


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Why don't you turn off the cap lock?

I rode them, I didn't like them, due to the fact a had to adjust the lever after every run........


Nov 15, 2003
Aweful, my friend won't ride DH until he replaces his. He's had these peices of **** fail on him in the middle of a DH run way too many times. He takes them to a shop and has them fix em up, they say they are fine, only to have them give out on him again. Dangerous.


Feb 15, 2005
I`ve heard nothing but good of Hayes.
Ok, spare parts are a bit expensive, but so is everything else in this hobby. I`ve just ordered Hayes El Caminos with 8" discs, hope they aren`t a failure.
I don`t want to go for Hope... though they work great.


May 25, 2004
but so is everything else in this hobby.
dude sorry this isnt a hobby. its deffinatly a sport (if bass fishing is a sport then mountain biking is deffinatly is a sport)

ohh and have a friend with 9's and he has to adjust them after every ride. rode with a guy sunday that had them on this pimpin bullit (dont ask me why). but he had to adjust them before we road and after we finished. if you ask me that is just plain annoing. especially when i have a 3 year old pair of mags and dont have to adjust the leaver pull at all. except for when i bought them. so 9's = **** mag's = the ****.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
me89 said:
dude sorry this isnt a hobby. its deffinatly a sport (if bass fishing is a sport then mountain biking is deffinatly is a sport)

Uh, it's "deffinatly" [SIC] a hobby if you want it to be a hobby, and a sport if you want it to be a sport, and there's no great distiction between the two terms. Are we really going to introduce yet another way to categorize things, like the "What's the definition of 'freeride'?" threads?

Anyhow... The HFX-9's are budget brakes. Treat them as such. Buy Mags if you want high end brakes.

Given the sheer number of bikes that come stock with HFX-9's, combined with their budget nature, I'd say that they have a suprisingly low failure rate.


May 25, 2004
well if were catagorizing then why dont we call football, or baseball, or basketball a hobby. ohh well shouldnt have said anything but i classify it as a sport.

but yeh what he said 9's are budget brakes but the calipers are the same for the mags and the 9's the diff is in the lever. so you can just buy the leaver and keep the calipers and you will be all good. prob solved.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
me89 said:
well if were catagorizing then why dont we call football, or baseball, or basketball a hobby. ohh well shouldnt have said anything but i classify it as a sport.
from dictionary.com
hobby: An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
sport: 1a. Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
b. A particular form of this activity.
2. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
3. An active pastime; recreation.

it's both, amigo.


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
caputo1989 said:
BTW most people that I work with in the shop say the mags are crap and the 9's are the best break that Hayes has ever made.
FYI: I work in a Hihgh $ specialty store.
No offense, but the people you work with are idiots.

The quality level of the 9's is strikingly low when compared to the Mags. What exactly do the people you work with say is "wrong" with Mags??