Does some of you tried replacement levers for hayes? (Dangerboy, Razzorrock(dabomb) or GRC? I wanna know which one is the best, hows it feel and if its worth the money.
Search might help. First you need to decide if you want a shorter lever (dangerboy, rrock, GRC shorty) or a longer one (GRC Moto).
I use GRC Moto levers on my Hayes and really like them. Noticably stronger and stiffer than the stock levers. I like one finger braking and I have small hands and short and relatively weak fingers. Because of this, I run my levers as far inboard as possible, basically as far toward the stem as I can go while still being able to reach the shifter. I also run the levers with a decent amount of throw but really close to the bar so my fingers can reach easily. The GRCs, because of their length and stiffness, allow me to do this better than with stock. RRocks (or whoever makes a copy now) are good, but I never liked the shorty idea. I want more leverage, not less.
a plumbers torch and some careful bending. I also angled them in such a way that the reach set-screw is as far in as possible to get the most power out of them.
the GRC long ones are killer. They're long enough that you get a ton of leverage (power) and the hook on the end is sweeet for 1-fingering it. The only issue I've found is that they're pretty strong, so when they take a hit, something else gives, not the lever blade. I've busted about 10 pivot pins between my two sets of Purples (both w/ grc blades) due to the added force transmitted thru the lever blade.
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