

Not much can go wrong.